For anecdotal observations, I note the @Mighty-mouse does 100 mcg a day of T4, and he is the resident testing expert and high responder here. I don't think anybody else has tested IGF-1 as much as he has.
Yes I take 100mcg on 5-6 iu and 75mcg 2-4 iu

so are you saying that's the most we should need or that we would probably need more if we're not like him?

I would recommend getting bloodwork, if you can. to dial in your dose.
I have only had the abdiibraham brand. T3. But I know they have t4 and some guys have it international.
Check sites like expressPCT or reliablerx or alldaychemist if you're USA so many options for generic pharma. You may have shit labs but plenty of suppliers for generic meds.
Got my t4 from reliable
Dirt cheap
Customs examined it but let it through
It’s a brand by abbott labs so I’m guessing it’s legit lol India is where all our shit comes from any how
Well guys be careful. Some mother fucker got into my email somehow. After placing semding payment and address info there is another email sent from my side asking for a change of address and recipient. Sucks but fuck, what can you do but get a new account
Well guys be careful. Some mother fucker got into my email somehow. After placing semding payment and address info there is another email sent from my side asking for a change of address and recipient. Sucks but fuck, what can you do but get a new account
Curious what email provider were you using ?
Well shit 90% of us are screwed then lol
How did you finally realized it was hacked ?
I asked him to check on the package. He responded in one email saying it was delivered on a specific date. He also responded with another email telling me he replied with the same answer to the email I sent asking for the address and recipient change. So I went back to the first one he sent, and scrolled down to see that "i" sent an email asking for the aforementioned change. That email isnt in my sent for trash folder. It is in the small chain of replies though.
For fun I looked up the house it was sent to, real big house, family and shit. Not what I expected for hacker
I asked him to check on the package. He responded in one email saying it was delivered on a specific date. He also responded with another email telling me he replied with the same answer to the email I sent asking for the address and recipient change. So I went back to the first one he sent, and scrolled down to see that "i" sent an email asking for the aforementioned change. That email isnt in my sent for trash folder. It is in the small chain of replies though.
For fun I looked up the house it was sent to, real big house, family and shit. Not what I expected for hacker
and your password is strong and complex?
I asked him to check on the package. He responded in one email saying it was delivered on a specific date. He also responded with another email telling me he replied with the same answer to the email I sent asking for the address and recipient change. So I went back to the first one he sent, and scrolled down to see that "i" sent an email asking for the aforementioned change. That email isnt in my sent for trash folder. It is in the small chain of replies though.
For fun I looked up the house it was sent to, real big house, family and shit. Not what I expected for hacker
Is your protonmail password the same as any forum board?
There is a guy who managed to hack a few source websites awhile back and he was doing that.
Is your protonmail password the same as any forum board?
There is a guy who managed to hack a few source websites awhile back and he was doing that.
Yea I think it is on one of the shiesty source boards. I don't really go on anything but meso an pm but I got bored a while back and hopped back on a few shit boards