IGF-I stimulates proliferation, whereas T3 induces hypertrophic differentiation (115). The fact that T4 is also active in this system is noteworthy. T4 is a prohormone that is converted to T3 by 5′-DI type 1 in peripheral tissues. GH stimulates conversion of T4 to T3 (116, 117), suggesting that some effects of GH may involve this pathway.

Never taking it before, so I'm going to start off at 2ius and see what it does and then I plan on going up to 5ius if I handle it accordingly. For at least 4 months or so.
For anecdotal observations, I note the @Mighty-mouse does 100 mcg a day of T4, and he is the resident testing expert and high responder here. I don't think anybody else has tested IGF-1 as much as he has.
Never taking it before, so I'm going to start off at 2ius and see what it does and then I plan on going up to 5ius if I handle it accordingly. For at least 4 months or so.
That is a very good idea. Lots of persons who jump right in on a higher dose experience worse side effects. Also, I probably would not bother with the T4 until you had been at higher doses for a few weeks.
Yeah, I'm used to doing 600 to 800 a week. The only side effects I normally get is a tiny bit of insomnia, night sweats the first few days before it's about to start kicking in and that's really it. Haha
Yeah I read them, I already have the sitting here, so gonna get t4 also. Same name brand. I don't know where to get the armour stuff
Just have to find someone us domestic that has it. Really don't want to deal with the international and that's all I'm seeing so far with sources. SMH.