Dam opti you're on Point brotha. Keep Killin it!
I've been on 3iu Ed for about a year now was using it to help with a disc injury I had. I feel awesome and don't want to come off. Is there a benefit to coming off and giving the body a break? I honestly just planned on Lowering to 2iu and staying there till who knows. Been trying to find some info on the topic but most studies don't go into the longevity use. I always pin in the morning fasted and wait 1 hr to eat or at night before bed on an empty stomach. Appreciate any info fellas thanks.
I look at it like this... if you are not using t4 you are not getting the full effect of growth.

When you inject growth it will accelerate your T4 conversion to T3 and without taking T4 your levels will be low and your T3 levels will be high.

So adding in T4 will help your thyroid levels be more consistent. And it all depends on how your body metabolizes it. For me if I’m on 6iu morning or split shots I take 100mcg with it that will keep my T4 numbers in the normal range and elevate my T3 levels. I believe half life on T4 is around 5-6 days so u don’t need to split that dose.

Everyone could be different I dialed in 75mcg T4 on 4 iu growth as well.

Also I would NOT buy ugl made T4 if it was the last place on earth. They couldn’t mix that batch of pills up correctly to save their first born life.
My doctor prescribes 300mg/day of t4. I just take half that so I accumulate some t4 that I get from CVS and sell them. I'm not sure if this board has classifieds. If so, I might list some the items that I accumulate for sale.
My doctor prescribes 300mg/day of t4. I just take half that so I accumulate some t4 that I get from CVS and sell them. I'm not sure if this board has classifieds. If so, I might list some the items that I accumulate for sale.
No classifieds. But you could source. We love guys who want to help while making extra $$ for themselves. Buckle up and post that menu.
Oldschool, you don't think hgh will help? I am not a doctor, and I frankly do not know for certain, but it seems from anecdotes I have read from others that hgh speeds healing. Thoughts?
Exactly. I mean, what does GH do and why is it most active when you sleep? Because that's when you grow, repair, and regenerate your body. When you are old and produce little GH your body cannot keep up with the daily breakdown and you just start, well, breaking down. Skin, joints, muscles, organs, cognitive ability. Everything just wears out and breaks down. Recovery from everything is slower and harder.
No classifieds. But you could source. We love guys who want to help while making extra $$ for themselves. Buckle up and post that menu.
Well, I don't get enough product to make it worthwhile to pay a sourcing fee.
It's just extras. I've been with my doctor forever and he knows what I am doing and is very "modern" in his thinking. I use to be much more hardcore so, for instance, my estro would get very high and he prescribes me a tab a day of adex AND aromasin. I'm just on TRT now and only use a one tab a week of each so the extras build up pretty quick. Same with t3 and t4.
Damn usps taking their sweet time with my package. Lol. Said it would be here yesterday and still "in transit" as of today by informed delivery
Ok bros, is he the man I send my coin to tonight? No bullshit. I think so, just want that confirmation that someone else would to.

Did you read any of the past 280 pages? Do your own research rather than wanting a random to reply to you with "Yes"

If you are USA you pretty much have 3 options and he is probably tied for 1a/1b with generics imo.
If the bloodwork doesn't convince you, you should keep looking.
Two questions #1 his list also has jin and sinotropin both 4$ an iu or so so can anyone tell me definitively what do you get out of the more expensive stuff? Ill drop the coin uf its really worth it. So is it?

#2 list says something like 280iu kit (hplc=27iu) or something sim wtf does that even mean? ***Nevermind i figured it out

99.36% purity is way up there on grey tops so far as what little i know.
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Two questions #1 his list also has jin and sinotropin both 4$ an iu or so so can anyone tell me definitively what do you get out of the more expensive stuff? Ill drop the coin uf its really worth it. So is it?

#2 list says something like 280iu kit (hplc=27iu) or something sim wtf does that even mean?

It means you have done like zero research on HGH. The two are Pharmacy grade meaning they are mfg by a registered pharmaceutical company meaning it is always going to be "higher quality"

The other ones are generics meaning they are created in a high quality lab as referenced by the tests, this lab is not an accredited big pharma company in that country of origin.

hplc=27iu means he sent a vial in for testing to someone who performed Liquid Chromatography on it to prove each vial contains 27iu of HGH......

Do your research before throwing money at something this expensive.

Jins > Sino > 120ius > 280iu kits would be my order if I had unlimited money.

People may report less side effects and better results with real pharma HGH compared to the generics and let's be honest you are always better off with pharmacy grade.
It means you have done like zero research on HGH. The two are Pharmacy grade meaning they are mfg by a registered pharmaceutical company meaning it is always going to be "higher quality"

The other ones are generics meaning they are created in a high quality lab as referenced by the tests, this lab is not an accredited big pharma company in that country of origin.

hplc=27iu means he sent a vial in for testing to someone who performed Liquid Chromatography on it to prove each vial contains 27iu of HGH......

Do your research before throwing money at something this expensive.

Jins > Sino > 120ius > 280iu kits would be my order if I had unlimited money.

People may report less side effects and better results with real pharma HGH compared to the generics and let's be honest you are always better off with pharmacy grade.
Zero research? You have no idea ive spent so much time researching i should have a fucking diploma by now. Also you failed to really answer my question, tho im not sure there really isca good answer. I kinda feel like ordering jins because of the peace of mind id get knowing the consistency will be there but opti comes across professional i cant see him benefitting from cutting vials short here or there but ive seen so many turn over the years i just about assume they all will....
Two questions #1 his list also has jin and sinotropin both 4$ an iu or so so can anyone tell me definitively what do you get out of the more expensive stuff? Ill drop the coin uf its really worth it. So is it?

#2 list says something like 280iu kit (hplc=27iu) or something sim wtf does that even mean? ***Nevermind i figured it out

99.36% purity is way up there on grey tops so far as what little i know.
This is meant sarcastically right ?
Zero research? You have no idea ive spent so much time researching i should have a fucking diploma by now. Also you failed to really answer my question, tho im not sure there really isca good answer. I kinda feel like ordering jins because of the peace of mind id get knowing the consistency will be there but opti comes across professional i cant see him benefitting from cutting vials short here or there but ive seen so many turn over the years i just about assume they all will....
Obviously not or you wouldn’t be asking such idiotic questions
FYI googling the term “HGH” and reading the Wikipedia entry is not “diploma” worthy research
Your questions are 100% ignorance
And then
Read some more