If anyone here is on berberine, this study is pretty interesting. It seems that berberine can lower your IGF-1 pretty significantly. It also can impeded muscle growth, in another study I read.

Something is definitely off with me just has me puzzled as to why my numbers dropped and after changing to generic as well as upping the dose igf-1 was the exact same number, I'm not leaning out, no tiredness, nothing absolutely nothing. Then the clinic that prescribed me the gh just said well we can prescribe you a different kind as we have no idea what's wrong.
I remember having read Increlex has been created because there are some kids can couldn’t convert HGH and or don’t have some HGH receptors whatever and need straight IGF1
Update on my personal experience. I'm on the 120s. Per my doctor, I dropped down to 3IU five days on and two days off. I've been on that protocol for about 1.5 months or so. The last few days to a week, my hands have been pretty swollen and my fingers have been really tingly, especially when I sleep--but also a little throughout the day as well. My thumbs and forefingers are lightly numb as I'm writing this. I have been waking up multiple times at night with complete dead hands. Also, my middle finger on my left hand can only be described as clicking in the big joint when I wake up in the morning. The last two mornings, it's been stuck in the closed position when I wake up and it literally clicks in the big joint when I open it. That goes away once I get up and move around.

I dropped down to 2IU today, and was thinking about moving to 3-4IU EoD to see if that helps.

Any thoughts?
Update on my personal experience. I'm on the 120s. Per my doctor, I dropped down to 3IU five days on and two days off. I've been on that protocol for about 1.5 months or so. The last few days to a week, my hands have been pretty swollen and my fingers have been really tingly, especially when I sleep--but also a little throughout the day as well. My thumbs and forefingers are lightly numb as I'm writing this. I have been waking up multiple times at night with complete dead hands. Also, my middle finger on my left hand can only be described as clicking in the big joint when I wake up in the morning. The last two mornings, it's been stuck in the closed position when I wake up and it literally clicks in the big joint when I open it. That goes away once I get up and move around.

I dropped down to 2IU today, and was thinking about moving to 3-4IU EoD to see if that helps.

Any thoughts?
Well all I can say is I’ve been on 6iu eod (am fasted) and none of those sides to speak of
Just tiredness
But it’s manageable
About to up it to 7iu then 8iu then I’m not going any further and if sides become present I’ll back off
Well all I can say is I’ve been on 6iu eod (am fasted) and none of those sides to speak of
Just tiredness
But it’s manageable
About to up it to 7iu then 8iu then I’m not going any further and if sides become present I’ll back off
Thanks for the feedback. It's all very interesting to me--the way the body responds. The first 120 kit, I took 4IU and I didn't really have any sides speak of. It's just been the second one where I've had them. Same batch, so I'm not insinuating anything fishy. Just saying.
Thanks for the feedback. It's all very interesting to me--the way the body responds. The first 120 kit, I took 4IU and I didn't really have any sides speak of. It's just been the second one where I've had them. Same batch, so I'm not insinuating anything fishy. Just saying.
How long total have you been on ?
And I’m assuming 4iu daily ?
Update on my personal experience. I'm on the 120s. Per my doctor, I dropped down to 3IU five days on and two days off. I've been on that protocol for about 1.5 months or so. The last few days to a week, my hands have been pretty swollen and my fingers have been really tingly, especially when I sleep--but also a little throughout the day as well. My thumbs and forefingers are lightly numb as I'm writing this. I have been waking up multiple times at night with complete dead hands. Also, my middle finger on my left hand can only be described as clicking in the big joint when I wake up in the morning. The last two mornings, it's been stuck in the closed position when I wake up and it literally clicks in the big joint when I open it. That goes away once I get up and move around.

I dropped down to 2IU today, and was thinking about moving to 3-4IU EoD to see if that helps.

Any thoughts?
I was having similar sides when I switched to the 120 batch from the older 100's. I was getting toward the end of my run so I just stopped. I'd do what you said and drop dose. I tried every other day dosing before, but seemed to get more sides than running everyday
Since 12/15/20. 4 IU daily 5 on 2 off. For the last month or so I've been on 3IU daily 5 on 2 off. Tested IGF in early January and it was 415 on 4IU. Going to test again in a week or two. Will post results.
That’s a good score tbh
I’m gonna pay out of pocket ina few weeks to see what 8iu eod will put me at along with my thyroid
Are you retaining water ?
I never got any rapid weight gain but I have been slowly gaining weight each week since starting roughly 1.2lbs a week but I’ve increase kcals when I started
I was having similar sides when I switched to the 120 batch from the older 100's. I was getting toward the end of my run so I just stopped. I'd do what you said and drop dose. I tried every other day dosing before, but seemed to get more sides than running everyday
How high were you running it Ed vs eod
That’s a good score tbh
I’m gonna pay out of pocket ina few weeks to see what 8iu eod will put me at along with my thyroid
Are you retaining water ?
I never got any rapid weight gain but I have been slowly gaining weight each week since starting roughly 1.2lbs a week but I’ve increase kcals when I started
I'm definitely retaining water in my hands. It's takes real effort to get my ring off, which is how I've always monitored water retention. Even with ten dandelion pills a day, it doesn't go away. I've had to loosen my belt one notch as well, which I believe is water as well. My diet hasn't changed. I can still wear it where I normally do, it's just tight.