Good read from @Wunderpus sy...

from here HGH split dose because of half-life?

Maybe, your ability to search pubmed is equal to my own. However, I anecdotally, as well as others I know, have yielded better results than one large bolus dose. My understanding is, you can only produce SO much IGF-1 at a time... So, at some point, larger doses will yield diminishing returns. Not only that, I would prefer to have a few spikes over one, personally.

When I have some time, I can see if I can dig up some studies/data on why spreading the dose may be better. It has, anecdotally, always worked better for ME.... For what that's worth.

Pharmacological aspects of growth hormone replacement therapy: route, frequency and timing of administration. - PubMed - NCBI

"The frequency of subcutaneous injections correlates positively with growth rate in animal studies. This is commonly ascribed to a closer resemblance to the endogenous pulsatile pattern. However, frequent subcutaneous injections do not induce a pulsatile pattern, but a pattern which is intermediary between continuous and true pulsatile administration. In a short-term patient study, we observed that pulsatile and continuous intravenous administration of GH generated identical increases in serum insulin-like growth factor I, which suggests that both pulsatory and constant, small elevations in serum GH are important for its actions. Concerning the time of administration, evening GH injections yield a more physiological pattern, and it has been shown that evening GH administration induces increased nitrogen retention and is more successful in normalizing circadian patterns of pertinent hormones and metabolites."

Well one factor I cater it around is the goal... If hypertophy is the goal, I structure my timing based on that. So, pre workout and pre bed I've found to be ideal. If fat loss is the goal, pre fasted AM cardio then pre bed appears to work best. I believe pre lifting w/ a carb surplus or exo. insulin is the MOST effective way to elicit the maximum amount of hypertrophy.... Steroids are also catered to the goal in mind, along with supplements etc.

I believe pre bed is the second best option, and pre workout is the most ideal. if you're splitting the dose, I would always have a pre bed shot and cater the other shot to either pre lifting or pre cardio.

Yeah, I've tried large bolus doses pre workout only, pre bed only and split doses... I liked the results I saw from the split doses and it just seemed to be the most logical method to me.
So it seems: For fat loss, better one dosage fasted pre cardio upon waking (if not very high like more than 5iu I think, don’t know, I used 3.3iu and was fine)

for bulk phase, split dosage pre Wo and pre bed, don’t know about suppression of endo night pulse
So it seems: For fat loss, better one dosage fasted pre cardio upon waking (if not very high like more than 5iu I think, don’t know, I used 3.3iu and was fine)

for bulk phase, split dosage pre Wo and pre bed, don’t know about suppression of endo night pulse
Nice, thanks. Will do a split type schedule for a bit.
I want to get leaner... I have the Opti 120's. I have been taking 3iu a day for 3 months. Not getting much leaner. Should I up it to 4iu a day? Oh ya I do the whole 3iu an hour before bed.
I want to get leaner... I have the Opti 120's. I have been taking 3iu a day for 3 months. Not getting much leaner. Should I up it to 4iu a day? Oh ya I do the whole 3iu an hour before bed.
Move the 3iu before fasted in a deficit....fatloss
I'm on 2iu am and 2iu pm and I havent had any side effects. Getting blood test next week. Been on for like I would say 2 1/2 weeks or so.
My hands are still swollen af, and I'm down to 2.4 IU daily.

i don’t know if it’s the norm with every HGH or not... ask the expert @mands

I had this issues with the previous generic I was running that wasn’t of the same quality of Opti... some crashed powders ball into vial, not every vial was vacuum sealed and so on.. I stopped that HGH for a week and ankles seemed to have returned to normal... I m on Opti since 3 days and noticed it today... but maybe it was from the previous I was running or it’s normal...

I don’t know
My hands are still swollen af, and I'm down to 2.4 IU daily.
Yeah, I noticed the same when I switched to the 120's from the 100's. Although I was also treating them as 12iu. Looks like some are more than that from the test I did. I'm the past when my hands swelled it took a long time for the swelling to go away