I want to get leaner... I have the Opti 120's. I have been taking 3iu a day for 3 months. Not getting much leaner. Should I up it to 4iu a day? Oh ya I do the whole 3iu an hour before bed.
What does your diet look like? I saw pretty dramatic results running 3-4 iu a day. I dosed AM fasted before cardio. I using the 240 kits which are lower quality as well.
What s “Diet”? Any source carrying it ?
My right hand my middle two fingers go conpletely numb for hours while i sleep. When i wake at 4 am then fall back asleep until 7 am, they are still numb. They hurt when i close until 7:15 then i am good. It all goes away, I hope i am not doing damage to my blood vessels or hand, from just sleeping through it. As i can careless about the feeling of them being numb.

i also feel the need to crack my wrists and fingers alot more to relieve the swollen feeling.

running 4 iu ed pinned am.
My right hand my middle two fingers go conpletely numb for hours while i sleep. When i wake at 4 am then fall back asleep until 7 am, they are still numb. They hurt when i close until 7:15 then i am good. It all goes away, I hope i am not doing damage to my blood vessels or hand, from just sleeping through it. As i can careless about the feeling of them being numb.

i also feel the need to crack my wrists and fingers alot more to relieve the swollen feeling.

running 4 iu ed pinned am.
Pretty much the same thing is happening to me. Also, my middle fingers on on both hands are locking down at the big knuckle when I wake up. It's a literal clicking. It goes away during the day, but it's there every morning. I had almost no side effects on the first kit at 4IU, but my second kit has been different, and I'm down to 2.4 IU daily. I'm on the 120s, but bought them at different times.
My right hand my middle two fingers go conpletely numb for hours while i sleep. When i wake at 4 am then fall back asleep until 7 am, they are still numb. They hurt when i close until 7:15 then i am good. It all goes away, I hope i am not doing damage to my blood vessels or hand, from just sleeping through it. As i can careless about the feeling of them being numb.

i also feel the need to crack my wrists and fingers alot more to relieve the swollen feeling.

running 4 iu ed pinned am.

Pretty much the same thing is happening to me. Also, my middle fingers on on both hands are locking down at the big knuckle when I wake up. It's a literal clicking. It goes away during the day, but it's there every morning. I had almost no side effects on the first kit at 4IU, but my second kit has been different, and I'm down to 2.4 IU daily. I'm on the 120s, but bought them at different times.
I switched to pm dosing after having similar sides my first run with GH and it seemed to help, as well as working up to dose slowly
Yeah I wait 2 hours after meals to test and take slin. Injecting slin and going to bed is russian roulette with a full cylinder. SMH

you know there is long acting insulin that doesn’t have the ups and down. Keep the blood sugar levels stable for 20 hours? It’s not Russian roulette. There are plenty of videos showing injecting at night with long acting insulin.
you know there is long acting insulin that doesn’t have the ups and down. Keep the blood sugar levels stable for 20 hours? It’s not Russian roulette. There are plenty of videos showing injecting at night with long acting insulin.
Don’t think a doctor tells a patient to run Lantus & co pre bed
Don’t think a doctor tells a patient to run Lantus & co pre bed

do you know how long acting insulin works? Or a doc or diabetic?? My doc tells me to take it at night but what would he know right. My blood sugar is Better than it is ever has been.

I use to take insulin first thing in the morning and blood sugar would be sky high the next morning this was before taking growth even. I’d wake up fasted with a blood sugar in the 150 and then adding in hgh was over 200. I’m like how can that be. Some peoples blood sugar runs higher in the morning so my doc suggested taking the insulin before bed. And crazy how that worked my blood sugar was normal again.

now on 3 ius of hgh and my blood sugar has never been better taking insulin at night. Again maybe you know more than my doc and my blood sugar numbers or you are just going off stuff you read online but I’m going by my actual blood sugar levels and advice from my doctor.

long acting insulin doesn’t cause your blood sugar to crash or hit high peaks. It keeps your blood sugar stable over 20 hours. Again I’m not sure how this is Russian roulette when I prick my finger each day and test my blood sugar and now it’s normal and before it was high when I took the insulin am fasted
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Don’t think a doctor tells a patient to run Lantus & co pre bed

so what advice for me do you have??? Since you don’t think a doc would advise that. I’m curious cause this is twice if mentioned this and both times you mentioned it’s not a good idea. Not being a smart ass but it seems you don’t believe me or my blood sugar numbers
do you know how long acting insulin works? Or a doc or diabetic?? My doc tells me to take it at night but what would he know right. My blood sugar is Better than it is ever has been.

I use to take insulin first thing in the morning and blood sugar would be sky high the next morning this was before taking growth even. I’d wake up fasted with a blood sugar in the 150 and then adding in hgh was over 200. I’m like how can that be. Some peoples blood sugar runs higher in the morning so my doc suggested taking the insulin before bed. And crazy how that worked my blood sugar was normal again.

now on 3 ius of hgh and my blood sugar has never been better taking insulin at night. Again maybe you know more than my doc and my blood sugar numbers or you are just going off stuff you read online but I’m going by my actual blood sugar levels and advice from my doctor.

long acting insulin doesn’t cause your blood sugar to crash or hit high peaks. It keeps your blood sugar stable over 20 hours. Again I’m not sure how this is Russian roulette when I prick my finger each day and test my blood sugar and now it’s normal and before it was high when I took the insulin am fasted

ok, I spoke out of personal experience with humalog and humulin r, where no matter what I ate I could have had some blood glucose crashes so I always thought it s stupid running humulin or worse humalog before bed... I ran Lantus too and I had some troubles too..

so maybe since you’re diabetic it works differently
ok, I spoke out of personal experience with humalog and humulin r, where no matter what I ate I could have had some blood glucose crashes so I always thought it s stupid running humulin or worse humalog before bed... I ran Lantus too and I had some troubles too..

so maybe since you’re diabetic it works differently

ahah you don’t need advices other than from your doc, obv... I was just sharing my experience mixed with logic... and it wasn’t referred to diabetic people, however... diabetic people should rely just on medicians... bbers that wanna play with insulin should listen realiable and experienced coaches... and I never heard of any coach suggestin to take insulin pre bed... again it wasn’t referred to you or diabetic people..

I ran DNP on keto diet... that’s uncommon... and I ve been fine... maybe some non diabetic guy could safely run Lantus before bed.. I don’t know and I couldn’t speak on that anymore, since I don’t really know... but it’s common sense to avoid running humalog or humulin or similar short or medium acting insulin before bed since you have peaks and so on...

So I was speaking about normal dynamics that could happen in bb life... not about diabetics and long acting insulin and medicians
ok, I spoke out of personal experience with humalog and humulin r, where no matter what I ate I could have had some blood glucose crashes so I always thought it s stupid running humulin or worse humalog before bed... I ran Lantus too and I had some troubles too..

so maybe since you’re diabetic it works differently

so your saying a doc wouldn’t recommend it and you are not a diabetic. So you just take insulin for bodybuilding purposes?

i mentioned before I was diabetic. So I was curious how you would know a doc wouldn’t recommend it at night?

guess you were going by your personal experiences as well and not from a docs Advice
so your saying a doc wouldn’t recommend it and you are not a diabetic. So you just take insulin for bodybuilding purposes?

i mentioned before I was diabetic. So I was curious how you would know a doc wouldn’t recommend it at night?

guess you were going by your personal experiences as well and not from a docs Advice

you misanderstood me... it’s all fine now, I explained what I meant and didn’t understand the situation in primis and made a mistake with that doc night sentence... now I got it and already explained...
And I for one would never touch dnp or do keto. I compete and don’t need dnp to diet or cut so I guess we are all diff and the insulin has helped me gain lots of size along with the hgh. So it’s working well for me before bed.

everyone has their own ways of doing things. Every coach does as well. I have a coach and we work on things according to my body and needs.

so I don’t Think there is a right or wrong answer I just took offense as you saying a doc would never recommend that because I know must of just do what we read or hear someone else say.
How long have you been a diabetic? Does being diabetic make bodybuilding more difficult in any way?

I just found out 2 years ago

I always get blood work. Mostly to check my liver cause it runs high and my doc said you have high A1c I’m like wtf is that. He said you have diabetes I said no way can’t be.
At the time I trying to get just add size I was eating a whole bag of rice cakes at night all 14 with peanut butter to add carbs and calories and think it was too much.

I have no idea how I got it but I want to say my high carb diet didn’t help.

it first it was a struggle they put me on metformin which Controls blood sugar but it blocks carbs. I was eating 4500 cal a day and losing weight couldn’t gain a pound. I had no idea why. If you google metformin for bodybuilding you will see it does a lot of things and some use it to cut even for shows or dieting by the way it blocks the carbs. Matt porter has a video on it

after that I went to insulin. After first it was 26 ius a day which the doc recommend. I was bloated big time stomach felt fat always.
So I found my sweet spot of 10-12 ius and then started gaining size again.
after that I went to insulin. After first it was 26 ius a day which the doc recommend. I was bloated big time stomach felt fat always.
So I found my sweet spot of 10-12 ius and then started gaining size again.
This is interesting. Bloated. Did you suffer from gas or other intestinal difficulties? I introduced insulin a couple weeks ago, and I started having a lot of intestinal difficulty. I thought it was just diet. I backed off the calories for a bit and stopped the insulin, not because I thought the insulin was causing anything, but obviously there is no point to insulin when you back the calories down.

Now I wonder if the insulin might have been causing issues? It was just normal old R.

Hmmmm . . .

I am not diabetic and have fast blood sugar in the 80s even on hgh and normal A1C.