Why? Serum is for if you aren't sure you hgh is real. It's pretty established the 120 iu kits are legit. I don't see any reason to pull serum on them
Yeah, I seen the testing results were legit and I will see where my igf-1 levels are at and go from there.
I didn't order the serum test, so we will go with this for right now.
I'm going for the igf-1 test and my pre-cycle blood work on test, etc.
So I'm good for fasting for 12 hours, correct? I wasn't going to eat anything after 8:00 tonight and my appointment is at 8:30 in the morning.
Can you do both? IGF-1 and Serum test?

No not at the same time. He needs to be consistently pinning either subq or IM the same dose for 3+ weeks for a igf-1 test.

For a serum test he needs to pin 10iu or vial 3 hours prior to blood draw. If he does this it could elevate his igf-1 for his igf-1 test
I started off @ 4iu's and had to cut back to 2 after hands swelling up and tired all the time. Now that I cut back sides have subsided. Filled out more than when I was on 2iu's of Zomacton.
Just wanted to jump in here and report back that I had a pack land recently - good experience with the order process. Opti was professional and responsive. Quick T/A time. No negatives to report so far.

This is my first endeavor with GH. Looking forward to the experience.
Fellas with hgh and the sides it’s like anything else in life gotta earn them stripes Boi ....haven’t got off growth since feb 2019 prob took fake / weak stuff for a year who knows ....I now take 5 ius of 120 opti cut with a vial of bio or jin every now and then when I am feeling fancy and I barely lift unless you count 25 hammer curls when I get out of the shower after work and the 50 pushups twice a week buffin ass and I have EVERYONE making strong jokes to me and have random hood dudes tell me I look like Thor’s brother diet ? Lol sugar if I can help it ....besides the mountain of cookies and ice cream around 8 pm I only eat dinner everyday and make it heavy protein and carb usually chicken rice with a dash of soy as I can eat mountains of that ......subq around the belly Am before work ....boners all morning ...the best sleep I got since I tried to kill myself with opana in 2010 ....I am working on adding t4 as I really believe I’m so sleepy from lack of it .... the sad reality is you gotta push through the pain ... I went through what everyone did here ....was very close to cutting my hands off many sleepless nights butttt as with everything in my life I trucked hoping for better days and now I take 5 ius with no to very minimal side effects for the cut and lean look as I am blessed with amazing jeans .........I really wrote this to tell everyone to push through if you want results bc for awhile I was ehhh about hgh but kept the blind faith approach and now I feel like I am entering the god tier of hgh lifestyle as I call it and Jesus if I could party with opti for a night in thanks for the service your packs would be coming a week late haha
Fellas with hgh and the sides it’s like anything else in life gotta earn them stripes Boi ....haven’t got off growth since feb 2019 prob took fake / weak stuff for a year who knows ....I now take 5 ius of 120 opti cut with a vial of bio or jin every now and then when I am feeling fancy and I barely lift unless you count 25 hammer curls when I get out of the shower after work and the 50 pushups twice a week buffin ass and I have EVERYONE making strong jokes to me and have random hood dudes tell me I look like Thor’s brother diet ? Lol sugar if I can help it ....besides the mountain of cookies and ice cream around 8 pm I only eat dinner everyday and make it heavy protein and carb usually chicken rice with a dash of soy as I can eat mountains of that ......subq around the belly Am before work ....boners all morning ...the best sleep I got since I tried to kill myself with opana in 2010 ....I am working on adding t4 as I really believe I’m so sleepy from lack of it .... the sad reality is you gotta push through the pain ... I went through what everyone did here ....was very close to cutting my hands off many sleepless nights butttt as with everything in my life I trucked hoping for better days and now I take 5 ius with no to very minimal side effects for the cut and lean look as I am blessed with amazing jeans .........I really wrote this to tell everyone to push through if you want results bc for awhile I was ehhh about hgh but kept the blind faith approach and now I feel like I am entering the god tier of hgh lifestyle as I call it and Jesus if I could party with opti for a night in thanks for the service your packs would be coming a week late haha

WTF did I just read? Geezus my head hurts now
I have huge welts on my stomach after switching from BA water to Sterile water so it’s definitely not that. I’ve also tried intramuscular and that did not help at all either.
Are there any of you with a compete absence of sides? I’m up to 4.5iu(dosed 9iu EOD), pinned fasted pre cardio. I ran 2 vials of Optis and switched to some genos I bought(which I thought were fakes), didn’t want to waste to Optis while I was on diet break for a month. So, I’ve now done 5 different GHs and I’ve yet to feel sides, or even positive effects, really, aside from perhaps some extra fat loss, which I may have been able to achieve via diet and cardio alone. Sleep isn’t really any better, skin doesn’t look different. For reference, the first GH I ran(generic), I scored in the 270s IGF, baseline was in the 160s.
Are there any of you with a compete absence of sides? I’m up to 4.5iu(dosed 9iu EOD), pinned fasted pre cardio. I ran 2 vials of Optis and switched to some genos I bought(which I thought were fakes), didn’t want to waste to Optis while I was on diet break for a month. So, I’ve now done 5 different GHs and I’ve yet to feel sides, or even positive effects, really, aside from perhaps some extra fat loss, which I may have been able to achieve via diet and cardio alone. Sleep isn’t really any better, skin doesn’t look different. For reference, the first GH I ran(generic), I scored in the 270s IGF, baseline was in the 160s.

the sleep aspect imo is VASTLY overstated I actually sleep worse on GH with me rage waking up at 3-4am no matter what.

I experience pretty much the same as you, noticeable abdominal fat loss over time (not super fast), I do not get CTS or any of the other sides maybe a bit of water that comes off if I stop for a few days. Maybe better pumps that stick around for a bit longer.
Are there any of you with a compete absence of sides? I’m up to 4.5iu(dosed 9iu EOD), pinned fasted pre cardio. I ran 2 vials of Optis and switched to some genos I bought(which I thought were fakes), didn’t want to waste to Optis while I was on diet break for a month. So, I’ve now done 5 different GHs and I’ve yet to feel sides, or even positive effects, really, aside from perhaps some extra fat loss, which I may have been able to achieve via diet and cardio alone. Sleep isn’t really any better, skin doesn’t look different. For reference, the first GH I ran(generic), I scored in the 270s IGF, baseline was in the 160s.

Absence of sides doesn't mean that the drug isn't working. In my experience the effects are subtle at first and they will come over time. People also respond differently. I have noticed that i don't get any negative side effects when i only pin before bed fasted and conservative amount (2.5iu) only positive. Better sleep is almost instant. Skin improvement maybe two weeks. Girlfriend asked if i had been in the sun because my skin looked better. Recovery time is also better from training.
Absence of sides doesn't mean that the drug isn't working. In my experience the effects are subtle at first and they will come over time. People also respond differently. I have noticed that i don't get any negative side effects when i only pin before bed fasted and conservative amount (2.5iu) only positive. Better sleep is almost instant. Skin improvement maybe two weeks. Girlfriend asked if i had been in the sun because my skin looked better. Recovery time is also better from training.
Well aware about the sides re:bunk GH, which is why I qualified it by saying I haven’t felt anything, really. 6 months on GH, anywhere from 3-4.5iu/day.
Fuck this numbness right now
Anybody got any antidotes for this lol
I brought my dose back down by 1iu but it’s fuckin making me not sleep
Didn’t know if you guys got some secrets or will this shit eventually subside
Noted it started when I started on primo so not sure if that means shit
Fuck this numbness right now
Anybody got any antidotes for this lol
I brought my dose back down by 1iu but it’s fuckin making me not sleep
Didn’t know if you guys got some secrets or will this shit eventually subside
Noted it started when I started on primo so not sure if that means shit
I've been completely off for six days. Finally, the water retention has started to subside, but the cts is still going strong. I'm about to start back up again. Fuck it.
I've been completely off for six days. Finally, the water retention has started to subside, but the cts is still going strong. I'm about to start back up again. Fuck it.
I’m lucky enough no cts (yet)
I don’t physically see the water retention cause my wedding band still fits but it is more snug but I go off my weight and I do notice I’ll start the morning at like 185 and end the evening at 191 or so
So I know I’m holding it
Blood pressure has been normal
Thinking about taking dandelion root to help out
Also have been constipated like crazy about to get a fuckin saline enema
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I’m lucky enough no cts (yet)
I don’t physically see the water retention cause my wedding band still fits but it is more snug but I go off my weight and I do notice I’ll start the morning at like 185 and end the evening at 191 or so
So I know I’m holding it
Blood pressure has been normal
Thinking about taking dandelion root to help out
Also have been constipated like crazy about to get a fuckin saline enema
Numbness/tingles in your hands is cts. Hawthorn is a really good diuretic as well. I take both hawthorn and dandelion.