Are there any of you with a compete absence of sides? I’m up to 4.5iu(dosed 9iu EOD), pinned fasted pre cardio. I ran 2 vials of Optis and switched to some genos I bought(which I thought were fakes), didn’t want to waste to Optis while I was on diet break for a month. So, I’ve now done 5 different GHs and I’ve yet to feel sides, or even positive effects, really, aside from perhaps some extra fat loss, which I may have been able to achieve via diet and cardio alone. Sleep isn’t really any better, skin doesn’t look different. For reference, the first GH I ran(generic), I scored in the 270s IGF, baseline was in
I've been on Optis 120s for about 9 months @ 5 ius in the a.m. Haven't gotten any side effects that members mention.. I also use Tren regularly any have yet to experience any of the side effects associated with that , except for some insomnia that I was hoping the HGH would help offset.
I get bad cts and joint pain when I’m over 4iu a day

I just man the fuck up and deal with it! God damn millennials.
For the record, I'm fine with the joint pain and cts. The water retention in my hands just fucking sucks. Wish it happened in my dick, then it would be worth it. Also, I'm a Gen Xer.
My experience with opti has been communication only and it has been the worst I've come across. Takes a week to reply and hasn't even bothered to send a reply to my last email which was me replying to a question he asked
My experience with opti has been communication only and it has been the worst I've come across. Takes a week to reply and hasn't even bothered to send a reply to my last email which was me replying to a question he asked
Weird. That is the opposite of what I have experienced with his communication.
Not trying to be a dick, but just making sure you're using a proton or other encrypted email system. That's my only guess as to why he wouldn't be responding.

Proton mail and he did reply, once, around a week after the initial email, asked me some stuff and then blanked me
Yea agreed opti is an all star. He gets back right away and doesn’t play games getting his product shipped out. The opti 280 produces high scores on a gh serum test. Good product.
With pharma grade gh I score around 40 More or less on a growth hormone blood test. This result was from the opti 280.


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