You ALT is perfectly normal if you weight trained the day before. When we tear down muscle working out the same enzyme is release into the blood stream, so if you trained the day before it will land in the 50s.
You ALT is perfectly normal if you weight trained the day before. When we tear down muscle working out the same enzyme is release into the blood stream, so if you trained the day before it will land in the 50s.
My last workout was Friday and my test was on Monday morning
But I literally just started back in the gym like 3 weeks ago. So my muscles definitely were still tore down from the previous week LOL.
I would lay off any orals get some test prescribed so u have a script. With your igf and a moderate dose of test and diet you will make night and day different gainz
I don't have insurance is my problem.

O man that sucks. There’s always later for that anyway.

I take 275mg a week the past 6-7 years it seams give it take 25mg and my test levels ride between 1200-1500 depending on frequency and pin schedule. I now just pin every 3 days and give blood every other month or when I am back in the states.

But yeah jump on test if u don’t want to go to the doc for sure. I would be surprised if you haven’t been depressed with that low of a number
O man that sucks. There’s always later for that anyway.

I take 275mg a week the past 6-7 years it seams give it take 25mg and my test levels ride between 1200-1500 depending on frequency and pin schedule. I now just pin every 3 days and give blood every other month or when I am back in the states.

But yeah jump on test if u don’t want to go to the doc for sure. I would be surprised if you haven’t been depressed with that low of a number
I haven't really been depressed so to speak. I've just been taking naps every single day when I get off work. Granted, I only get like five or six hours of sleep at night because I get up so early in the morning and stay up late. So naps have been a normal thing for me.
Now when I say nap, it could range between 15 minutes and 45 minutes. LOL. And I don't drink coffee or drink energy drinks, so I just wing it every single day.
I know I have not been giving it to my woman a lot lately. And I'm normally doing that all the time when I'm on
So what's everyone's normal results for 4 iu a day? So that 527 is through the roof? Lol.

So what impressed me the most as I pull high numbers on split doses like you did

You were not on ANY test and still pulled high numbers like that. Testosterone significantly increases igf-1 from studies done.

That’s 131 points per IU and those are good numbers. I like that you did this and wasn’t on anything to skew the numbers.

What time was your night shot and morning shots
So what impressed me the most as I pull high numbers on split doses like you did

You were not on ANY test and still pulled high numbers like that. Testosterone significantly increases igf-1 from studies done.

That’s 131 points per IU and those are good numbers. I like that you did this and wasn’t on anything to skew the numbers.

What time was your night shot and morning shots
It varies. Between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. in the morning and at night between 9:00 and 10:00.
And yes I think I have my diet down to a tee at this moment. It's a very boring and bland diet, but I think it's working even without the test. Haha.
All I can say is do you.... if you feel u need it then add it. Seems like you have some experience with aas. Run just test for a few months it’s not a race then add the tren if needed
How much test do you recommend doing for these few months? Mine is dosed at 300 mg/ml.
I just did not want it to mess up my cycle if I decided to do a little bit of test for the first few months and then add to the cycle. I don't want it to hinder my gains because I'm already technically kind of on a cycle with the test