How much test do you recommend doing for these few months? Mine is dosed at 300 mg/ml.
I just did not want it to mess up my cycle if I decided to do a little bit of test for the first few months and then add to the cycle. I don't want it to hinder my gains because I'm already technically kind of on a cycle with the test

.5 ml every 3 days will put u at 350mg a week. That would be a good start before jumping into anything heavy
My last workout was Friday and my test was on Monday morning
I would not worry about that ALT number at all.

My doctor scared me a few years ago with a slightly high AST and ALT, wanted to refer me to a specialist, and I am sitting around worried, did I kill my liver??????

So I did what I always do. I deeply researched this issue and finally discovered athletes have higher numbers and neither of those markers is really a concern unless you are multiples of the high end of the range.

So I scheduled another test and took four days off. No weights. No cardio.

Both AST and ALT were in the middle of the regular range.

Don't sweat your marker. Your liver is fine.

GOOD result on IGF-1. Thank you for sharing it with us here on Opti's thread.


Inject testosterone.

Thumbs up!
I would not worry about that ALT number at all.

My doctor scared me a few years ago with a slightly high AST and ALT, wanted to refer me to a specialist, and I am sitting around worried, did I kill my liver??????

So I did what I always do. I deeply researched this issue and finally discovered athletes have higher numbers and neither of those markers is really a concern unless you are multiples of the high end of the range.

So I scheduled another test and took four days off. No weights. No cardio.

Both AST and ALT were in the middle of the regular range.

Don't sweat your marker. Your liver is fine.

GOOD result on IGF-1. Thank you for sharing it with us here on Opti's thread.


Inject testosterone.

Thumbs up!
Yes sir, I'm going to start my first injection in the morning and just do test for right now to see what it can do with this HTH. Then in a few months, I'll add my tren and mast
Yes sir, I'm going to start my first injection in the morning and just do test for right now to see what it can do with this HTH. Then in a few months, I'll add my tren and mast
It’s not a bad idea to start the masteron right away with your test. If you get your dosage right on your mast your don’t need an AI. Mastering oppresses estrogen. If your start your cycle at 350 of test as Mighty Mouse recommended, 75 of masteron would be a good start, then obviously you would have to adjust your mast dosage from the depending on your blood work. Much healthier way to do it
It’s not a bad idea to start the masteron right away with your test. If you get your dosage right on your mast your don’t need an AI. Mastering oppresses estrogen. If your start your cycle at 350 of test as Mighty Mouse recommended, 75 of masteron would be a good start, then obviously you would have to adjust your mast dosage from the depending on your blood work. Much healthier way to do it

What I'm thinking about doing is taking nothing but testosterone right now. At least for the first five or six weeks. Then I want to get another blood test to see what my estrogen levels look like before I start taking the Masteron to see how the test affects my estrogen conversion. I'm taking like 450ish a week. I started first pin a few hours ago.
What I'm thinking about doing is taking nothing but testosterone right now. At least for the first five or six weeks. Then I want to get another blood test to see what my estrogen levels look like before I start taking the Masteron to see how the test affects my estrogen conversion. I'm taking like 450ish a week. I started first pin a few hours ago.
Your test levels are so low and you’ve been off for 5 months, you’ll get great results at 200 a week. I took a year off training and supplements when COVID started. I got my blood work 6 months ago my testosterone level was 221. I start my testosterone at 150mg a week with 70mg of tren and put on 20 pounds in first 6 weeks. Your going to be so sensitive it won’t take much to respond. I know we are all so different in how we respond to the drug, but if you start low you can always take more. Just my opinion, I know either way your going to feel great getting your test back into a healthy range.
I would not worry about that ALT number at all.

My doctor scared me a few years ago with a slightly high AST and ALT, wanted to refer me to a specialist, and I am sitting around worried, did I kill my liver??????

So I did what I always do. I deeply researched this issue and finally discovered athletes have higher numbers and neither of those markers is really a concern unless you are multiples of the high end of the range.

So I scheduled another test and took four days off. No weights. No cardio.

Both AST and ALT were in the middle of the regular range.

Don't sweat your marker. Your liver is fine.

GOOD result on IGF-1. Thank you for sharing it with us here on Opti's thread.


Inject testosterone.

Thumbs up!
Same shit with me this year with my ALT and AST, doctor was asking about my alcohol intake and if I was taking any new medication as my levels had spiked with a recent test. I followed up like you did and researched different reasons why they can elevate. Levels have been fine since then but yeah, those doctors can really make it seem like you blew your liver up.
Same shit with me this year with my ALT and AST, doctor was asking about my alcohol intake and if I was taking any new medication as my levels had spiked with a recent test. I followed up like you did and researched different reasons why they can elevate. Levels have been fine since then but yeah, those doctors can really make it seem like you blew your liver up.
I admit I slightly panicked for a day or so . . .
It’s not a bad idea to start the masteron right away with your test. If you get your dosage right on your mast your don’t need an AI. Mastering oppresses estrogen. If your start your cycle at 350 of test as Mighty Mouse recommended, 75 of masteron would be a good start, then obviously you would have to adjust your mast dosage from the depending on your blood work. Much healthier way to do it
I believe masteron competes with estrogen for receptors and does not actually suppress it but I could be wrong. It's an important difference because you could still see salt and water retention just not man boobs.
I guess that's the reason why I haven't really been horny the last couple months. Haha.
I normally am. And I'm always tired and taking naps.
Yeah low test levels blow. Can you imagine what the average 40 or 50 year old who doesn't take anything must feel lik e? Pretty crappy imo. I'm 40 and I went several weeks off recently because of a weird wrist injury and I didnt feel the slump until 3-4 days ago but when I did I loaded up some fast acting test with quickness. Coming off blows. I feel better already.
Yeah low test levels blow. Can you imagine what the average 40 or 50 year old who doesn't take anything must feel lik e? Pretty crappy imo. I'm 40 and I went several weeks off recently because of a weird wrist injury and I didnt feel the slump until 3-4 days ago but when I did I loaded up some fast acting test with quickness. Coming off blows. I feel better already.
I actually have one bottle of test prop in my stash. Haha.
Sorry, but not at all.
Liv52 has some compounds that can alter the P450 C increasing the bioavailability of the orals hence harming more the liver.
Oral steroids cause damage by bile accumulation, TUDCA is perfect for that role, if there is some extent of oxidative damage, then NAC should be the next addition.