Just a thought but is this the first time pinning gh?
Since it’s happening immediately after an injection and only sometimes it could be some anxiety. I know a lot of dudes when they first pin gear ask “ omg right after the shot I got all hot and my heart started racing!! Is that mean my shit is bad??”
Naw that means your brain is lol

But seriously it could be a bit of anxiety just saying I’ve pinned up to 8iu at one time no issues go straight back to sleep
No man , something like 800ius already pinned

and as stated, I started opti 2 weeks ago, ed 2 times, and I got hot flushes like 4 times over 14 more or less
Yes it makes sense but I pinned HGH upon waking fasted without having ran anything else... so it’s the Opti...
Perhaps, but if it were a secretagogue instead of hgh, it would happen every time, depending on which one it was, e.g., sermorelin.

Per an earlier question, did you buy directly from Opti or an international reseller?
Perhaps, but if it were a secretagogue instead of hgh, it would happen every time, depending on which one it was, e.g., sermorelin.

Per an earlier question, did you buy directly from Opti or an international reseller?

from Opti directly... it’s a mistery... couldn’t test every vial of course.. and testing one doesn’t assure you the other have the same into..

Anyway since it happened just to me it should be something related to my body... who knows

the effect just post injection was very similar to the flushes you got after you jizz... slightly less strong than the ones you get with Ghrp6 and cjc1295 ... but they were definitely the good old hot flushes in face
Yeah but nonody answered...

I got hot flushes ... is it normal on HGH?
I haven’t heard of the hot flushes with hgh, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. I know get them when my estrogen is low or even crashed. But if it was cause by low estrogen it wouldn’t be a one time side but until you get it back up. I’m taking the opti 280 kit. 10 iu twice a day with insulin. This only side I have is numb hands and can’t sleep, when my blood sugar is out of control.
I haven’t heard of the hot flushes with hgh, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. I know get them when my estrogen is low or even crashed. But if it was cause by low estrogen it wouldn’t be a one time side but until you get it back up. I’m taking the opti 280 kit. 10 iu twice a day with insulin. This only side I have is numb hands and can’t sleep, when my blood sugar is out of control.
Are night sweats common with low estrogens too?? Didnt search yet and wouldn’t , just wait for your answer because everything make sense now , I kinda figured out I had low estrogens but wasn’t sure ... so more plates more bitches was right about Boldenone lowering estrogens...

bad night sweats and not tren related
Fuck I searched and it was low estrogen, both flushes and night sweats... fuckin more anal more cumshot was right about fuckin Boldenone.. thank you @Richard322 .. (I would have called myself “Richard Gear” the Meso version of Richard Gere)
Are night sweats common with low estrogens too?? Didnt search yet and wouldn’t , just wait for your answer because everything make sense now , I kinda figured out I had low estrogens but wasn’t sure ... so more plates more bitches was right about Boldenone lowering estrogens...

bad night sweats and not tren related
Yes. Night sweats is common side effect of low E2. So is achy joints, lethargy/fatigue, firm erections but harder to ejaculate or other sexual dysfunction.
Fuck I m a fuckin woman in menopause... I was doing 25mg aromasin etd, fuckin Boldenone lowered a lot My Dear e2... I ll take 12.5mg Aromasin ETD right now... thanks guys and thanks @Richard322 Gear for pimping my e2
Are night sweats common with low estrogens too?? Didnt search yet and wouldn’t , just wait for your answer because everything make sense now , I kinda figured out I had low estrogens but wasn’t sure ... so more plates more bitches was right about Boldenone lowering estrogens...

bad night sweats and not tren related
Yes very common
When I have tanked my e2 for me the sides were worse than when it was too high
I would get hot flashes randomly throughout the day where it felt like all the sudden someone opened an oven on my back and I would breakout in a sweat
Sleeping was the same no matter how cold I made the room I get miserable
Also pumps would suck in the gym almost like everything just hurt
Still would have morning wood tho but no sex drive
Also anxiety for no apparent reason
Fuck I m a fuckin woman in menopause... I was doing 25mg aromasin etd, fuckin Boldenone lowered a lot My Dear e2... I ll take 12.5mg Aromasin ETD right now... thanks guys and thanks @Richard322 Gear for pimping my e2
O shit I just read this lol

definitely your e2 bro
Eq lowers it as Wel and 25mg of exemestane 3 and a half times a week is a shit ton for that cycle
I’m on 400 test 600 primo
dbol 10mg a day
No ai
Are night sweats common with low estrogens too?? Didnt search yet and wouldn’t , just wait for your answer because everything make sense now , I kinda figured out I had low estrogens but wasn’t sure ... so more plates more bitches was right about Boldenone lowering estrogens...

bad night sweats and not tren related
Yep a women going through menapuase, true. Without estrogen your body can’t regulate body temperature. At night I’ve been cold, then hot flash to sweating. I miserable. The other thing joint pain. Estrogen lubricates your joints. Those are my two worst side effects from low estrogen. A 25mg aromasin will drop my estrogen 35 to 45 points on my blood work .
Hcg works great for bring back estrogen also healthly to do every great once in a while to restart natural pathways. High aromatzation rate. Dosage can be argued and very opinionated topic.
[emoji817] HCG plays havoc on raising my E2. I take 100mg of pregnenolone and 100mg of DHEA daily instead of HCG. But, it will def raise your E2.
[emoji817] HCG plays havoc on raising my E2. I take 100mg of pregnenolone and 100mg of DHEA daily instead of HCG. But, it will def raise your E2.
Yea throw some dbol in there for a week or two with hcg if you crashed bad. I know guys whoeve done it that way an feel back to normal a week later. Depends on how bad you crash it