Are night sweats common with low estrogens too?? Didnt search yet and wouldn’t , just wait for your answer because everything make sense now , I kinda figured out I had low estrogens but wasn’t sure ... so more plates more bitches was right about Boldenone lowering estrogens...

bad night sweats and not tren related
Also bad night sweats, flipping pillow halfway through night. Soaking t shirts
Luckily enough I think not really crashed because no real joint pain and libido is fuckin high
Yea your joints don’t hurt, your dick still works. Definitely not crashed. Blood work isn’t a bad idea. Thought you said you were on eq? Anyways when I do EQ, I have to do double the test of my EQ, otherwise my estrogen will slowly deplete. The first time I did EQ I crashed my estrogen and wasn’t running an AI. Sucked but good learning lesson.
Yea your joints don’t hurt, your dick still works. Definitely not crashed. Blood work isn’t a bad idea. Thought you said you were on eq? Anyways when I do EQ, I have to do double the test of my EQ, otherwise my estrogen will slowly deplete. The first time I did EQ I crashed my estrogen and wasn’t running an AI. Sucked but good learning lesson.
Bold Cyp 160mg ml x 3 times weekly and test is 200mg x 3 ... 100mg NPP x 3 , 40mg Anadrol pre wo 6/7 And 4iu 2+2 Optitropin ED
Are there HPLC test posted for the latest batch of 120 greys ? Need to re up a few kits. I’m sure quality is around the same as the ones I have from Oct 2020. Love these things.
Nice cocktail your running there, I run similar protocols, how long have you been running these numbers and how often were you taking aromasin?
I started yesterday 4th week on this cycle...

But I “lost” a week due to elbow/forearm pain due to a bad bicep curl with fatgripz that fucked badly my arm... so I had to skip some workouts and so some pre and post carbs and Anadrol pre wo...

I ran aromasin 25mg ETD... now It’s 6th day I’m not taking it and will continue for another week as suggested and as I think is better for me..

last night sweats weren’t out of range like it happened in the past days..

I think low estrogen caused me that kinda of epicondylitis ..
Ok so got my labs back today from last Friday
Igf1 came back at 243
This is on 6iu EOD
So I dunno fuck me im not a good responder I guess
On 4iu eod I pulled a 219

But it is fuckin with my thyroid
T4 total 2.1 (low) rr 4.9-10.5 mcg/dl
T4 free 1.0 (low) rr 1.4-3.8
T3 uptake 48% (high) rr 22-35%

also side note primo crashed (for me) my e2
Even after doubling my normal trt dose
Went from a 48 e2 to 15 (ultra sensitive)
600mg a week of primo
400mg of test
10mg dbol
Explains why my acne is going crazy and I feel like shit
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Ok so got my labs back today from last Friday
Igf1 came back at 243
This is on 6iu EOD
So I dunno fuck me im not a good responder I guess
On 4iu eod I pulled a 219

But it is fuckin with my thyroid
T4 total 2.1 (low) rr 4.9-10.5 mcg/dl
T4 free 1.0 (low) rr 1.4-3.8
T3 uptake 48% (high) rr 22-35%

also side note primo crashed my e2 lol
Even after doubling my normal trt dose
Went from a 48 e2 to 15 (ultra sensitive)
600mg a week of primo
400mg of test
10mg dbol
Explains why my acne is going crazy and I feel like shit
Why aren't you doing daily injections?
Maybe try dosing everyday and retest. I wouldn't say your a bad responder, the first test is right on par if you were taking 2iu daily. I haven't seen much blood work on an every other day dosing protocol. What's your goal? Have you read the articles on the home page here by chest rockwell? I'd give them a reas as well. I didn't have time to read what was posted from reddit. I'll take a look later
Maybe try dosing everyday and retest. I wouldn't say your a bad responder, the first test is right on par if you were taking 2iu daily. I haven't seen much blood work on an every other day dosing protocol. What's your goal? Have you read the articles on the home page here by chest rockwell? I'd give them a reas as well. I didn't have time to read what was posted from reddit. I'll take a look later
Well i don’t want to go fully off my igf1 cause I definitely has lost fat without trying in fact I upped my carbs by about 80-100 grams a day
I may switch back to Ed I actually prefer to pin everyday but I read the article about how long it takes to recover off Ed vs eod

My goal was to heal up old injuries in my shoulder/lose fat/some better sleep/
So far 2/3 has occurred as my sleep is shit cause of the numbness
But also I wanted it to help amplify my current cycle so I can get the most out of it as I only run 1 cycle a year
Ok so got my labs back today from last Friday
Igf1 came back at 243
This is on 6iu EOD
So I dunno fuck me im not a good responder I guess
On 4iu eod I pulled a 219

But it is fuckin with my thyroid
T4 total 2.1 (low) rr 4.9-10.5 mcg/dl
T4 free 1.0 (low) rr 1.4-3.8
T3 uptake 48% (high) rr 22-35%

also side note primo crashed (for me) my e2
Even after doubling my normal trt dose
Went from a 48 e2 to 15 (ultra sensitive)
600mg a week of primo
400mg of test
10mg dbol
Explains why my acne is going crazy and I feel like shit

I would start some T4 @75mcg

T3 is good.

If you break down to what we usually see ... so 3 iu daily the “bro science” would want to see you around 250-350 igf

There are not a lot of blood work done on EOD injections but just going off of this ..... amd I know igf will have a higher half life but.... we lack members eod bloodwork to compare.

Another question when was your last pin to when u pulled bloodwork?

I would switch to daily injections and see if that changes things as well.