Considering jumping into gh next run, what would be the downside of getting 280 iu kit. If you were to use 4-6 iu a day is it ok for it to be mix for 4-5 days?
Considering jumping into gh next run, what would be the downside of getting 280 iu kit. If you were to use 4-6 iu a day is it ok for it to be mix for 4-5 days?
It would be fine reconstituted refrigerated for that long. You may want to work up to that dose to assess side effects. But to each their own. n=1 I started at 4iu without negative issue.
Considering jumping into gh next run, what would be the downside of getting 280 iu kit. If you were to use 4-6 iu a day is it ok for it to be mix for 4-5 days?
I run the opti 280. I like it because of the way I use it. I’ll do 20 iu a day for no more than three weeks, eveully I’ll retain too much water my breathing starts to get heavy and the CTS make it hard to sleep. Then I’ll kick my dose down to 2iu morning and night, cut my carbs out until I loose the water and that’s usually 3-5 days. Then I cruise at the 4iu a day protocal until I get the itch again. I haven’t had any problems either opti 280, great product.
Strange because I’m 6’6 must of been conversion at some point haha. Maybe doesn’t affect height.

what can be done if your conversion sucks? And is there any use even using GH then
Well... Increlex / Iplex has been developed for a similar reason... just to say, since its crazy expensive and hard to get
I posted my HGH serum test results a couple of days ago on the 280iu kits. The posts has been deleted. Is there now a rule where you can't post test results?
I posted my HGH serum test results a couple of days ago on the 280iu kits. The posts has been deleted. Is there now a rule where you can't post test results?
Probably admin deleted it because someone reported it for having your personal information like name, address, etc? So high likely they did it for your security.
Probably admin deleted it because someone reported it for having your personal information like name, address, etc? So high likely they did it for your security.
I deleted my name. I did include the name of the lab, along with the time and date of the test. If a post is deleted, i.e., censored, I would think that the poster would be notified as to why it was deleted so that further violations can be avoided. I have no idea who or why the post was deleted. I've seen similar post all the time in this thread and sharing actual test results is valuable information for the members here.
I posted my HGH serum test results a couple of days ago on the 280iu kits. The posts has been deleted. Is there now a rule where you can't post test results?

Did it actually post or did you get the waiting for moderator approval thingy?