Btw, is there a 3rd product of 280 IU as everyone is talking about it? I can only see 2 products 120/240IU on their web as own brand listed products.

Pretty sure the 240iu kits aren't available anymore. They were the batch previous to the 280's I believe. I could be wrong though.

Where is the last lab results of it for IU, purity and dimer? Asking because you stated the 27.5IU, so I assume there were some tests, was it of your batch?

Thank you. I supposed it because after using the search tool everyone was talking about the 280 IU kits, I will have to read the last months pages to look for extra information. Website seems not to be updated at all.
I found it, so self-reply in case it helps anyone.
Page 296 has the latest lab result for 280IU kits available on this thread as well as the statement of Opti quoted from late November saying he would be selling the 280IU ones once he sold the stock left of 240IU ones:

But I do not think that November batch tested is remotely the one the member who tested it on bloodwork got.
I found it, so self-reply in case it helps anyone.
Page 296 has the latest lab result for 280IU kits available on this thread as well as the statement of Opti quoted from late November saying he would be selling the 280IU ones once he sold the stock left of 240IU ones:

But I do not think that November batch tested is remotely the one the member who tested it on bloodwork got.
Why do you say that? He claims to test each batch. You think there's a new batch he's selling with out testing?
These vials are advertised to be 28ius (specifically 27.5ius/vial)

Why do you say that? He claims to test each batch. You think there's a new batch he's selling with out testing?
That is what I mean. The one tested in November gave "specifically" 27.5IU per vial. And he is now using that as reference. Do you think the batch tested is November is still being sold? I would find strange having another more recent lab result having exactly the same result.

Where are the latest lab results from Opti? Not on this thread for sure.
That is what I mean. The one tested in November gave "specifically" 27.5IU per vial. And he is now using that as reference. Do you think the batch tested is November is still being sold? I would find strange having another more recent lab result having exactly the same result.

Where are the latest lab results from Opti? Not on this thread for sure.

Why would you find it strange? It’s obvious Opti buys in large bulk. His greys are older than the purple 280s and they have been tested numerous times and were always spot on with the previous results until Jano changed his testing method
Why would you find it strange? It’s obvious Opti buys in large bulk. His greys are older than the purple 280s and they have been tested numerous times and were always spot on with the previous results until Jano changed his testing method
If they are different batches, for sure results will not be the same to the point of not differing 0.5IU, even more when the vial is around 28IU, if not even his 12IU vials are on point, some are overdosed, others slighty underdosed or very close to 12IU.

And I do not think that after almost 7 months, as minimum, same batch kits are still being sold, unless he is a small seller, when he is clearly not.

But whatever, it is not a problem, just discussing about it, I do not want to verbally fight, just the opposite, curious.
Sorry for your loss bud, blood pressure is important and obviously anything to do with our health. For me gh raises my blood pressure a little around 130/80. Cialis does the trick for me.
Appreciate that you said something, losing my friend affects me every day. It sucks, I never saw someone in so much pain....

Question for you, regarding GH and its dose dependant actions, I am looking to use GH to grow as much as possible and my understanding is that the trick is to shoot all at one time post workout. So im not sure how.much does it take to kick off yates in 93 like gains? 10ius post workout enough? What about insulin? I was thinking 10ius gh pwo and 20ius humulin r 30 min later. I can eat and drink shakes perfectly fine to accomodate im just not sure on the amounts of gh and slin and their precise timing and all that.
True strait protium diet is a diarredic in itself. Definitely hold more water on gh though. What is dimmer. I see it discussed on the forum know what people say but what exactly is it?
As best I can tell dimer is some kind of degraded GH molecules. I dont think they perform the desired actions of GH and therefore you want as little dimer in your GH as possible. Im not an expert, that is about what I know.
That is what I mean. The one tested in November gave "specifically" 27.5IU per vial. And he is now using that as reference. Do you think the batch tested is November is still being sold? I would find strange having another more recent lab result having exactly the same result.

Where are the latest lab results from Opti? Not on this thread for sure.
I don't understand why this is an issue. The way I look at it, Opti and Jano have a very vested interest that the GH scores high. If Jano kept returning low scores sources won't use him. Does anyone really think that if a certain batch of GH scores very low that Opti would advertise it. So I take these HPCL tests with a grain of salt. I'm spending over a $1,000 an order, I test every batch I order, either through my doctor's blood test every four months or I shell out the $65 to get an independent test. Opti's HPCL test gives me a standard for me to compare with my own test.

You're spending a lot of money on GH. You're injecting this compound into your body. I would think that you would have the good sense to get it tested and remove all doubt.
Appreciate that you said something, losing my friend affects me every day. It sucks, I never saw someone in so much pain....

Question for you, regarding GH and its dose dependant actions, I am looking to use GH to grow as much as possible and my understanding is that the trick is to shoot all at one time post workout. So im not sure how.much does it take to kick off yates in 93 like gains? 10ius post workout enough? What about insulin? I was thinking 10ius gh pwo and 20ius humulin r 30 min later. I can eat and drink shakes perfectly fine to accomodate im just not sure on the amounts of gh and slin and their precise timing and all that.
I would start a thread on this and let so of the big dogs chime in, I’d be following very closely.
Thoughts on his reds? I believe those are 20 IU per vial? Any testing results here? Sorry this is a long ass mofo thread and I am a lazy fat bitch. Thanks for any help.
Appreciate that you said something, losing my friend affects me every day. It sucks, I never saw someone in so much pain....

Question for you, regarding GH and its dose dependant actions, I am looking to use GH to grow as much as possible and my understanding is that the trick is to shoot all at one time post workout. So im not sure how.much does it take to kick off yates in 93 like gains? 10ius post workout enough? What about insulin? I was thinking 10ius gh pwo and 20ius humulin r 30 min later. I can eat and drink shakes perfectly fine to accomodate im just not sure on the amounts of gh and slin and their precise timing and all that.
In my experience with high doses of gh meaning 20iu a day. I’ve done it two ways. 10iu in the morning and 10iu post workout, obviously with insulin to keep blood sugar in control. Or if have the luxury of pinning 3iu every couple of hours is less side effects, the cts is not nearly as bad and I seem to get better sleep. Controlling the water retention is the hard part and by the way the last week of my gh blast at 20 iu I had to take cialis to keep my blood pressure in check. Carb cycling is the only way I could control the water, so no carbs for 3-5 days to lose the water, then carbing up 2 to 4 days. I can gain up to 15 pounds when I’m carbing up, yea crazy swings in weight, It’s not the perfect protocol, but my last run lasted 4 weeks and I ended up ten pounds ahead after losing the water and a little leaner. Remember as time goes by the on that much growth it’s like as if you start becoming immune to insulin. The last week I was taking 60iu of novelin-n b4 bed and 60iu morning and 20iu or novelin-r morning covering two meals and 20iu preworkout, that is on carb days only on the 10iu gh morning and post workout protocol. If your going to do it get a blood glucose monitor and don’t add the insulin until your morning fasted blood sugar gets above 90. Then start with 10iu of novilin-n(long acting) morning and night and titrate up until you get below 90 fasted morning blood sugar. Eventually that will not keep up and you add the fast acting novilin-r and start with 5iu and titrate up as needed. It can be very dangerous, so be careful start low with the insulin use a monitor. And always check your blood before you eat and an hour after to learn how much that dose of insulin knocked your blood sugar down. Always carry juice or carbo gain or something on you so you can guarantee you will never go hypo. Be careful if having any questions feel free to pm me.
Thoughts on his reds? I believe those are 20 IU per vial? Any testing results here? Sorry this is a long ass mofo thread and I am a lazy fat bitch. Thanks for any help.
Pretty sure the reds are long gone. You can email opti or look on his website (google "optitropin") to see his current offerings.
Thoughts on his reds? I believe those are 20 IU per vial? Any testing results here? Sorry this is a long ass mofo thread and I am a lazy fat bitch. Thanks for any help.

Reds were 120 if I remember correctly and I still have a few here mixed in with the newer greys. They are long gone afaik.
In my experience with high doses of gh meaning 20iu a day. I’ve done it two ways. 10iu in the morning and 10iu post workout, obviously with insulin to keep blood sugar in control. Or if have the luxury of pinning 3iu every couple of hours is less side effects, the cts is not nearly as bad and I seem to get better sleep. Controlling the water retention is the hard part and by the way the last week of my gh blast at 20 iu I had to take cialis to keep my blood pressure in check. Carb cycling is the only way I could control the water, so no carbs for 3-5 days to lose the water, then carbing up 2 to 4 days. I can gain up to 15 pounds when I’m carbing up, yea crazy swings in weight, It’s not the perfect protocol, but my last run lasted 4 weeks and I ended up ten pounds ahead after losing the water and a little leaner. Remember as time goes by the on that much growth it’s like as if you start becoming immune to insulin. The last week I was taking 60iu of novelin-n b4 bed and 60iu morning and 20iu or novelin-r morning covering two meals and 20iu preworkout, that is on carb days only on the 10iu gh morning and post workout protocol. If your going to do it get a blood glucose monitor and don’t add the insulin until your morning fasted blood sugar gets above 90. Then start with 10iu of novilin-n(long acting) morning and night and titrate up until you get below 90 fasted morning blood sugar. Eventually that will not keep up and you add the fast acting novilin-r and start with 5iu and titrate up as needed. It can be very dangerous, so be careful start low with the insulin use a monitor. And always check your blood before you eat and an hour after to learn how much that dose of insulin knocked your blood sugar down. Always carry juice or carbo gain or something on you so you can guarantee you will never go hypo. Be careful if having any questions feel free to pm me.
insulin does not lose its effects, else diabetics had quite a huge problem. It is just that you do not feel the side effects as pronounced as at the beginning.