Yes as I myself am getting close to needing to reup I would very much like to.know what's up with optis current 120.batch

Well buy a few and send to jano for testing. Or at the least do a serum test yourself.

This is meso since when do we trust a sources test?

Most people know I don’t back any source or promote any source… but I will say opti has the most testing on his growth out of anybody on this forum. His test combined with the members that test.

I know I got well over 20 blood test off his shit. As well as the other members that send to jano and run bloods.

What more do y’all want? Opti to come bring it to you and suck you off in the process.

Then people are bitching about a purity that seems pretty good with @janoshik new testing method and writhin margin of error.
Thanks for the reply….

So using the margin of error on the two test shown earlier they could be very similar then?
It's maximum MoE, which I hope I am not hitting with each and every sample, but theoretically yes. I really do think that wouldn't be the only factor, though.
5ft4 230lbs you are a fucking monster. Going by the ol 10lbs per inch metric puts you at 280lbs at my height. You got 22lbs on me (for now!)

So I did a caliper test and I’m pretty much an open book…. Don’t hide or lie about shit…. Saying that I say this

I lost a few pounds I guess cause I weighed myself butt ass naked today and tipped the scale close to 219 at 11.98 body fat.

I cut out carbs and just chicken and green lettuce for a while trying to get to single digits before I head back to saudi.

@opti I’m still 5’4” and taking 6iu of growth need to send your growth to test it cause it’s not making me taller
So I did a caliper test and I’m pretty much an open book…. Don’t hide or lie about shit…. Saying that I say this

I lost a few pounds I guess cause I weighed myself butt ass naked today and tipped the scale close to 219 at 11.98 body fat.

I cut out carbs and just chicken and green lettuce for a while trying to get to single digits before I head back to saudi.

@opti I’m still 5’4” and taking 6iu of growth need to send your growth to test it cause it’s not making me taller
Geez so if you were my height YOU WOULD BE 268LBS AT 11%
We as a community ought to hold ourselves to a higher standard than this. Some people have less than stellar genetics. I try positive and encouraging. IMHO at least be positive and honest without degrading the man. For all we know he worked his butt off and has shit genetics. Just my .02$
My comment was only that I wanted to confirm that the picture he posted was the one he was referring to when he described himself as a "ripped 225 lbs".
My comment was only that I wanted to confirm that the picture he posted was the one he was referring to when he described himself as a "ripped 225 lbs".
Thats me from.tonight in the post above.
Nothing spectacular yet, but I give 100% each and every single day.
5ft4 230lbs you are a fucking monster. Going by the ol 10lbs per inch metric puts you at 280lbs at my height. You got 22lbs on me (for now!)

Damn i got a long ways to eat to catch you...
Actually, I thought and read that it was 7 lbs per inch of height.
Or…. In my most polite way of saying…. Don’t trust a fucking source even if he sends it in for testing…. Send it to jano yourself. I mean shit these mutha fuccas will spend 1k on growth 1k on gear but not send one fucking sample to jano or even pull bloodwork.

1 fucking international unit of drug was the difference I believe. Could have been a shit ton of variables. A few of y’all bitching about absolutely nothing.

@janoshik what’s your +/- variable

And again I have pinned almost a year hell could have been a over year old growth and pulled almost the same numbers as fresh growth -20 points or so.

Now back to the political I’m prettier than everyone posting
1. You are, of course, absolutely correct on testing; it will always be a million times better to test things yourself. That said, it doesn't hurt to ask opti, who it would appear has done a decent job of testing in the past, especially with all the 3rd party tests done by members lining up with his results.

2. lol..It was more than a 1 iu difference. It was also nearly 3% in purity down to 94%. I am sure you'll say, "oh big deal", but I want to know why the drop. It costs me nothing to ask why, and if I don't get a satisfactory answer, there are other sources who test higher than 94% even with Jano's new methodology, and are less expensive. I would, however, prefer to continue with opti and so my inquiry continues.
I know I got well over 20 blood test off his shit. As well as the other members that send to jano and run bloods.

What more do y’all want? Opti to come bring it to you and suck you off in the process.

Then people are bitching about a purity that seems pretty good with @janoshik new testing method and writhin margin of error.

Again, I hear where you're coming from, but it seems slightly contradictory to say not to trust a source and then in the next breath say "what more do you want? i've always tested great on his stuff"

Well, I defer to your better judgement, but from what I've learned in my short time researching here, it's best to treat every source like they might go belly up at any time. A source is only as good as their last batch, etc, etc.

Even accounting for variance in testing, we have (to my knowledge) never seen such a drop in purity on a test of optitropin as we saw on this last test. Method-for-method, it has always seemed (again, to my memory), to test within ~1% purity, batch--to-batch. Now we have a drop of nearly 3x that amount.

Could it be a fluke vial? Actual degradation? Variance in batches we haven't been made aware of? I'd like to know. Again, it's free to ask questions. If it comes to it and I really feel like testing it myself, I will, but I'd prefer to explore my free options first. We don't all have big-baller-fly-around-the-world-and-fuck-Dubai-girls-in-the-ass jobs like you, my man. :p
1. You are, of course, absolutely correct on testing; it will always be a million times better to test things yourself. That said, it doesn't hurt to ask opti, who it would appear has done a decent job of testing in the past, especially with all the 3rd party tests done by members lining up with his results.

2. lol..It was more than a 1 iu difference. It was also nearly 3% in purity down to 94%. I am sure you'll say, "oh big deal", but I want to know why the drop. It costs me nothing to ask why, and if I don't get a satisfactory answer, there are other sources who test higher than 94% even with Jano's new methodology, and are less expensive. I would, however, prefer to continue with opti and so my inquiry continues.

It was less than 3% since we are being technical and a 1.2 iu difference

Did you not read his plus or minus variance with his testing? Apparently not…. Cause then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

I’m not talking shit on @janoshik and his testing but, it is possible he could test the same vial 2 times and get that swing.