Yes sir I keep all my UNreconstructed growth in my safe. I only keep reconstructed growth in the fridge. With the same results -20 points on my igf.

I’m currently running the greys at 6iu a day they have been in my safe for the past 6 months I’m running them split 4iu am 2iu pm

I pulled a 707 pinning 6iu 3iu am 3iu pm and we can compare to this somewhat even though it’s a different pin schedule.
Is 707 high? What does this mean exactly? What's the highest you've seen?
So I started this gh run at 6iu every day as soin as I wake up....been on that for about 2 weeks. Havent noticed much except EXTREMELY high eatrogen levels. So high I need a full mg of arimidex to bring it down. Ive ran gh several times and never had this problem.

So did you actually get blood work to confirm this or is this a “feel” report?

No. But Im on my cruise of 600mg a week of test cyp and 600mg a week of mast e been on that for 6 weeks now. I only need .25 adex eod on my cruise. I started with optis grey tops 2 weeks ago. First injection 6ius within hours face and gut were bloated as hell I let it go for another day and I started to get really oily skin so I took a half a adex not much difference by the next day so took a full mg of adex and even on that im still a lil bloated but not nearly as bad. Ive been using gear for almost 20 years Gh for about 7. I dont need a blood test to tell me my estrogen is high....especially after I take an ai and it goes down.

Me either. As I said I never had these issues with gh didnt have them til I started these so decided to stop for a day or 2 to see if that was the issue and it seems to be. Ita not by anyway a complaint. Im sure Im not the only one that has had this happen. Im still gonna run it I plan on hitting 10 iu a day by the next month or so.

Damn!!! 1.2 gram cruise??

All that to this

Ok so finally gonna update. Not quit sure how long I been on lol but at least 6 months. I started at 2 iu and worked my way up to 10iu a day for the past month or so. Ive also been running 1500mg of test cyp a week ran 4 weeks of anadrol at 50mg a day for 2 weeks then 100mg for the last 2. Now im on my final stretch of 1500mg a week test cyp and 700mg a week of tren a. I was at 195 kinda chubby abs barely ripped and lean at 225 hoping to add another 5 pounds before its over. Then Im gonna cruise on 5 iu a day 600mg test cyp. Before and after pics attached. Thanks opti! View attachment 149801View attachment 149802

So been drinking and decided to scroll down the ol rabbit hole…. My vote def trolling

First thing first …. Anybody saying they go off feels needs to attach a pic firstly so we can understand if you have any prior gear usage. 1500mg a week!!! That’s ONE FIVE ZERO ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO!! And you look like that!!

100mg of adrol!!!! Def under dosed!

Starting to think these fellas that claim these high gear numbers be lying for acceptance or some shit like that.

Say bro I take 20iu a god damn day of growth!!! Post a pic let’s see what that physique look like then. Cause IF you look like the dude above fucking kill your trainer your dog your cat and your fucking lover! Cause you fucking suck at LIFTING FUCKING WEIGHT.

Man we have some solid mutha fuccas on this forum that don’t touch over 5-6 iu a day and no where near a gram and a half of test and they are god damn jacked!!

Who was wanting some opinions on physique earlier post up the pic let’s see what u working with!

But be fast only have a little tequila left


Mutha fuccas

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I know I’m not the jackedest biggest mutha fucca around but I’ll spit some truth at ya real quick
All that to this

So been drinking and decided to scroll down the ol rabbit hole…. My vote def trolling

First thing first …. Anybody saying they go off feels needs to attach a pic firstly so we can understand if you have any prior gear usage. 1500mg a week!!! That’s ONE FIVE ZERO ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO!! And you look like that!!

100mg of adrol!!!! Def under dosed!

Starting to think these fellas that claim these high gear numbers be lying for acceptance or some shit like that.

Say bro I take 20iu a god damn day of growth!!! Post a pic let’s see what that physique look like then. Cause IF you look like the dude above fucking kill your trainer your dog your cat and your fucking lover! Cause you fucking suck at LIFTING FUCKING WEIGHT.

Man we have some solid mutha fuccas on this forum that don’t touch over 5-6 iu a day and no where near a gram and a half of test and they are god damn jacked!!

Who was wanting some opinions on physique earlier post up the pic let’s see what u working with!

But be fast only have a little tequila left


Mutha fuccas

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I know I’m not the jackedest biggest mutha fucca around but I’ll spit some truth at ya real quick
I concur
All that to this

So been drinking and decided to scroll down the ol rabbit hole…. My vote def trolling

First thing first …. Anybody saying they go off feels needs to attach a pic firstly so we can understand if you have any prior gear usage. 1500mg a week!!! That’s ONE FIVE ZERO ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO!! And you look like that!!

100mg of adrol!!!! Def under dosed!

Starting to think these fellas that claim these high gear numbers be lying for acceptance or some shit like that.

Say bro I take 20iu a god damn day of growth!!! Post a pic let’s see what that physique look like then. Cause IF you look like the dude above fucking kill your trainer your dog your cat and your fucking lover! Cause you fucking suck at LIFTING FUCKING WEIGHT.

Man we have some solid mutha fuccas on this forum that don’t touch over 5-6 iu a day and no where near a gram and a half of test and they are god damn jacked!!

Who was wanting some opinions on physique earlier post up the pic let’s see what u working with!

But be fast only have a little tequila left


Mutha fuccas

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I know I’m not the jackedest biggest mutha fucca around but I’ll spit some truth at ya real quick
Hahaha.... I'm gonna cruise on 600mg of test. Good god. That's a lot of Tren and a lot of test. And certainly no cruise.
I'm far from the biggest or most shredded but still post up in that thread. And the way my physique is now in comparison to how much drugs other people take makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Lol. My liver hurt reading that. Food before drugs.
Gentlemen, can we please take the off-topic stuff down a notch? Wading through page after fucking page of girls arguing over who's the prettiest and links to political news stories in a gh thread is getting old.

In case some of you didn't notice, some of us are trying to figure out why optitropin's quality may have dropped by a not insignificant amount. To be clear, I love opti's product and wish to keep using it, which is why I'm concerned.

Now then...

It seems the two most plausible theories as to why the latest test showed 94% are as follows:
1. This really was one massive batch, so large that opti is still selling from it this far down the line, and by now it has begun to degrade.
2. At least one or more additional batches have been produced since the initial announcement of the 120 greys, and the variance in these batches is the reason for the variation in testing.

@opti do you plan on doing any updated testing? And can you confirm if you're still selling from the initial batch or if further batches have been produced? If you're still selling from the same batch, it would be nice to determine if degredation is occuring. If you're selling later batches, despite them being the same product from the same factory, it would be nice to have updated testing. Thank you.
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Gentlemen, can we please take the off-topic stuff down a notch? Wading through page after fucking page of girls arguing over who's the prettiest and links to political news stories in a gh thread is getting old.

In case some of you didn't notice, some of us are trying to figure out why optitropin's quality may have dropped by a not insignificant amount.

Now then...

It seems the two most plausible theories as to why the latest test showed 94% are as follows:
1. This really was one massive batch, so large that opti is still selling from it this far down the line, and by now it has begun to degrade.
2. At least one or more additional batches have been produced since the initial announcement of the 120 greys, and the variance in these batches is the reason for the variation in testing.

@opti do you plan on doing any updated testing? And can you confirm if you're still selling from the initial batch or if further batches have been produced? If you're still selling from the same batch, it would be nice to determine if degredation is occuring. If you're selling later batches, despite them being the same product from the same factory, it would be nice to have updated testing. Thank you.

Or…. In my most polite way of saying…. Don’t trust a fucking source even if he sends it in for testing…. Send it to jano yourself. I mean shit these mutha fuccas will spend 1k on growth 1k on gear but not send one fucking sample to jano or even pull bloodwork.

1 fucking international unit of drug was the difference I believe. Could have been a shit ton of variables. A few of y’all bitching about absolutely nothing.

@janoshik what’s your +/- variable

And again I have pinned almost a year hell could have been a over year old growth and pulled almost the same numbers as fresh growth -20 points or so.

Now back to the political I’m prettier than everyone posting
Or…. In my most polite way of saying…. Don’t trust a fucking source even if he sends it in for testing…. Send it to jano yourself. I mean shit these mutha fuccas will spend 1k on growth 1k on gear but not send one fucking sample to jano or even pull bloodwork.

1 fucking international unit of drug was the difference I believe. Could have been a shit ton of variables. A few of y’all bitching about absolutely nothing.

@janoshik what’s your +/- variable

And again I have pinned almost a year hell could have been a over year old growth and pulled almost the same numbers as fresh growth -20 points or so.

Now back to the political I’m prettier than everyone posting
I have a neat detail sheet on my website.
The %s are relative, not absolute, before anybody gets horrified :)
Gentlemen, can we please take the off-topic stuff down a notch? Wading through page after fucking page of girls arguing over who's the prettiest and links to political news stories in a gh thread is getting old.

In case some of you didn't notice, some of us are trying to figure out why optitropin's quality may have dropped by a not insignificant amount. To be clear, I love opti's product and wish to keep using it, which is why I'm concerned.

Now then...

It seems the two most plausible theories as to why the latest test showed 94% are as follows:
1. This really was one massive batch, so large that opti is still selling from it this far down the line, and by now it has begun to degrade.
2. At least one or more additional batches have been produced since the initial announcement of the 120 greys, and the variance in these batches is the reason for the variation in testing.

@opti do you plan on doing any updated testing? And can you confirm if you're still selling from the initial batch or if further batches have been produced? If you're still selling from the same batch, it would be nice to determine if degredation is occuring. If you're selling later batches, despite them being the same product from the same factory, it would be nice to have updated testing. Thank you.
Yes as I myself am getting close to needing to reup I would very much like to.know what's up with optis current 120.batch
All that to this

So been drinking and decided to scroll down the ol rabbit hole…. My vote def trolling

First thing first …. Anybody saying they go off feels needs to attach a pic firstly so we can understand if you have any prior gear usage. 1500mg a week!!! That’s ONE FIVE ZERO ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO!! And you look like that!!

100mg of adrol!!!! Def under dosed!

Starting to think these fellas that claim these high gear numbers be lying for acceptance or some shit like that.

Say bro I take 20iu a god damn day of growth!!! Post a pic let’s see what that physique look like then. Cause IF you look like the dude above fucking kill your trainer your dog your cat and your fucking lover! Cause you fucking suck at LIFTING FUCKING WEIGHT.

Man we have some solid mutha fuccas on this forum that don’t touch over 5-6 iu a day and no where near a gram and a half of test and they are god damn jacked!!

Who was wanting some opinions on physique earlier post up the pic let’s see what u working with!

But be fast only have a little tequila left


Mutha fuccas

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I know I’m not the jackedest biggest mutha fucca around but I’ll spit some truth at ya real quick
But you actually ARE one of Meso most jacked bro. Lb for lb no doubt.
Honestly if I was him I would contemplate the legitimacy of the oils and adrol.

I’m beginning to believe that was a troll post. 1500mg [emoji23]ripped (not a striation in sight).
We as a community ought to hold ourselves to a higher standard than this. Some people have less than stellar genetics. I try positive and encouraging. IMHO at least be positive and honest without degrading the man. For all we know he worked his butt off and has shit genetics. Just my .02$