Turns out I actually did get scammed, be careful gentleman someone hacked my emailed and sent a fake return email with fake donation address. @opti came through in a big way tho and helped me out, pleasure working with him
If you don't mind me asking, what email client were you using and what email address did the scammer come in with? Not trying to flame you for not paying attention or anything like that. More curious if they used high ascii or unicode chars in the email making it not so obvious to pick up the variation.
So boys, have an update. The first 6 months Supply that I got from him did not have any side effects whatsoever. The next 6 months batch I received the last 6 weeks or so I've been taking it, it has been giving me really bad carpal tunnel in my right hand. It's only when I wake up from naps or wake up in the morning from general sleep. Then it goes away after a little while. Not the left hand at all either.

2iu am and 2iu pm. What could all the sudden cause this?
So boys, have an update. The first 6 months Supply that I got from him did not have any side effects whatsoever. The next 6 months batch I received the last 6 weeks or so I've been taking it, it has been giving me really bad carpal tunnel in my right hand. It's only when I wake up from naps or wake up in the morning from general sleep. Then it goes away after a little while. Not the left hand at all either.

2iu am and 2iu pm. What could all the sudden cause this?
I have this same problem. Just my right hand not the left. I had to cut the dose in half wait i till the swelling went down. Now I’m working my way back up slowly
I have this same problem. Just my right hand not the left. I had to cut the dose in half wait i till the swelling went down. Now I’m working my way back up slowly
But it's just crazy the new batch is doing this and the old batch did not do it whatsoever.

Do we have any new testing on this batch? I don't know if it's from the old batch or the same batch or what LOL
So boys, have an update. The first 6 months Supply that I got from him did not have any side effects whatsoever. The next 6 months batch I received the last 6 weeks or so I've been taking it, it has been giving me really bad carpal tunnel in my right hand. It's only when I wake up from naps or wake up in the morning from general sleep. Then it goes away after a little while. Not the left hand at all either.

2iu am and 2iu pm. What could all the sudden cause this?
Is it the 120's? If so they are overdosed closer to 14iu based on the testing I did with Jano. That's why I tested them as well. Switching from the 100's to 120's I got bad hand numbness as well.
Is it the 120's? If so they are overdosed closer to 14iu based on the testing I did with Jano. That's why I tested them as well. Switching from the 100's to 120's I got bad hand numbness as well.
Yes sir the 120s. And dang.

To be honest man, I've been on this stuff for 8 months and I don't even know if it's even doing anything. I'm on my steroid cycle, so I guess it's hard to tell. Lol.
I know my igf-1 levels are high as fuck, so I would assume it is doing something. But I look no different than I do on a steroid cycle really and I'm eating a perfect diet and working out religiously. Haha
And it's not really numbness I have. It's not being able to move my fingers but like halfway down first thing in the morning or after I take a nap when I wake up. Sometimes it's one finger and sometimes it's three or four fingers. Just on the right hand LOL
Well to be honest I have no blood to back it. My buddy ran it for awhile I ran it for about 8 months bo higher then 4 iu. I was on so much other sauce it was hard to tell I did she'd in my waiste. And mad cripple of hands in middle of night. I decided to run Optis . So you ordered off the source website? Man that's ashame I ran their gear for years and it was always solid and after joing meso I got suspicious and get on the forum and question the admin about testing . I think he's mad and me for busting his balls his only come back when I talked about meso was Janos slip up with mands. So he's defiabtly lurking on here. That's ashame about the insublouc they were promoting that shit like crazy in there and posted some bloods on it when ran with the qtropin. I'm under the impression every one on there is newbies to the game and run to the Google search engine. Because no one is testing and postin. g
I did reply to admin trying to be as thorough and transparent as possible but lost everything because it seems the site
Logged me off. I was very surprised that he contacted me privately and seem genuine in addressing my concerns and working with me. This gives him some degree of credibilty
He also, seems very knowledgeable with the actual science and simply trying to fake it. There is a hell of a lot more to this than I thought.
I did reply to admin trying to be as thorough and transparent as possible but lost everything because it seems the site
Logged me off. I was very surprised that he contacted me privately and seem genuine in addressing my concerns and working with me. This gives him some degree of credibilty
He also, seems very knowledgeable with the actual science and simply trying to fake it. There is a hell of a lot more to this than I thought.
Yes I saw his email to you. My apologies for getting shit started over there. I have no knowledge on the product either
@Mighty-mouse what was your protocol for getting igf levels tested, can figure how to pm you
3-4 or more weeks of consistent dosing. Do not change your pin times or schedule. If I’m on a split dose I stay consistent with the pinning like 8am and 4pm everyday then on week 4 or more I pull bloodwork 2-4 hours after morning pin on an empty stomach. I do not pin anything else or take any other oral the morning of blood pull.

same goes with single injections do not change the pin time and pull 2-4 hours after morning injection.

time really isn’t a factor in testing igf but for your records always pin and pull blood around the same time so you have a record to fall back on. So if your igf is dipped 100 points you can see when you pulled bloodwork and see if that has anything to do with it.

the main thing is consistency!!! I can not push that enough on people. If you are not consistent the bloodwork could be different from time to time and that will throw your results off a few points.

i DO NOT belive in serum testing as these can be faked with peptides. I pulled a 57 on serum and 4 weeks later pulled under 200 on 4 iu. Using pharmacom growth.

also tequila!!!!! Being national tequila day you have to drink 2-4 maybe 6 shots of tequila the night prior to testing…. Laugh now but my bloodwork don’t lie lol. Can’t be cheap tequila either get a bottle of Avion or don julio

I’m currently running the grey tops at 6 iu a day pinning 4am and 2 pm - but remember as I don’t test the vials themselves I treat all growth as 10iu regardless if it’s optis meditropes or whatever I’m pinning. They all get 1ML of STERILE water for mixing. I’m pulling bloodwork Monday on these been on for I think 6 weeks.

these current kits have been in my safe not in a refrigerator for I think 6 months @opti if you can remember the last time I ordered he can provide how long I have had these kits.

the main thing is DONT OVERTHINK IT!!! Just mix one vial at a time refrigerate that vial and pin consistently and take liver supplements. I take liver care used to be known as Liv52 I drink almost every night when I’m in the states and it’s treated my liver pretty good minus the last test cause I had to fill my body full of antibiotics.

long post but I been banned
But it's just crazy the new batch is doing this and the old batch did not do it whatsoever.

Do we have any new testing on this batch? I don't know if it's from the old batch or the same batch or what LOL
Again, and I know I keep pushing this, but why don't you test yourself? That way there's no question as a source testing himself does make one question credibility. Not that I think it's worthless, just doesn't give the assurance I want.

What did you spend for your GH order? To get tested cost $70 buck. Don't be penny-wise but pound foolish.
Yes I saw his email to you. My apologies for getting shit started over there. I have no knowledge on the product either
No apologies needed. I'm no expert either and my posting results is stimulating a conversation and better insight into this subject. There seems to be a lot more than one would think. He's seems pretty knowledgeable and I am not ashamed to admit most of it is over my head but this should be a learning experience for us all. I'm so pissed my post was lost. But I have to resubmit a reply. After all, he did go through a lot of time and effort trying to break things down for me.

I recommend and encourage all you eggheads that are experts in peptides to read his posts regarding IGF and tell us what you think.
WTF, I just realize that few people are going to go through the trouble of signing up on another site to read someone else's post so I'll be posting it here. I hope there are some out there well-versed on the subject that can opine on this.

@ mt, Why kids use Increlex instead of HGH? The reason is some kids with low HGH levels can't convert HGH to IGF-1 effectively, so they inject IGF-1 directly. When you inject IGF-1 it will bound to it's binding proteins (see my previous post) and it will circulate in your bloodstream BOUND to this proteins. In order to have higher systemic IGF-1 level you need to follow the same dosing protocol (the one kids follow) and kids inject MILIGRAMS of IGF-1 /day. If someone told me : RS, I wanna have higher IGF-1 levels and I don't respond well to HGH therapy, I'd tell to inject IGF-1 1-2mg/day for a few weeks and then do the test and re-assess the dosage. Most athletes get good results from just 200 mcg/day, as it's pharmacokinetics is different from HGH and IGF-1 from HGH therapy.
Then, in order to see how you respond to IGF-1, you need to stop HGH for a few weeks completely, do bloodwork, start IGF-1 and re-test after 2 weeks. This way your experiment with 100-200 mcg/day would be legit, but still, expecting huge increase in total IGF-1 from 100 mcg/day shouldn't be expected.
Why IGF-1 is more expensive than HGH? Because most people respond well to HGH therapy.
RH IGF-1 is created for those who don't respond well to HGH therapy and who need higher(normal) systemic IGF-1 levels throughout the day. The key words are SYSTEMIC and THROUGHOUT THE DAY. This way kids with open growth plates have IGF-1 in their bloodstream most of the time.
Let's look at Iplex, it comes with IGFBP3 in the mix (IGF-1 + IGFBP3). It's created for those with LOW IGFBP3 levels.
Increlex/RH IGF-1 isn't not prescribed for HRT/TRT. Why? Because it's pricey and adult men don't need lineal growth (growth plates are closed) and medicine don't really care if you wanna look jacked.
HOW and WHY athletes benefit from just 200 mcg/day when kids need MILIGRAMS? Kids need higher dosages so more IGF-1 will bound to it's binding proteins and will stay in the bloodstream longer WHEN athletes need 200 mcg of FREE aka BIOACTIVE IGF-1 to feed it's muscles (our muscles have IGF-1 receptors). Athletes don't chase lineal growth, they want performance enhancement.
With IGF-1 you get mostly FREE/BIOACTIVE IGF-1, that's what athlete pay for, they don't pay for higher total/systemic IGF-1 levels.
You refer to Palumbo. Palumbo was selling IGF-1 reagents (LR3/DES), those 2 won't even be detected as IGF-1 on a bloodwork, the use of this reagents by athletes is pure broscience with no scientific data.
You want higher Systemic levels of IGF-1? Google Increlex dosing and follow it's dosing protocols, which is MG"s a day. If you won't respond well to RH IGF-1 then your body doesn't release IGF-1 binding proteins and you need Iplex.
I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but I did not take my two IU last night and I woke up and my fingers were not doing the same thing and I actually look a little bit leaner in the mirror?? Would it be that quick for it not to fuck with your hand if you just don't take it but in the morning time?
If you don't mind me asking, what email client were you using and what email address did the scammer come in with? Not trying to flame you for not paying attention or anything like that. More curious if they used high ascii or unicode chars in the email making it not so obvious to pick up the variation.
When it happened to me I was using proton. And the hacker was using..... My proton. After sendimg opti bitcoin and address info, the hacker sent opti an email from my end asking for a different delivery address and recipient.
After complaining that I hadnt got a pack in however long it took, opti sent me the email thread. Fucking sucked