I wonder how you would have tested 3 hours after you injected the 9iu. 3 hours is a standard protocol a lot of guys use. I’m nt sure exactly were it came from or if maybe that’s when it peaks in your blood. Good info to know that your levels are still that high 18 hours later. Probably a good reason I have less side effects using gh EOD when using high doses. Good info
That is for the HGH serum test. IGF levels are pretty stable.
Is there anyone who can help me with this. I got bloods done January glucose came back at a 125. At this time I wasn’t on any GH. Mid May i started on 4iu. Went back to get bloods done again in late June glucose came back at 93. Can anyone make sense of this?
Bro science only here, but doing 2 iu along with 100mg test for a while now after my bulk. I also stopped eating like I had some mental disorder stuffing myself every day. I have kept a surprising amount of my "look" from when I was hard at it and on unhealthy amounts of injectables awaiting a stroke or heart attack.
Yes brother that is my goal . To heal and try a alternative method and experiment . But plan on going above 2. I've ran up to 4iu for about 8 months but ran into some financial issues and cut the gh but about to ramp it up. Have you only ran his 120s kits?
Is there anyone who can help me with this. I got bloods done January glucose came back at a 125. At this time I wasn’t on any GH. Mid May i started on 4iu. Went back to get bloods done again in late June glucose came back at 93. Can anyone make sense of this?
Did you eat before bloods?
Well that’s why your glucose was high, take your glucose fasted.
If it’s high like that fasted, from my understanding either pull back on your gh dose or add some insulin, under supervision of someone more experienced of course.
Well, as I've mentioned before, at my age my IGF level is low. Baseline only 53 ng/ml. I've tried high doses of GH, 15-20/day, and still couldn't get to 200. I have a formal blood test my doctor runs every 3 months and in between that I use a private lab, ZRTlabs, if needed. I test every new GH order I receive regardless of the batch number. Recently, I decided to take IGF directly and chose Qore Pharm's Insubolic that is advertised on this site. Prior to taking this product I was taking 6ius of Opti's GH which scored a 36.4 on my HGH serum test and a 102 for my IGF levels. So the GH is potent but my ability to convert it to IGF not so much. I began taking Insubolic at 100 mcg/day for four weeks straight but reduced my GH intake to 4ius/day due to running out of GH. On the 29th day since I began my IGF cycle I sent my blood sample to ZRT labs.

I got my results today and it came in at 96 ng/ml. As you can imagine I was very disappointed and even a bit pissed. Just another bogus product stealing people's hard earned money. What gets me is that this product has been around for at least over a year and in that time I have not come across any record of somebody actually testing it. I hear a lot of subjective comments. The typical "strength through the roof" and "fat just melting off", I even remember a "This is going to be a real game changer" but no objective verification. Nothing sent to Jano. No individual testing which only costs about $70.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this information. This is one of the reasons for these forums, that we watch out for each other and get each other's back.

Below is the test results sent to me.
I watched an interview with Boston loyd he’s the same way, he said he will do 20iu of gh everyday and his wife will do 2iu and she will test higher on an igf-1 test. I believe this is the reason a gh serum test is necessary also to help analyze potency of the gh you bought. Seems like every time I post a gh serum test to point out that it’s a good product there’s always someone out to tell me it’s pointless and shows nothing. I dont understand the logic behind that statement, that would be comparable to saying testing testosterone in blood tells nothing about the test your taking. Your blood work is a perfect senario why gh serum is necessary when identifying wheather your gh is a good product or not.
No, 100's,120's and Jintropins. I don't run generics with dimer if I can help it
I'm learning. Dimer means bad for health or less purity ? . I have 120s coming. How much bac water should I get to dilute the one 120. Thanks. Sorry for being so green. I've only ran qtropin and they sent it diluted with a cold pack attached . Thanks In advance
Ordered, sent donation and haven’t heard anything in 3 days. This normal ? My first time with opti, sent a few emails with no response. any feedback ?
I'm learning. Dimer means bad for health or less purity ? . I have 120s coming. How much bac water should I get to dilute the one 120. Thanks. Sorry for being so green. I've only ran qtropin and they sent it diluted with a cold pack attached . Thanks In advance
My understanding is dimer is something left over from the manufacturing process it's like damaged hormone. The BAC what are you dilute with 1.2 ml each 10 ticks on an insulin syringe will be one IU