Never had that with using opti. Personally I wouldn’t use it
Yea I'm talking to him now. The weird thing is . It's clear with the sterile water. It's when I switched to the bac which is a good brand we already established. Purple top of that rings a bell .
Yea I'm talking to him now. The weird thing is . It's clear with the sterile water. It's when I switched to the bac which is a good brand we already established. Purple top of that rings a bell .
Only time I've ever had HGH be cloudy was when I accidentally used a needle that had been used for oil before and wasn't a fresh needle. I personally wouldn't use something if it was cloudy
Only time I've ever had HGH be cloudy was when I accidentally used a needle that had been used for oil before and wasn't a fresh needle. I personally wouldn't use something if it was cloudy
Damn you just nailed it bro . I did that of course cleaned with alcohol. Haha damn you nailed it . I knew I could count on you
@opti or anyone else. Does anyone know the issue with the purple tops and why they are on sale. Also is there any updated HPLC testing on 120s and 280s. I don’t see any on the website.
Your understanding is incorrect. It’s much more dependent on where you are relative to your natural baseline. People who live in Denver have higher HCT than that and they’re not doing a bloodletting every quarter. Hell, my HCT was 53 before I started trt.
Some people do get high blood pressure with 53 hematocrit. Mine was 120/80 in may with 49.1 crit. Now its been 150/100 with 53 crit. I donated today. Hope BP goes down soon. This was eating the same diet and still getting plenty of cardio and weights. Maybe my body sucks with high crit and high testosterone.
Some people do get high blood pressure with 53 hematocrit. Mine was 120/80 in may with 49.1 crit. Now its been 150/100 with 53 crit. I donated today. Hope BP goes down soon. This was eating the same diet and still getting plenty of cardio and weights. Maybe my body sucks with high crit and high testosterone.
Yeh my BP is much higher with htc in the 50s but what @Iron_Yuppie is saying makes total sense : it depends what your baseline number was before aas/trt. I dug up my labs from 3-4 years ago prior to any hormones and they were around 46. So yeh at 53-54 my BP is high.
Does anyone have experience with combining GHRP6 with HGH? I have a good amount of the peptide and was curious if they would work well together any synergistic effects?
@opti or anyone else. Does anyone know the issue with the purple tops and why they are on sale. Also is there any updated HPLC testing on 120s and 280s. I don’t see any on the website.

What's the "issue" with then purple tops?
Correction. That was my bad saying purple tops. It’s optis 100s that are on sale which is made by the same mfr as the purple tops. Still don’t know why though.
Wasn’t someone’s blood test lately weak on the generic grey top 120iu optis ?

I have been waiting to read follow ups with nothing mentioned ….like didn’t we all read there was a decrease in purity with grey top 120s ?…then someone tested lower with them right after?

i was told there was a new batch coming in 3-4 weeks …weeks ago
Wasn’t someone’s blood test lately weak on the generic grey top 120iu optis ?

I have been waiting to read follow ups with nothing mentioned ….like didn’t we all read there was a decrease in purity with grey top 120s ?…then someone tested lower with them right after?

i was told there was a new batch coming in 3-4 weeks …weeks ago
The purity changed because @janoshik changed his testing methodology. As far as weak IGF numbers, they vary person to person. Some like me and others score around 100points per IU, while others get considerably lower numbers. There are to many variables with IGF testing.