Thanks! My alt and ast were normal and my fasting bg was 89. I think you're probably right about it being the GH. Think it's something I should worry about, or just keep on keeping on for now?

Edit: for reference, I've been on GH for eight months
I thought SHBG was the enemy and we want that number as low as possible?
I believe what breedingbull is referring to is the most recent 3rd party test of opti's 120's that saw a drop of nearly 3% down to 94%. This is compared to the nearly 97% they tested at immediately after Jano switched to his more accurate methodology. Considering we've never seen more than a 1% swing in all the tests past, and considering Opti hasn't provided testing in almost a year, it's undestandable for members to be potentially concerned, imo.
Can you please explain this statement, that Jano's "new" method is more accurate?

Can you please explain this statement, that Jano's "new" method is more accurate?


Peaks and valleys are much more discernible on the new test therefore being able to see the purity at a more accurate level afaik. From what I've seen of the good generic suppliers the "new" 98-99% purity seems to be anywhere between 94.5-96% tops from what I've seen on the new test, I have not seen any hitting the 98-99 anymore.

It doesn't signal a drop in quality just a more accurate test. I haven't seen TP's Mauve's in awhile I think their last one was a lab4tox test without dimer testing.

tldr; it seems the new standard is 95-96% with 0 dimer'ish for the good generics atleast on this test.
What do you think about this new testing? Do you think generics are just getting lower in quality.
I don't think anything changed in the production of the well known generics it's just a shift in our perception of purity level. ie. a top level generic is around 95% purity with 0 dimer now maybe 96% at max from all the tests I've seen.

It's not like all the generics just suddenly dropped 3-4% in quality. Maybe @janoshik can shed light on what pharma stuff came back at on the new test if he tested any or what his reference sample hit on the new test.
I'm interested to hear as well. I'm assuming when its every other day guys are running a higher dose above the 5iu range. I'm just doing 4 everyday seems to be working. Well filling out at least due to water retention but I'm not a big guy over 200 lbs so I like the weight . Not trying to lose it .
Yes I'm running 10ius every other day , weekends off! Much better! Minimum carpal tunnel symptoms. No more sleepy fuzzy fingers.
All those symptoms ended with in a week!
I don't think anything changed in the production of the well known generics it's just a shift in our perception of purity level. ie. a top level generic is around 95% purity with 0 dimer now maybe 96% at max from all the tests I've seen.

It's not like all the generics just suddenly dropped 3-4% in quality. Maybe @janoshik can shed light on what pharma stuff came back at on the new test if he tested any or what his reference sample hit on the new test.

here is recently tested pharma HGH

for me, especially trips test of optis was a bit disappointing with only 93,x% purity..
I don't think anything changed in the production of the well known generics it's just a shift in our perception of purity level. ie. a top level generic is around 95% purity with 0 dimer now maybe 96% at max from all the tests I've seen.

It's not like all the generics just suddenly dropped 3-4% in quality. Maybe @janoshik can shed light on what pharma stuff came back at on the new test if he tested any or what his reference sample hit on the new test.
You've described it very well, I don't feel there's anything that I have to add.

Reference as per your request:1629523455679.png
More details here: New rHGH testing method
here is recently tested pharma HGH

for me, especially trips test of optis was a bit disappointing with only 93,x% purity..
I think their most recent test was definitely lower I think it dropped a couple %. anything around 95-96% 0 dimer is a great generic in my book. I think meditropes most recent one was 91% if I remember correctly which was surprising.

Ppl get on just fine with the cheaper dimer Lower purity one but I've always been a 0 dimer guy.
I think their most recent test was definitely lower I think it dropped a couple %. anything around 95-96% 0 dimer is a great generic in my book. I think meditropes most recent one was 91% if I remember correctly which was surprising.

Ppl get on just fine with the cheaper dimer Lower purity one but I've always been a 0 dimer guy.

for me lower quality gh definitely made a difference in side effects.
but i guess everyone reacts differently
95-96% with new method and 0 dimer is high quality, agreed
95-96% with new method and 0 dimer is high quality, agreed
Yep. This seems to be the new "high" standard amongst generics. It's unfortunate the last two 3rd party tests of Optitropin have been getting worse. I'm still waiting for one more 3rd party test that should be rearing its head soon. If this trend continues, I'll probably be shopping elsewhere.

Here's the latest for those that haven't seen it.1629309829591.png