You’re saying you can delivery huge quantity of Bayer Rimobolan? That’s a first sign for counterfeit product
Who says huge quantity?
We have last few hundred boxes avaiable from old stock and old prices. These are 100% genuine. After this it won’t be restocked anymore.
HCG 5000IU Prime > 4460IU
Please note this test is not a HPLC test but the more expensive immunoassay test.
Quote by Jano:
“HPLC will not 'accept' slightly degraded HCG, while immunoassay will. “
Are there any review for the Pfizer HGH? A bit scared about the counterfeit issue with the pens. Basically entire Turkey has only counterfeit pens in my opinion.
Are there any review for the Pfizer HGH? A bit scared about the counterfeit issue with the pens. Basically entire Turkey has only counterfeit pens in my opinion.
I had alredy hear that, but why do you think that? Also i was using 2.7 iu ed and my igf 1 come back crazy high(640) and my hgh serum low (3.5) with 5iu 2 hours before test on geno, do you have some explaination?
I had alredy hear that, but why do you think that? Also i was using 2.7 iu ed and my igf 1 come back crazy high(640) and my hgh serum low (3.5) with 5iu 2 hours before test on geno, do you have some explaination?
Your way of doing your blood tests to know if your hgh is okay is wrong, so there is no explanation to give, just a little more research.
You must be at least on the same hgh with the same dosage for at least 6 weeks and at the time of the blood test, no hgh injection 24 hour before (some say 12hour minimum) . HGH Serum doesn't matter.
When i write i did nor take same dosage for atleast 6 weeks? I take for 8 weeks actually
When i write i did nor take same dosage for atleast 6 weeks? I take for 8 weeks actually
Dude i give you free information and your talking shit,

u writing you take hgh shot 2hours before, at this moment you are wrong,

so now go make you own research,

Guys like you motivate me not to reply to anyone on this forum anymore
Dude i give you free information and your talking shit,

u writing you take hgh shot 2hours before, at this moment you are wrong,

so now go make you own research,

Guys like you motivate me not to reply to anyone on this forum anymore
Why are you so grumpy? I injected 2h before for the serum hgh test, but the night before i skip injection so the igf 1 is actually pretty truthful
Why are you so grumpy? I injected 2h before for the serum hgh test, but the night before i skip injection so the igf 1 is actually pretty truthful
Because this forum is becoming a big mess, Nothing personal against you.

it's a very good score for 3ui, as I told you the HGH serum doesn't matter, IGF-1 is what's important.
Because this forum is becoming a big mess, Nothing personal against you.

it's a very good score for 3ui, as I told you the HGH serum doesn't matter, IGF-1 is what's important.
Are you agree all geno from turkey is conterfeict? I hear that often Now i'm using it. (I'm mean i know there is hgh bc my blood say, but maybe some generic ecc.)