It's just 80 cent/iu difference, sorry but i dont trust chinese pharma
Has any1 from scandinavia succesfully ordered from him recently?

Any reviews for prime or unique current batches? Labtest all look accurately dosed.
Tell more pls.
I keep hearing this but never in more detail.
very few people know, but i can tell you there is defenitely difference from gen. To pharma, i had igf 1 higher when i used good generics (not opti) but i feel like it was fake, idk how explain exactly, my finger was not growing my overall wellbegin was not good
very few people know, but i can tell you there is defenitely difference from gen. To pharma, i had igf 1 higher when i used good generics (not opti) but i feel like it was fake, idk how explain exactly, my finger was not growing my overall wellbegin was not good
This reminds me of a movie where a group of guys get some weed and the first one that takes a puff instantly falls over and dies .
All the other guys start cheering and say thats some good shit pass that shit !
Just kidding but i have noticed pharma hgh being better in some aspects except the price of course.
I have tried both types of hgh. The pharma ones and the opti one. The opti one definitely does the job for me.. (i’ve been using it for several months now)
This reminds me of a movie where a group of guys get some weed and the first one that takes a puff instantly falls over and dies .
All the other guys start cheering and say thats some good shit pass that shit !
Just kidding but i have noticed pharma hgh being better in some aspects except the price of course.
What aspects?