Opti being the top 1 EU source on the forum is enough reason in my opinnion to question their bad decisions, he's got more business on this forum (based on stats) than most decent EU vendors combined.
They are doing great, the tests are going well, I've seen sterility tests and a single heavy metal test, all seemed good, I'm not mad just disappointed. I'm fine with injectables being slightly underdosed, not a barely positive caber jano test.
It's not the end of the world, we're talking about drugdealers and hopefully not many are influenced by this decision, but it's always worth taking a strong stance when vendors fuck up. Let's not make it fine to sell sub 20% dosed ancillaries, especially caber or prami of the AAS ancs.
If they can fuck up important stuff unpunished they will keep selling it which careless fucks will use and potentially fuck themselves up. This is a harm reduction forum, I genuinely feel personally attached to that goal.
Good job Opti for owning the mistake and acting fast on it, you are not a pharmacy, shit happens, just don't sell untested batches of important stuff in the future is all.