Over 40 Thread


New Member
Hey everyone. I've just joined the forums and am enjoying reading through all of the different posts. I have tried searching for an Over 40 post or thread but am not finding anything. Any advice for a 45 year old guy looking to embark on his first cycle? I've been working out for almost 30 years now but am finding that I'm not recovering as quickly as I used to. I've been to the doctor and tried the testosterone shots but didn't see much improvement there and want to give higher dosage a shot. My goal isn't to get huge or anything. I just want to get rid of more body fat and lean out some more with some added strength. My diet is pretty clean. I follow a low carb, paleo-centric diet that seems to work for me and I've managed to drop about 25 lbs of body fat.

I'm finding a few threads suggesting test e as a good starting point with a pct at the end of it but just wanted to know if there were any other members who have already gone through what I'm looking at. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, just looking to get pointed in the right direction. Thanks for taking a look.
Welcome to the forums.
Can you elaborate on your Dr giving you the testosterone shots?
Hey everyone. I've just joined the forums and am enjoying reading through all of the different posts. I have tried searching for an Over 40 post or thread but am not finding anything. Any advice for a 45 year old guy looking to embark on his first cycle? I've been working out for almost 30 years now but am finding that I'm not recovering as quickly as I used to. I've been to the doctor and tried the testosterone shots but didn't see much improvement there and want to give higher dosage a shot. My goal isn't to get huge or anything. I just want to get rid of more body fat and lean out some more with some added strength. My diet is pretty clean. I follow a low carb, paleo-centric diet that seems to work for me and I've managed to drop about 25 lbs of body fat.

I'm finding a few threads suggesting test e as a good starting point with a pct at the end of it but just wanted to know if there were any other members who have already gone through what I'm looking at. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, just looking to get pointed in the right direction. Thanks for taking a look.
Although I'm not over 40, I think running a few cycles makes sense for you.

I imagine your doc gave you test cypionate, somewhere around 200mg/ every other week. You didn't see much from that , if that's close, due to the fluctuations and the dose. The doc wants to limit his risk, and bring you to just an acceptable level for your age group. He probably has little concern for your aesthetics :) My doc had me on a similar protocol, it just didn't work.

As far as a first cycle, I think Test E with some Dbol in the beginning would be a great cycle. To be safe, throw some HCG in during cycle.
Hey guys, thanks for chiming in. My doctor was giving me test cypionate at 1 ml a month. Probably not going to do much with that. hehe.
Is he still doing it? If not what are your natty T levels at?
No. I haven't been stuck in probably over a year. I couldn't tell you what my levels are currently.
You must have been somewhat on the low side if your Doc gave you test C injections.

I'm also 40ish, and have good recoveries so far, but it's risky for us. We could fail to recover and end up needing TRT.
Im in same age bracket as you but Ive been on and off gear since I was a teen. I dont use gear for size or strength anymore, but those are nice bonuses. No I use it for the feel. Any test is great but I personally love prop. Just keep it simple and eat clean.

I like to keep around 3-600mg per wk. Depending on quality of gear. I also run cycle on average of 12wks. Then of course I do Pct ( new to me as in just started doing in the last 5 yrs) After that Ill take break for several months and repeat again :)
You'll want to do tons of research before starting.
I still do simple cycles of 500mg a week of Test E.
Things for you to read up on include:
pins and pinning sights
estrogen and signs of high or low levels
signs of gyno
Aromatase inhibitors
finding real gear from an UGL
@ArM4ND I am 42. The best thing you can do is go get blood work start there see where you are. Then learn about self directed TRT get to a point where you know what weekly dosage of Testosterone gets you to the desired level you want to live at. How you respond to estrogen and AI's Then from there go blast and enjoy you worked hard for it just take your time and do it right. Make the first initial tests like blood work and post will you get proper advice here. During that time read up.
@Voltrader and @Burrr I absolutely agree that blood work will be the first step before I start on anything. Thanks for reinforcing that not only for me but for anyone else, young or old looking to start their first cycle. I'm still waiting on my insurance to kick in as I have recently switched jobs so it may be a month or two before I have blood work done.
You can go get it yourself it is not that expensive. What guys with the promo code 80 bucks? Especially pre cycle right @Burr this is your sticky.
I just did a quick Google search on "Where to get a blood test in (name of town)" and was able to find some place in town that will do it for $49 bucks. Thanks again guys.
I just did a quick Google search on "Where to get a blood test in (name of town)" and was able to find some place in town that will do it for $49 bucks. Thanks again guys.
Ahhh searching for answers now you are on a roll:). You probably know this and I still am at fault for not always first defering to this .....there is a pretty good search box here just start plugging things in there and read.
Hey thanks Custom lol!!!!! You can PM sometime and really tell me its you.:) Just kidding Burr I couldn't stop myself. I really thought it was funny,. entertaining myself at your expense @Burr i apologize.
To anyone new to this thread and in the same boat as me I hope you've read this far and are learning as much as I am. So far the most important thing I'm taking away from all of this is GET YOUR BLOOD WORK BEFORE STARTING ANY CYCLE. From there you can make an informed decision. There are some very helpful people on this forum that have been through what we are going through and can help answer your questions. Use the search. Either here or just on Google. Be sure and search on what Burrr posted up above as far as things you should know. It's all only going to help in the long run. I personally won't be doing anything until I know what my hormone levels are.