Oxandrolone dosage


Ox from a us compounding pharm, finished week 1 of 50 mg daily. Like results so far, I read 50 is the sweet spot, is the risk reward there to go up to 75 daily? As in, is it such a wow factor or just stay on 50. Plan 6-8 weeks with my trt upping to 200 a week (normally 100 a week). Goal, cut.
Ox from a us compounding pharm, finished week 1 of 50 mg daily. Like results so far, I read 50 is the sweet spot, is the risk reward there to go up to 75 daily? As in, is it such a wow factor or just stay on 50. Plan 6-8 weeks with my trt upping to 200 a week (normally 100 a week). Goal, cut.
Never went above 50. For me the dose response for lipids and LFTs was not linear (concave down interestingly enough) so there may be some argument that going higher makes some sense for short periods. I was uncomfortable with what 50 did to lipids but can't deny the results from OX on top of TRT+.

Especially on a cut the visual results are pretty addicting if already low BF before cut.
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Many have mentioned those. Never had them. My muscles are probably inferior and never fully utilized the full power of OX. Saddens me.
Or maybe you are genetically superior because shin pumps are nothing to look for, I assure you. Walking like a retard around the gym isn't fun xD
Ox from a us compounding pharm, finished week 1 of 50 mg daily. Like results so far, I read 50 is the sweet spot, is the risk reward there to go up to 75 daily? As in, is it such a wow factor or just stay on 50. Plan 6-8 weeks with my trt upping to 200 a week (normally 100 a week). Goal, cut.
for a competitor guys heavy or superheavy normal dose of oxa is 100mg a day (pre workout)

off season and pre contest (oxa is safe in liver , you can use a lot of week without problem) , in off season for a strengh increase , pre contest with medium/high tren for fat loss , reduce cortisol and strengh
Ox from a us compounding pharm, finished week 1 of 50 mg daily. Like results so far, I read 50 is the sweet spot, is the risk reward there to go up to 75 daily? As in, is it such a wow factor or just stay on 50. Plan 6-8 weeks with my trt upping to 200 a week (normally 100 a week). Goal, cut.
What is your purpose and goal for taking it? Dose depends on if you're after anabolism, connective tissue building, acute strength, muscle sparring during a cut, aesthetics etc.

Generally speaking for anabolism I haven't seen much suggesting over 40 or so mg being necessary unless you're pro BB massive human. Depending on the person's body weight 50mg is likely more than necessary and more like 30 is a good risk/reward dose. For anabolism there's a point of diminishing returns where increasing dose gives only a little more benefit and a lot more side effects.

Maybe for acute strength or peaking aesthetics over 50mg is useful. For collagen/connective tissue beyond 20mg is unecessary. Muscle sparring 10 - 20mg + TRT is plenty depending on LBM. For fat loss I'm not sure, but it's not a great compound for fat loss. More like a helpful addition but not a primary driver.

My thinking in this is more towards minimizing health harm while getting reasonably close to the peak of benefits. If 20mg gets me 85% of the benefit I want but 40mg gets me 95% benefit but with 50% additional side effects I'm sticking with 20mg.

I’ve run quite a bit of var as it doesn’t seem to affect me mentally, and my health markers don’t get that skewed by it either. For me 50mg is the sweet spot, above that I don’t get extra benefits. No extra strength or aesthetic effects.

For a first timer 20mg will get you really far, especially if body fat is low.
Many have mentioned those. Never had them. My muscles are probably inferior and never fully utilized the full power of OX. Saddens me. I only ran very low carb on OX. Maybe that was a factor.
This could be it. When I ran high carb/high calorie during a bulk I was getting lower leg cramps daily just walking from my car to work or from my office to the cafeteria. Now I'm low carb and cutting and no cramps, not even once. This is at 25mg around 45 minutes pre workout in both cases. I briefly tried 50mg for a few weeks while cutting/low carb and still no cramps. It's all been from the same vendor/batch
Cramping in this context may be related to carb consumption.

Low carb and high carb seem to experience cramps from different causes (and yes overlap). Low carb & electrolytes, high carb and high glycogen/hydration.

Orals & muscle cramps are more likely to be associated in a high carb context.
I have done 30 up to 100mg per day, of course it was for a very short time. It greatly benefited my strength and power. But I don't think that's the dose to use, I believe 30-60mg/day, depending on how long you want to use it.

Overall I'd 30mg/day, doesn't interfere much with daily life and tasks. Provides some good boost and if taken for a bit longer that nice and quite pleasing cosmetic effect. Only negative like mentioned in this thread multiple times is lipids.

Higher dosages of 50+ of course add more performance gains, but as others have mentioned some get really bad pumps or even cramps. Possibly more aggression, less tolerance for random bs, acne, sleep issues from mental overdrive as body can feel overstimulated. Also BP issues, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, dehydration and etc. are possible.