OxygenPharm - Canadian Source for AAS

Feel bad for these folks, if it’s all true. My last order via Pareto was in mid November. Heavy order that even included some freebies. They never disappointed.
Sseriously look at your post history, you are another Paretoxygen brand ambassador. You guys are like lice on this forum infested everywhere lmao. I guess on the other forums you have to pay to play and your reputation is toast now so Meso is all you have. Could you just fucking imagine how many IP addresses are actually behind all the shilling here. I would bet my pharma HGH that its quite plausibly Under 5...deplorable.
So has anyone used this? And able. To. Give feedback or are we still all arguing over Pareto and Oxygen being one?

I ordered a vial. Of test and anavar. Anavar seemed to be legit dried me out and gave me wild pumps, walking became an issue, same with chest work outs.

The test e we will see as my bloods come on Monday, but so far every single fucking injection I got a decent sized painful lump in the muscle. Horribly annoying, for that reason alone I'll probably check out JET next. But I do think their product is legit incase people are wondering.
So has anyone used this? And able. To. Give feedback or are we still all arguing over Pareto and Oxygen being one?

I ordered a vial. Of test and anavar. Anavar seemed to be legit dried me out and gave me wild pumps, walking became an issue, same with chest work outs.

The test e we will see as my bloods come on Monday, but so far every single fucking injection I got a decent sized painful lump in the muscle. Horribly annoying, for that reason alone I'll probably check out JET next. But I do think their product is legit incase people are wondering.

Why everyone keeps ordering test-e then bitching about bad pip is just beyond me! Order test-cyp already for cunt sake and shut the fuck up about pip already :rolleyes:
Why everyone keeps ordering test-e then bitching about bad pip is just beyond me! Order test-cyp already for cunt sake and shut the fuck up about pip already :rolleyes:
Lmao didn't know that it made a difference, thanks for the advice, could've been said nicer but I'll take it.
Why everyone keeps ordering test-e then bitching about bad pip is just beyond me! Order test-cyp already for cunt sake and shut the fuck up about pip already :rolleyes:
Lmao it’s true. This has been an issue for years now. I kno cyp tops at 250mg/ml but I’d rather inject more oil instead of bitching about pip.
Lmao it’s true. This has been an issue for years now. I kno cyp tops at 250mg/ml but I’d rather inject more oil instead of bitching about pip.

Test-cyp holds fine at 350mg/ml if bb is bumped to 25% with zero pip, but crashes hard if it gets cold. I much prefer test-d at 400mg/ml and smooth as butter doing 2/20 :p
I'm on week 10 of their Deca and been taking their MK-677.. my joints definitely feel better on It which Is a huge benefit for me considering how bad my elbows were getting. It's definitely otherwise hard to tell that I'm even on Deca at 400mg/week but It's probably just the compound. Nothing crazy just steady gains.

Mk-677 Is definitely G2G, extreme hunger at first.. bodyweight shot up almost 10lbs in a week from water.

I really want to try their EQ once I'm not broke.. but for now Dianabol, Deca, Test, MK677 has me progressing well, just need to keep up with the training. (fuck this sport is hard) :cool:
Lmao it’s true. This has been an issue for years now. I kno cyp tops at 250mg/ml but I’d rather inject more oil instead of bitching about pip.
Never ran E, always C. My source mixed up sent me E. I tried it with no issues, thankfully.
Why everyone keeps ordering test-e then bitching about bad pip is just beyond me! Order test-cyp already for cunt sake and shut the fuck up about pip already :rolleyes:
Why is it my Rx Test E and a few ULG Test E give me no pip yet some other UGL do? Is it in the brewing process? Additives?
Bloods came back everything looks pretty good, a couple things slightly above average but nothing to worry about. Estradiol is high which i suspected.

Test came back at 3100 at 400mg weekly dose. Way higher than i expected, considering dropping it down a bit.

This is my first cycle, protein intake is roughly 200g a day.

So gear is for sure not bunk and g2g slightly over powered.
Bloods came back everything looks pretty good, a couple things slightly above average but nothing to worry about. Estradiol is high which i suspected.

Test came back at 3100 at 400mg weekly dose. Way higher than i expected, considering dropping it down a bit.

This is my first cycle, protein intake is roughly 200g a day.

So gear is for sure not bunk and g2g slightly over powered.
What were you expecting? Why would you reduce the dose of your cycle/blast because your Testosterone came back at 3100ng/dL? And what makes you think this is the result of "over powered" gear?

All-in-all a very weird post
What were you expecting? Why would you reduce the dose of your cycle/blast because your Testosterone came back at 3100ng/dL? And what makes you think this is the result of "over powered" gear?

All-in-all a very weird post
Fair questions, mind you this is my first cycle, and was going by the general rule of thumb of 4 to 5x the dose, which is evidently not a great rule of thumb. Also relative to what others were getting with the same dose.

To be completely candid, i was expecting 2200~ so it just took my by surprise. I guess i will learn to enjoy these wild strength gains.
What were you expecting? Why would you reduce the dose of your cycle/blast because your Testosterone came back at 3100ng/dL? And what makes you think this is the result of "over powered" gear?

All-in-all a very weird post
If his estradiol is high wouldn't it make sense to reduce the test dosage? Assuming he doesn't want to use AI's?
Bloods came back everything looks pretty good, a couple things slightly above average but nothing to worry about. Estradiol is high which i suspected.

Test came back at 3100 at 400mg weekly dose. Way higher than i expected, considering dropping it down a bit.

This is my first cycle, protein intake is roughly 200g a day.

So gear is for sure not bunk and g2g slightly over powered.
Post up your bloodwork no one is going to just take your word for it with 10 posts and your first cycle.
Fair questions, mind you this is my first cycle, and was going by the general rule of thumb of 4 to 5x the dose, which is evidently not a great rule of thumb. Also relative to what others were getting with the same dose.

To be completely candid, i was expecting 2200~ so it just took my by surprise. I guess i will learn to enjoy these wild strength gains.
So basically you have no clue what your doing