There’s a reason Pareto , Syn, and INNO have a sort of truce, and it’s simple economics. It’s in everyone’s interest to fight with product quality, packaging, and client support than it is to fight with prices. Imagine if syn decides to drop prices 25%… they might steal a few clients short term, but then other labs will follow suit. Now everyone is making less money, and the labs are less likely to bend over backwards for issues because “you already got a dea
If you come in with $40 test e, congrats you are a direct to consumer lab and no one will want to rep for you. These are behind the scenes realities that allow the big labs to make sure every order sent out can be resent if lost, or replaced if there’s an issue.
Stop being cheap lol
If you come in with $40 test e, congrats you are a direct to consumer lab and no one will want to rep for you. These are behind the scenes realities that allow the big labs to make sure every order sent out can be resent if lost, or replaced if there’s an issue.
Stop being cheap lol