OxygenPharm - Canadian Source for AAS

There’s a reason Pareto , Syn, and INNO have a sort of truce, and it’s simple economics. It’s in everyone’s interest to fight with product quality, packaging, and client support than it is to fight with prices. Imagine if syn decides to drop prices 25%… they might steal a few clients short term, but then other labs will follow suit. Now everyone is making less money, and the labs are less likely to bend over backwards for issues because “you already got a dea

If you come in with $40 test e, congrats you are a direct to consumer lab and no one will want to rep for you. These are behind the scenes realities that allow the big labs to make sure every order sent out can be resent if lost, or replaced if there’s an issue.

Stop being cheap lol
As the PEDS industry has been growing rapidly in the last 20 years, production and transport have been scaled up and optimized at every step, and competition between sources (raw and finished, generic and pharma) has been a far stronger driver of market prices than inflation. Canada (and the UK) are interesting markets insofar the pressure/demand of labtesting finished product has barely increased within those 20 years despite the rise of easily accessible, accurate & affordable labtesting improving the verifiable quality of raws as well as finished product in most other regions of the world. As Manu correctly remarks, you don't even know what you pay for - which side may reap the bigger rewards from this lack of transparency you can come to your own conclusion about.
Yes production and TP scale accordingly to the market, generally being optimized concurrently with the times. Competition can only effect pricing to a degree. That's basic commerce. Legit lab testing is more affordable and accessible these days so should be standard across the board. If I didnt trust this lab, I wouldn't deal with them. More transparency would be nice for piece of mind though.
There’s a reason Pareto , Syn, and INNO have a sort of truce, and it’s simple economics. It’s in everyone’s interest to fight with product quality, packaging, and client support than it is to fight with prices. Imagine if syn decides to drop prices 25%… they might steal a few clients short term, but then other labs will follow suit. Now everyone is making less money, and the labs are less likely to bend over backwards for issues because “you already got a dea

If you come in with $40 test e, congrats you are a direct to consumer lab and no one will want to rep for you. These are behind the scenes realities that allow the big labs to make sure every order sent out can be resent if lost, or replaced if there’s an issue.

Stop being cheap lol
Im not cheap or hard up for cash, Ill pay $40 for a bottle of quality Test all day. There are different demographics out there, and it seems like everyone whos here complaining about a few bucks is in the economy class, which is fine. Walmart does very well catering to the same people. Guessing Oxygen Pharm is catering to first class clientele who dont care about product costs.
Personally I wouldnt use a different lab at this point. Im sure theres a few other legit ones doing good business. Subjective differences aside, Id rather drive a Benz vs a Ford. To each their own tho
Last sentence sums it up: to each their own.
We had not preemptively done HPLC testing on our finished products as we anticipated accusations of making stronger batches to send off for testing purposes only.
You didn’t bother testing your gear because you were afraid of being accused of overdosing, thus opening the door for you to be accused of under-or-inaccurately dosing? That is some galaxy brain shit right there.
You didn’t bother testing your gear because you were afraid of being accused of overdosing, thus opening the door for you to be accused of under-or-inaccurately dosing? That is some galaxy brain shit right there.
Just by coming on the forums they open themselves up to accusations of this, that and the other. There will always be criticism. Nice to see them on here promoting themselves to the community. Im sure theyll meet everyone's expectations for QC and testing going forward. I havnt heard a single legit complaint over the last 1.5 years Ive been dealing with them. Creating a high quality UGL from the ground up is quite the undertaking, arguing with unintelligent, broke, brand biased trolls online is the easy part and comes with the territory.
Just by coming on the forums they open themselves up to accusations of this, that and the other. There will always be criticism. Nice to see them on here promoting themselves to the community. Im sure theyll meet everyone's expectations for QC and testing going forward. I havnt heard a single legit complaint over the last 1.5 years Ive been dealing with them. Creating a high quality UGL from the ground up is quite the undertaking, arguing with unintelligent, broke, brand biased trolls online is the easy part and comes with the territory.
How do you know if any complaints are legitimate or not, and how can you talk about product quality at all without having a decently sized selection of UGL finished testing and customer blind testing to verify the former reports?

Labtesting an entire inventory of finished products via Janoshik costs far less than 1% of the profits of these batches and coupled with offering full (or more) credit for blind testing to Meso users has always the only way to legitimize yourself on Meso. Producing accurately dosed Clenbuterol finished product is quite difficult for example, and promoting any brand that sells this untested opposes the ideal of harm reduction Meso prides itself on.
How do you know if any complaints are legitimate or not, and how can you talk about product quality at all without having a decently sized selection of UGL finished testing and customer blind testing to verify the former reports?

Labtesting an entire inventory of finished products via Janoshik costs far less than 1% of the profits of these batches and coupled with offering full (or more) credit for blind testing to Meso users has always the only way to legitimize yourself on Meso. Producing accurately dosed Clenbuterol finished product is quite difficult for example, and promoting any brand that sells this untested opposes the ideal of harm reduction Meso prides itself on.
Yes, all complaints are legitimate in the eye of the one complaining. In the last 1.5 years I've been dealing with O2 Ive had the following complaints:
- Two compounds came off as too strong (Tren A & Anavar).
- Initially, the expensive silicone stoppers in the bottles would leak based on the internal pressure. They went to cheaper rubber stoppers which fixed that issue, and they replaced the few that I had complaints about.

Id say that's decent feedback coming from over 100 people who Ive dealt with who use these products. I actually had legitimate complaints, especially with SARMs and peptides when I was dealing with a few other local UGLs who's names I wouldn't mention here to be petty.

If these guys put out a shit product I wouldn't back it, and Id be the first to call them out on their shit. They said they were testing finished products, so I'm awaiting those results. Their branding looks better than any lab Ive ever seen on here, and the quality matches expectations.
Im sure theyll meet everyone's expectations for QC and testing going forward.
So you’re personally guaranteeing the quality of the product now? Interesting. Usually you don’t see that from unaffiliated third parties, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything.

Anyone who has any bad experiences please forward complaints to this gentleman, he is the one who handles reships, replacements, and in cases that warrant it refunds.
If these guys puit out a shit product I wouldn't back it, and Id be the first to call them out on their shit. They said they were testing finished products, so I'm awaiting those results. Their branding looks better than any lab Ive ever seen on here, and the quality matches expectations.
Are you being purposefully obtuse? I laid out the qualifiers we use on Meso to determine product quality and despite this brand apparently having been around for a while (I'm not into the canadian scene so had never heard of them), they've apparently never labtested finished product (and you've not seen blind customer testing I suppose or you'd post it). One of your main arguments seems to be that pretty boxes and related marketing should be markers of quality, whereas Meso has a community uniquely aware that some of the worst trash brands in this business have the most elaborate packaging and marketing to hide their intentional flaws.
You get what you pay for, if you've ever heard of inflation and wonder why the cost of a bottle of anything hasn't gone up in the 20 years since I've been running PEDs is because UGLs generally provide poor quality products to meet the "market" standard, 20-80% underdosed, and usually a cheaper raw. If you know the cost to import, produce and market PEDs then feel free to comment with something other than nonsense.
I’ve been buying peds online since 2007 and it’s actually the opposite. The prices have came down by about 50% on average and the quality has gotten significantly better. At least that is the situation in the US.
Yes, all complaints are legitimate in the eye of the one complaining. In the last 1.5 years I've been dealing with O2 Ive had the following complaints:
- Two compounds came off as too strong (Tren A & Anavar).
- Initially, the expensive silicone stoppers in the bottles would leak based on the internal pressure. They went to cheaper rubber stoppers which fixed that issue, and they replaced the few that I had complaints about.

Id say that's decent feedback coming from over 100 people who Ive dealt with who use these products. I actually had legitimate complaints, especially with SARMs and peptides when I was dealing with a few other local UGLs who's names I wouldn't mention here to be petty.

If these guys put out a shit product I wouldn't back it, and Id be the first to call them out on their shit. They said they were testing finished products, so I'm awaiting those results. Their branding looks better than any lab Ive ever seen on here, and the quality matches expectations.
>100 people you have dealt with all using this brand? Are you a sales rep?
Other great UGLs for half the price that actually have history with bloodwork and product testing.....

Think I'll spend half the price on the same cycle with the same results.
You get what you pay for, if you've ever heard of inflation and wonder why the cost of a bottle of anything hasn't gone up in the 20 years since I've been running PEDs is because UGLs generally provide poor quality products to meet the "market" standard, 20-80% underdosed, and usually a cheaper raw. If you know the cost to import, produce and market PEDs then feel free to comment with something other than nonsense.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you here. The way I read this part of your statement:

UGLs generally provide poor quality products to meet the "market" standard, 20-80% underdosed, and usually a cheaper raw

Are you saying that most labs in Canada are 20-80% underdosed?

I am sure I could list off say 10 labs in Canada that you could pull any vial off their shelf and it would meet label claims. It could off by a couple mgs, but highly unlikely 20% and certainly not 80%.

How would these labs survive?

If this is in fact what you are stating, I am also sure everyone would love to know which labs are doing this and some proof to back it up would be wonderful.
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Are you being purposefully obtuse? I laid out the qualifiers we use on Meso to determine product quality and despite this brand apparently having been around for a while (I'm not into the canadian scene so had never heard of them), they've apparently never labtested finished product (and you've not seen blind customer testing I suppose or you'd post it). One of your main arguments seems to be that pretty boxes and related marketing should be markers of quality, whereas Meso has a community uniquely aware that some of the worst trash brands in this business have the most elaborate packaging and marketing to hide their intentional flaws.
I'm sure they'll meet all the requirements Meso has to ensure ideal brand quality. That's for them to figure out. I'm going off my (and others) experiences and time on their products, and I've never been happier. I've got enough experience and knowledge to recognize quality. I see where you're coming from, lets see what Oxygen does to bring themselves up into the fold with the rest of the reputable labs that have been around for significantly longer.