Oxytocin experience?


After searching the internet for about an hour, I could only find 1 or 2 positive experiences where oxytocin had positive effects on mood, libido, or sex. Maybe 30-50 anecdotes where little/no benefit was described. Vendor here has it on sale, and I'm inclined to experiment for sexual benefits....but curious if anybody here can recommend it based on personal experiences?
if you want libido boost I would recommend pt141. Oxy at 200mcgs improves my mood, but nothing beyond that.
I agree. Then again, if gear is making you lose your libido, then why the fuck are you doing the gear you’re doing? Re-think your program. God gave you your little Johnson for a reason.
It's supposed to increase bonding and the "love" part of sex.
I've used it several times with and without PT141. Both did about the same and worked well together.

I will mention, the last couple times, it gave me the shits. I was mixing it w the pt141 so idk which did it but having the runs during sexy time is not the best scenario.

Funny part is that it was when we had a live in gf, and it had the same effect on all 3 of us. So we all wanted to have aex but ended up waiting in line for the bathroom first. (We still had sex, just no anal)
I've used it quite extensively, and for me it's been just cheap supplement that for me works closer to an antidepressant/mood-lifter than a performance enhancer or libido booster.

It absolutely improves my mood and sense of wellbeing. I find it also helps with sleep. For those alone, it definitely has merit for physique-building purposes - even if the action isn't direct.

Mildly increases my libido, but there are much better remedies for that out there
I've read all comments on pt141 on this forum and people are saying widely different things in terms of timing and dosing.

I see a lot of comments ranging from 1mg-2.5mg first time. And people saying it takes 4-6 hours to work.

Some say do it on an empty stomach, some say do it on full stomach to avoid nausea. Man it's crazy how different everyone is...

I might just do 1mg for a first time user, 3 hours before sex.
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