Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
This thread really shows how 2 years can change everything. Back then semaglutide (ozempic) was the thing, now it's not so special anymore and more advanced alternatives are available. Still an interesting category of drugs.
3 times for six months for what?
A member here said (rightly) that glps are not to be used like diet pills and that using them as such (in a non continuous manner) would cause your body to become irresponsive to them, to a degree.
From what you say, you were not extremely overweight or had other health issues to begin with, right, because you only took this for a short time?
So you just used it in conjunction with aas to lose weight?
correct- no major health issues and basically taking it because I default to weight gain and was coming off some aggressive bulks 200->235lb and 225-> 260lb so I wanted to try this out to see if it would make cutting easier and it made it a completely thoughtless and nearly effortless process relative to what it usually takes for me to effectively drop weight. I did also like that semaglutide appears to have a number of other positive health effects, which I feel can help mitigate some of the negative health effects from some of the gear. I will say that I am using semaglutide again right now and I've gone up to a little over .5mg this week as I try to drop the final 10lb before a maintenance phase. I should note that I think the "need" to increase the dose is more due to the fact that I have not dropped to this level of bodyfat maybe ever, and less due to my body getting used to the drug. I'm not sure how long it would take for my body to get irresponsive to these drugs, but I started with the same .25mg/week dose this time as I did the other times and it certainly killed my appetite within a week, so habituation does not seem to be a huge concern for me so far. I also taper off semaglutide when I'm completing a run and add in berberine when I do so, so maybe that helps as well? not sure- but it works for me. appetite usually stays low enough, and I have to put marginally more effort into diet, but maintaining the weight I reach with semaglutied (within 5lb) is pretty easy.
I’m not at re adjustment yet. SW 265, CW 215lbs. I still have 20lbs to lose at least. I want to increase the dose, increase appetite suppression, do lots of fasted exercise along with pins of MOD GRF 1-29 to boost HGH to maximum physiological levels so I keep as much muscle as possible during these later phases of weight loss where atrophy is common.

Once I feel my goal body composition has become my set weight, I’ll begin titrating down off the GLP’s. That’s probably another year or 1.5 years down the line.

Due to major personal issues these goals failed. Happy to say I have not gained more than 5lbs though and I'm normally a stress eater. So that's neat.

Back to it in the fall probably. Been on maintenance dose of approx 9mg every 5 days since this post. No significant weight loss obviously though I do feel thinner since march.
correct- no major health issues and basically taking it because I default to weight gain and was coming off some aggressive bulks 200->235lb and 225-> 260lb so I wanted to try this out to see if it would make cutting easier and it made it a completely thoughtless and nearly effortless process relative to what it usually takes for me to effectively drop weight. I did also like that semaglutide appears to have a number of other positive health effects, which I feel can help mitigate some of the negative health effects from some of the gear. I will say that I am using semaglutide again right now and I've gone up to a little over .5mg this week as I try to drop the final 10lb before a maintenance phase. I should note that I think the "need" to increase the dose is more due to the fact that I have not dropped to this level of bodyfat maybe ever, and less due to my body getting used to the drug. I'm not sure how long it would take for my body to get irresponsive to these drugs, but I started with the same .25mg/week dose this time as I did the other times and it certainly killed my appetite within a week, so habituation does not seem to be a huge concern for me so far. I also taper off semaglutide when I'm completing a run and add in berberine when I do so, so maybe that helps as well? not sure- but it works for me. appetite usually stays low enough, and I have to put marginally more effort into diet, but maintaining the weight I reach with semaglutied (within 5lb) is pretty easy.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

The majority of people who discuss these drugs on Meso are, probably, the type of individuals who were the intended target of these substances, that is they had weight/food/health related issues.
So, the way these drugs have been created to be taken and how they work is very specific.

However, I am more interested in the way this kind of medication is being deployed by people like yourself, within their training/dieting regime.
I am still quite unsure about it.

I have heard they are being used by professional bodybuilders (I would imagine rather sparingly and intermittently), although I do not know whether that is true.
Also, Type-IIx has written that sema (what you take) is superior to tirzepatide, within a bodybuilding framework.

I was just wondering whether, for someone who is not tied to certain medical considerations, they can be used in a way that is different and not as prescriptive as it should be.
If they can be used like you do, only when needed and then dropped, without creating some kind of dependency on them: once one's aim is achieved, is one able to maintain it (reasonably) through diet and exercise only?
From what you are saying, it seems it is feasible, for you.

Using them as tools may be an appealing idea, but the thought of creating some kind of dependency (no matter how good for you they are advertised to be) kind of troubles me.

Apologies if it sounds ridiculous.
If I ask this sort of question to someone who is using glps constantly and for certain reasons, inevitably it's perceived to be a retarded way of thinking about it. I accept that.
Maybe you can see where I am coming from.
If you also think it's idiotic, it's fair enough.

Thank you so much for your kindness and for sharing your experience with me.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

The majority of people who discuss these drugs on Meso are, probably, the type of individuals who were the intended target of these substances, that is they had weight/food/health related issues.
So, the way these drugs have been created to be taken and how they work is very specific.

However, I am more interested in the way this kind of medication is being deployed by people like yourself, within their training/dieting regime.
I am still quite unsure about it.

I have heard they are being used by professional bodybuilders (I would imagine rather sparingly and intermittently), although I do not know whether that is true.
Also, Type-IIx has written that sema (what you take) is superior to tirzepatide, within a bodybuilding framework.

I was just wondering whether, for someone who is not tied to certain medical considerations, they can be used in a way that is different and not as prescriptive as it should be.
If they can be used like you do, only when needed and then dropped, without creating some kind of dependency on them: once one's aim is achieved, is one able to maintain it (reasonably) through diet and exercise only?
From what you are saying, it seems it is feasible, for you.

Using them as tools may be an appealing idea, but the thought of creating some kind of dependency (no matter how good for you they are advertised to be) kind of troubles me.

Apologies if it sounds ridiculous.
If I ask this sort of question to someone who is using glps constantly and for certain reasons, inevitably it's perceived to be a retarded way of thinking about it. I accept that.
Maybe you can see where I am coming from.
If you also think it's idiotic, it's fair enough.

Thank you so much for your kindness and for sharing your experience with me.
I really appreciate it.
no problem- I think semaglutide and other GLP-1 agonists (tirzepatide etc.) are being used by a ton of people within the fitness and bodybuilding communities. Given their popularity in the general public, I don't really see why these communities would rush to take these medications as well. realistically something that helps you stay lean without having to fight the mental battles surrounding diet or at least severely turn down your appetite is going to be very appealing for a lot of people.

For me personally I have found that semaglutide is super effective and I get no real side effects from it at all so it's really nice- like a switch I can flick to just instantly stop getting hungry regularly and then mindlessly drop weight. I think this time I will probably try taking it for longer as I'm trying to get leaner and then stay leaner afterwards, so I'll see if that changes anything for me in terms of required dose and whatnot. Also as far as dependency goes- I do think that the easy thing to do is definitely to just stay on the meds indefinitely, and just not have to worry about food and gaining weight back. I personally have no intention of staying on it for life, and the other times I came off it, I tapered off (seemed obvious to me, but it looks like this isn't to some) and it was totally fine. I definitely noticed that I actually felt hungry, which doesn't happen when I take semaglutide, but also I didn't find it all that hard to just take note of that and just keep being conscious of food intake. last time I think I cut down to like 220lb at my lowest weight and then after that I was maintaining 225 for like 6+ months afterwards without much effort. I think the whole dependency thing is pretty overhyped for most people, although for some who are starting from a point of severe obesity this might be different, I'm not sure.
Due to major personal issues these goals failed. Happy to say I have not gained more than 5lbs though and I'm normally a stress eater. So that's neat.

Back to it in the fall probably. Been on maintenance dose of approx 9mg every 5 days since this post. No significant weight loss obviously though I do feel thinner since march.


I thought I had major personal issues.

One week after this post my roommate/identical twin brother/business partner was run over by a truck on his motorcycle that I taught him to ride and killed.

Wow I'm fucking stupid and I thought I had problems before. Down to 210lbs though.

I thought I had major personal issues.

One week after this post my roommate/identical twin brother/business partner was run over by a truck on his motorcycle that I taught him to ride and killed.

Wow I'm fucking stupid and I thought I had problems before. Down to 210lbs though.
Holy shit. I am so sorry. That was a hell of an update to read.