PaintDrinker’s Cut Log Ft. Masteron & Tirzepatide & Accutane

Am weight 203.7
Wow, 27 pounds down if your starting weight on August 24 was accurate!

Good job.

I can't wait to see the end result when you are finished cutting.

Honestly, though, you probably should have done this a little more slowly. I wonder if the GLP-1 drug, by influencing your appetite, harmed your efforts?

It does not look like you lost much in the way of lean tissue, so maybe not. What do you think? How has your preservation of lean mass been? Strength when training still there or some of it lost?
Wow, 27 pounds down if your starting weight on August 24 was accurate!

Good job.

I can't wait to see the end result when you are finished cutting.

Honestly, though, you probably should have done this a little more slowly. I wonder if the GLP-1 drug, by influencing your appetite, harmed your efforts?

It does not look like you lost much in the way of lean tissue, so maybe not. What do you think? How has your preservation of lean mass been? Strength when training still there or some of it lost?
I started this log about a month after I started cutting so closer to August 1st was the start. I’ve lost roughly 10% of my muscle but I think I’m getting some of it back under the direction of a coach. He increased my calories and I’m still losing. We just increased steps and lifting volume.

I love tirzepatide my liver and kidney values are better than they have ever been and I’m on 90mgs of accutane.

I’m definitely getting stronger in all of my lifts now as well
Last nights pump. Still not very much vascularity in the arms. Really want to push some fast esters but aparantly we’re not touching the doses till rebound.

The plan for rebound is 700 test ace 500 boldenone acetate 10 mg Superdrol for the last 4 weeks. Will be a 6 week rebound into a 30 day cruise before growth phase.IMG_6355.webp
LOL, It is really, really good.

See post #83
Ok thanks. I thought it was bad and was about to freak out because everything else is in range. I drank a liter of tequila every day for 3 years while ripping blow and ketamine up in the mountains. After I got sober bodybuilding set me straight. I do miss doing ketamine at 12000ft with the boys but definitely happy I didn't fuck my kidneys before starting gear