PCT after 18 weeks on.

How was your hunger spike? I'm looking to pack on cals during pct hopefully I'm a lean fella and a little bulk look will do me good, I'm planning on using both you mentioned during my pct, and maybe add some igf1 DES we'll see how it goes!
It's funny, because all the compounds that I've taken that are sopposed to spike hunger (like ghrp-6), don't really spike my hunger much. More just makes it so that I don't really feel full. I think I'm in the 5% of people that don't experience that side.
Where as ostarine made me quite hungry. To the point I would finish a big meal, and then start looking for more food. I actually at a couple 3500 cal meals shortly after starting ostarine. And ostarine made me gain strength like I was on tren, so there's that.
CJC DAC is my favorite by far. Also ran no DAC and ghrp and Mk 677. No huge results but it does help mentally to feel like you're taking it up a notch. If you could afford it gh in pct is probably the way to go.
Any vascularity? Yeah anything to make a smooth transition into pct. have you ever ran hgh? I Haven't done much research on hgh to be honest since everywhere I look ppl vouch on how a lot of kits are under dosed and faked. What would a high budget per month look like?
It's funny, because all the compounds that I've taken that are sopposed to spike hunger (like ghrp-6), don't really spike my hunger much. More just makes it so that I don't really feel full. I think I'm in the 5% of people that don't experience that side.
Where as ostarine made me quite hungry. To the point I would finish a big meal, and then start looking for more food. I actually at a couple 3500 cal meals shortly after starting ostarine. And ostarine made me gain strength like I was on tren, so there's that.
Definitely running osta during pct thanks man! Did you run 25mg a week for 4 weeks? Anything to pack on a few extra pounds.
Definitely running osta during pct thanks man! Did you run 25mg a week for 4 weeks? Anything to pack on a few extra pounds.
I ran 25mg/day for 6 weeks. Def added intensity and strength in the gym. By the end I was slightly leaner (possibly just dropped some water weight), but had not lost a single pound. And was easily able to keep that once stopping the ostarine. Make sure you have a good food plan, it will be easy to get carried away with cheeseburgers.
I ran 25mg/day for 6 weeks. Def added intensity and strength in the gym. By the end I was slightly leaner (possibly just dropped some water weight), but had not lost a single pound. And was easily able to keep that once stopping the ostarine. Make sure you have a good food plan, it will be easy to get carried away with cheeseburgers.
I hear Ya, yeah I'm going to prep meals for pct even better then while on cycle hopefully I'll maintain. Did you run it along with your nolvadex/clomid? What about the mk677 it has a good profile but not many people on forums that have used it? Kind of bums me out
I hear Ya, yeah I'm going to prep meals for pct even better then while on cycle hopefully I'll maintain. Did you run it along with your nolvadex/clomid? What about the mk677 it has a good profile but not many people on forums that have used it? Kind of bums me out
It's hard to say. I noticed some sides, but not the ones I wanted. All I got from it was a better beard and slightly faster recovery. IMO you'd have to run at a pretty high dose to get decent results. I like the peptides much better. I'd rather pin cjc or mod GRF 3-4x a day and actually feel it working.
And yes, just run it along side your regular pct. Some people experience shut down with ostarine, I didn't find that was the case with me. I stopped @ 6 weeks just to be safe.
I'm no expert on this stuff. Just to be clear. That's just how I did it...
Yeah glad it worked for you I'm going to try it at 4 weeks since I'm coming off a lengthy cycle lol where did u get the osta? I've never done a peptide shot how would that work I know it's SQ shot and from my research pins are a little pricey lol
To update this. I finished pct this past monday on the 15th. I extened the pct to 6 weeks taking about 60mg clomid ed. My testicles are nice and plump again. I am excited about that.

Now i just have to fight the temptation to jump back on. I am going to be taking a break for at least the rest of 2015. I want my old sex drive and low refractory period back that i had befor my first epistane cycle.

The last time i ever had 3 orgasms in a 90 min period was the first time i used AAS. I am not sure how i feel about the trade off i am also 30lbs more muscular now then i was that day and i would eventually lose that ablity one day but so soon? I am about to turn 25 i wonder how much longer it would have even been that way. Regardless i will get some bloods done around the end of aug or earily september and then go from there.

And thats all she wrote. I will finish up my contest prep log. I did get on stage for anyone who kept up with it.

end weights clean mid 190s around 195 - 197 i am leaner then when i started also and 5 solid pounds heavier.