PCT after Testo C 250mg e5d


New Member

I'm planning to start a 12 weeks 250mg testo C e5d cycle. This will be my first cycle. PCT is a thing that is kind of hard to school yourself in because everybody have different opinions and there's not much research on the subject for obvious reasons.

My plan is like this:

Week 1-12
250mg testo C e5d
Week 15-18 (or as long as I takes)
40/20/20/20 Nolvadex (tamoxifen)

My argument for not including more stuff is that it's my first cycle and I want it to be as clean as possible. Therefore I'm not using any Clomid, hcg or arimidex. Is that a stupid idea? My personal opinion is that I will be okay with just nolvadex when it's such a low dose cycle. But I may be wrong. What do you think?
Always have an AI on hand. Clomid and HCG are key components of a cycle. HCG helps you bridge into a proper PCT which should include clomid and nolvadex. Check out MD Scally's protocol.
Always have an AI on hand. Clomid and HCG are key components of a cycle. HCG helps you bridge into a proper PCT which should include clomid and nolvadex. Check out MD Scally's protocol.

I have read it. But he also writes the followin:

It is a good point. And, the PCT can vary considerably depending in the AAS use. It must be understood, the treatment for HPTA restoration was developed or the worst of th worst overall! I had males with very long histories of AAS use. The treatment was aimed at working for all. There is some AAS use where i think PCT is a waste since the HPTA will return in about the same time. However, if we are talking about maintaining anabolic improvements, the discussion changes.

Which makes me believe that it's a PCT designed to work for everyone. But me and my first cycle small dosage Testo c can't be compared to a 25 weeks mixed steroid cycle.

I am not being arrogant here, just explaining my point of view.
12 weeks is pretty long. You want to recover as quickly as possible while maintaining the most gains. No use running a cycle where you lose all gains at the end. The last sentence of the quote you posted of Dr. Scally is just as important if not more important as the first part of the quote.
12 weeks is pretty long. You want to recover as quickly as possible while maintaining the most gains. No use running a cycle where you lose all gains at the end. The last sentence of the quote you posted of Dr. Scally is just as important if not more important as the first part of the quote.

Ok. I guess your right. I'm gonna look more into it. But have I understood this correctly:

Week 1-12
Testo C 250mg e5d

HCG DAYS 1-16: 2000iu eod

CLOMID DAYS 1-30: 50mg 2x a day

NOLVADEX DAYS 1-45: 20mg ed
Hcg is used throughout your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. It helps/aids in recovery due to shutdown of aas.

Starting on week #1....no later than week #2......ending one week before pct

Do not use hcg, clomid & nolva at the same time
250 iu twice a week

Research a little more.

one other note, be sure to go pharm grade, its just not worth the little savings when it comes ugl and dont know what your getting.
Hcg is used throughout your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. It helps/aids in recovery due to shutdown of aas.

Starting on week #1....no later than week #2......ending one week before pct

Do not use hcg, clomid & nolva at the same time
250 iu twice a week

Research a little more.


Okay. But that's not the Scally PCT Protocol...
AI and hCG during your cycle. And never mind the unnecessary large amounts of hCG. The average recreational bb'r only requires 250iu twice per week on cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. Im not suggesting Scallys protocol doesnt work, im simply suggesting that YOU do not require those amounts to achieve the desired results.
AI and hCG during your cycle. And never mind the unnecessary large amounts of hCG. The average recreational bb'r only requires 250iu twice per week on cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. Im not suggesting Scallys protocol doesnt work, im simply suggesting that YOU do not require those amounts to achieve the desired results.

Can you point me in the right direction if I want to read more about AI and HCG during cycle?
When reading Bill Roberts opinion on hCG pay particular attention to this part,

"Q: “How should HCG be used in post-cycle therapy (PCT)?”

A: Ideally, HCG should not be used at all in PCT. For steroid cycles, HCG really should only be used in PCT if a mistake has been made which needs a correction."

And the last paragraph,

"It’s worth mentioning also that in some cases, it will be better to use HCG throughout the steroid cycle rather than using it for only a 4 week period. One case is where the cycle uses only non-aromatizable steroids, such as Masteron, Primobolan, trenbolone, Anadrol, or oxandrolone. Estradiol levels drop undesirably low during non-aromatizing cycles, because testosterone levels drop very low and estradiol is produced principally from testosterone. By maintaining normal testosterone levels, HCG used throughout the cycle will also maintain sufficient estradiol levels."
I find the article about Letrozole and Arimidex a bit outdated, but every little bit of information helps to clear the muddy waters when trying to determine whats best for you.

I would recommend researching Arimidex and Aromasin and leave the Letro for the old schoolers and veterans. Its often misused by newbies who experience issues relating to low estrogen and occasionally high estrogen, depending on the dose taken.
@n1x0n...If the above info is not enough, there are a few other Dr. Who have came up with the same conclusion. I'll post their names so you can look up their findings also

I have one question. He writes that it's a bad idea to use it during PCT. But then he recommends to start HCG just prior to your last injection. If you start using it for four weeks starting just prior to last injection you are using it during PCT. Where am I thinking wrong here?

"It’s a poor and unnecessary plan to allow the testes to atrophy by starting HCG after the steroid cycle ends. It’s better to avoid atrophy and non-responsiveness from occurring in the first place. Further, HCG use during post-cycle therapy can impair recovery of LH production. So it’s not at all the ideal time to use it.

Instead, HCG should be used in the middle or late part of the cycle, and no later than the last steroid injection of the cycle.

The period of HCG use will typically be about 4 weeks. "In an 8-12 week cycle, the 4 weeks (approximately) of use would be immediately prior to the last steroid injection. In a 14 week cycle, the about 4-week period should be in the late-middle part of the cycle. Examples would be using HCG in weeks 6-9, in weeks 9-12, or anywhere in-between."
Re read your quote. He suggests including hCG during the LAST 4 weeks leading up to ("prior to") your last steroid injection.

But i suggest you include it on cycle each week (250iu 2/week) up to PCT to prevent testicular atrophy entirely, and not just a quick blast at the end.
out of curiousity why only 250mg e5d? seems like a lowish dosage no?

Yes, it's very low dose. But I'm far from my genetic max and I believe that compared to natural training it will be a difference. I'm not expecting to become the Hulk. Just a rep here and there, maybe recomp a little to make my cut later on easier and at the same time learning to inject and how my body responds to steroids etc.