Pct bloodwork opinions


New Member
I’m currently about 3 months since my last test+ deca pin. I was running about 500t and 250 deca a week. Also, before this I was basically on sarms and test for about a year almost non stop with no pcts in between. This time, I ran a very small pct (hcg and Nolva for like 2 and a half weeks) and just got my blood work done as I’m trying to really come off for a while and get my natty test back.

This is my current bloods after 90 days since pin. ( because of deca Ive probably only been “off” for like a months and a half.)

My question for someone more experienced with pct recovery.. is this bloodwork looking good for me? My thoughts were because my LH was normal and my e2 was crashed, my body is starting to go into recovery mode and waiting for my balls to pick up the speed.

I plan on getting bloods done again in a month to see if I’ve made progress or not. I’ve really changed my priorities and just don’t wanna be on trt at 21 lol.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated
Hey buddy, sorry to hear about your situation. I've found this reply in a thread and it helped me a lot:

Well it’s good that you stopped the alcohol and weed. Could very well have been that which gave you low T or at least contributed. Would have been helpful to know what LH/FSH was at but no matter.

I would start hCG and stay on it until T is at least 400-500 which would be like ~14-17nmol, but of course you could stay on till it’s higher. For me I’d start ~1000iu 3x/wk and adjust if necessary. Once you reach that T level then you can switch to clomid/tamoxifen for min 1-2 months. Doses I’d do like 50/20, maybe 25/10 towards the end but prob not necessary to taper unless planning on using them longer. The 100/40mg if you were to do it I’d only do so for the first day or two but then 50/20.

If the serms don’t help there’s always triptorelin. I have it but never used triptorelin tho you’re supposed to inject 0.1mg once: more then that can leave you temporarily suppressed.

But it's better to consult with your doctor and monitor the blood work frequently, instead of doing this thing alone and mess up the hormones even more like I did, lol...

Good luck!
You aren't going to fully recover test levels for over a year after using nandrolone, most likely. Depending on how shut down you were for the past year, you might be looking at years to recover, but you do a half ass pct and expect to be fine?
You aren't going to fully recover test levels for over a year after using nandrolone, most likely. Depending on how shut down you were for the past year, you might be looking at years to recover, but you do a half ass pct and expect to be fine?
The same thing happened to me, I did a testosterone+stanozolol, no PCT, then 1 month later deca+dianabol cycle, with no PCT also... The next year and a half was the worst period of my life. Now I'm trying to recover...
You aren't going to fully recover test levels for over a year after using nandrolone, most likely. Depending on how shut down you were for the past year, you might be looking at years to recover, but you do a half ass pct and expect to be fine?
No I only used deca for 4 weeks. I used sarms and one small cycle of test the months before the deca.
so I really only used the nandrolone for a couple weeks. Idk I’m just kinda hoping my body homeostasiss back to normal as I’m still young.
You aren't going to fully recover test levels for over a year after using nandrolone, most likely. Depending on how shut down you were for the past year, you might be looking at years to recover, but you do a half ass pct and expect to be fine?
Ohh I read that wrong I see. But with my bloodwork, are we looking good at least? Like a recovery is taking place?
How old are you, were you in an energy deficit, is it a morning sample, and did you have normal testosterone levels prior to using anabolic steroids? Remeasure in 2 months. It's at least a good thing that your LH is within the reference range, although it's inappropriately low.
How old are you, were you in an energy deficit, is it a morning sample, and did you have normal testosterone levels prior to using anabolic steroids? Remeasure in 2 months. It's at least a good thing that your LH is within the reference range, although it's inappropriately low.
I’m about to turn 21. It was a morning sample and I fasted for 12 hours before hand. What level should my lh be at?