PCT first time


New Member

I try to figure out when to make my pct

1-8 week sustanon every 3 days 1 shot
4-8 Winstrol 50mg every day

I have clomid and Nolvadex
when i should start with them ?

Well if your going to end your cycle on sus then you should wait 2-3 weeks. If it were me i would pick up some hcg to run on cycle as well, it will help you transition smoother into pct.
And i would also keep pinning the hcg up till you start your clomid and nolva. Im sure their is people who might have a different idea on this but i would pin 1000iu every 3 days for the first week, then 500 iu every 3 days up until you start your clo- nolv.
Clomid 100 mg ed for the first week , 50mg ed week 2-4. nolvadex 40mg ed first 2weeks 20 mg ed final two weeks.
If you can handle the clo and nolv it wouldnt hurt to go an extra 2weeks at 25mg clo and 20 mg nolv ed.
Go get blood work done a 6 weeks after this pct to make sure you have recovered.
Good luck!!!!
Well if your going to end your cycle on sus then you should wait 2-3 weeks. If it were me i would pick up some hcg to run on cycle as well, it will help you transition smoother into pct.
And i would also keep pinning the hcg up till you start your clomid and nolva. Im sure their is people who might have a different idea on this but i would pin 1000iu every 3 days for the first week, then 500 iu every 3 days up until you start your clo- nolv.
Clomid 100 mg ed for the first week , 50mg ed week 2-4. nolvadex 40mg ed first 2weeks 20 mg ed final two weeks.
If you can handle the clo and nolv it wouldnt hurt to go an extra 2weeks at 25mg clo and 20 mg nolv ed.
Go get blood work done a 6 weeks after this pct to make sure you have recovered.
Good luck!!!!

Thank for the info
if i dont have hcg can i take only clomid and nolv after 2-3 weeks from my last shot?
and what about winstrol the half life is shorter what to do ?
Sure you can but why not pick some up its cheap and recovery is VERY important!!!
As far as winny, it doesn't matter the half life, all that matters is the half life of the longest esters run!!
Sure you can but why not pick some up its cheap and recovery is VERY important!!!
As far as winny, it doesn't matter the half life, all that matters is the half life of the longest esters run!!

ok i understand where i should inject it ?
Sub q in your stomach!! I think you should do a whole lot more research brother. Its obvious you didnt plan this out very well, but your certainly not the first to make this mistake.
So i suggest reading through a years worth of threads right here in the recovery section, the knowledge you gain will be priceless!!
Good luck brother i hope you have a smooth recovery, and when you get your hcg, if you need help figuring out how to mix it with bac-water either ask here in the forum or PM me and ill help you out. 10,000 iu should be plenty.
yea you have right
Sub q in your stomach!! I think you should do a whole lot more research brother. Its obvious you didnt plan this out very well, but your certainly not the first to make this mistake.
So i suggest reading through a years worth of threads right here in the recovery section, the knowledge you gain will be priceless!!
Good luck brother i hope you have a smooth recovery, and when you get your hcg, if you need help figuring out how to mix it with bac-water either ask here in the forum or PM me and ill help you out. 10,000 iu should be plenty.

yeah you have right thanks bro
Sub q in your stomach!! I think you should do a whole lot more research brother. Its obvious you didnt plan this out very well, but your certainly not the first to make this mistake.
So i suggest reading through a years worth of threads right here in the recovery section, the knowledge you gain will be priceless!!
Good luck brother i hope you have a smooth recovery, and when you get your hcg, if you need help figuring out how to mix it with bac-water either ask here in the forum or PM me and ill help you out. 10,000 iu should be plenty.

did you here about phytol its similar with hcg?
Why nolva 40mg? It's not needed. All the studies I have read show no increase in efficacy at 40mg compared to 20mg. Only increase is of side effects.

In my opinion:

Nolva 20mg/ED 4 weeks
Clomid 25mg/ED 4 weeks

If you want you can extend to 6 weeks But for a simile sust cycle is no needed.

Nolva alone works well for pct, 25mg of clomid are more then enough to give even a better boost and you shouldnt get any of the side effect that ppl on clomid experience.

My favourite pct is still fareston (toremifene) but that's another topic.