PCT for husband...


New Member
My husband is running 6 weeks of win and 15 weeks of test e at 500mg/wk.
For PCT, what would be a good protocol for him? I have clomid and nolva, but, should hcg be added in or aromasin?
Well if you don't mind your hubby having raisins for nuts. HCG on cycle will help prevent complete shut down and keep his jules from atrophy.
I've heard a long time ago about people saying you CAN run aromasin into your pct without doing any harm, but I don't see why you would even add it into the mix. Nolva and clomid is a solid pct.
weird post.
why doesn't he come here??

We can't disregard age, cycle layout, injection schedule, and how long he's been on already. Typically planning your PCT and procuring the drugs are something you want to do before you just jump in...
I actually did everything for him. He did 6 weeks winstrol at 50mg Ed and started 500mg test e at the same time. He takes Adex e3d and has 6 weeks left on cycle. I already have clomid and nolva but I was reading in some other places that it wouldn't be enough and he needed hcg and aromasin. That's why I was asking here. I figured that the two would be enough for pct. Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off weird.
help us fill in the blanks and guys will be more likely to give you a hand....

1-6 Winstrol 50mg ED
1-12 Test E 500mg/wk (is this one injection or split into 2x weekly?)
1-12 Adex (dose?) E3D

-This is plotted for 2(250mg) test E injections weekly...
Steroidplot - Shared cycle

-Personally I would wait 18-21 days after last injection to start PCT. Here is a comprehensive PCT guide: Comprehensive Guide to PCT | MESO-Rx Forum

-I would stick with Adex this run and stay the course, switching to Aromasin at this point is over-complicating things imo.

-Already 6 weeks in you could run HCG the last 4 weeks of the cycle as detailed here in an article by Bill Roberts:
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Now that you have some references to get started come back with a proposed plan and I'd be willing to bet guys much more knowledgeable than myself will give you more input.
Thank you!!

Weeks 1-6 50mg winstrol 50mg ED
Weeks 1-15 500mg Test E 1 injection weekly

Adex 1mg E3D

I was referring to aromasin post because I was told nolva/clomid wouldn't be enough. What I had planned in the beginning was:
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
I already have these.

Hcg had only been mentioned to me recently when I was asking about the length of time libido is usually affected post cycle. My cycle will still be running when his is over, hence my concern. So hcg was mentioned. I wasn't sure if it was necessary or even if the aromasin was necessary for pct.

Thanks for the help!!
Thank you!!

Weeks 1-6 50mg winstrol 50mg ED
Weeks 1-15 500mg Test E 1 injection weekly

Adex 1mg E3D

I was referring to aromasin post because I was told nolva/clomid wouldn't be enough. What I had planned in the beginning was:
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
I already have these.

Hcg had only been mentioned to me recently when I was asking about the length of time libido is usually affected post cycle. My cycle will still be running when his is over, hence my concern. So hcg was mentioned. I wasn't sure if it was necessary or even if the aromasin was necessary for pct.

Thanks for the help!!

Clomid and nolva is enough for pct. No need for aromasin.
Does he hate needles? I would think 2 shots of 250 mg twice every 3.5 days would be better. Tuesday mornings and Friday nights
Not that he hates needles.. He just lays there and I stick him. I just wasn't aware that with a long ester twice a week was necessary. I'll see what he thinks. :)
It will keep your peaks and trough more stable instead of having a wild up and down ride. Not to mention the estrogen rebound from the aromatization from the higher dose
There's nothing wrong with pinning test e once a week. I've been doing it since my first cycle. There's some evidence showing higher peaks from less frequent pinning is better for progress. I pin it all on Friday
There's nothing wrong with pinning test e once a week. I've been doing it since my first cycle. There's some evidence showing higher peaks from less frequent pinning is better for progress. I pin it all on Friday
Really? This goes against everything I've ever heard about keeping levels consistent. Do you get harsh sides from the spiking ?
Really? This goes against everything I've ever heard about keeping levels consistent. Do you get harsh sides from the spiking ?

@drjim what say you

Consistent levels may help with sides in those who suffer from them but not necessarily progress.

I get no different sides since I've switched.
Crazy.. wish I could run high test without getting a pizza back so bad you can see it through my shirt. I'm just going to rely on other compounds to do the work on every other cycle for now on. Low test, high tren or npp
I recommend HCG.There is nothing more effective than it.It takes place independently and is not affected by exogenous hormones. Therefore, it directly stimulates a dramatic increase in endogenous testosterone production, spermatogenesis and testicular volume. A good protocol in my opinion:
1,000 IUs HCG 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue HCG and continue with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for an additional 3 weeks.
Hope can do some help.