PCT for Test C and Tren A


New Member
So this is my first time ever taking any type of steroid. I have been working out for the past 15 years. I am 41 years old and in good condition. I started because I wanted to put on some more size and lean up on some areas. I started on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I have several friends that have taken it and I figured that this would not be an issue. My cycle consists of .5ML of Tren A and .5ML of Test C EOD. I am told that this is a very small dose it equals about 200MG of Test C and 500MG of Tren E. After about 4 days I was feeling extremely dizzy. I read up to find out what could be causing this. Some said increase your water intake. I drink about 1.5 Gallons a day and this didn't correct it. Some said it could be your Blood Sugar so I tested that and my blood sugar was 97. Some said try eating brown rice in the morning and at night. Did that and would still get dizzy. I thought it could have been my oxygen levels to the blood but tested that and it was 98-99 so that was good. I then heard it could be my blood pressure. I have never had issues with blood pressure before and never had to worry about it. On occasions I would check it when I was stressed and noticed that when I am stressed it could run a little per-hypertensive. I check my blood pressure after the first week and it was through the roof. I was running 160/96 so this freaked me out to say the least. I spoke to a friend of mine and he said that he has run high but my body was not used to it and it was my first cycle. He did say that he has never been dizzy while on it or when his blood pressure was high. He told me to let my body adjust and to keep an eye on my pressure. I did for another two weeks but still my blood pressure seemed high at about 147-170/87-95 it was never really stable. So I decided to see what I could do to stop my blood pressure from being so high and maybe that is why I am getting dizzy. All the things I am going to mention are things that I have been told will lower your blood pressure naturally. I increased cardio, stopped drinking caffeine, eat two garlic cloves a day, drink green tea, drink beet root juice, Krill Oil Omega 3, B-12 all of this I am still doing and it did nothing really for my blood pressure. I decided to go back to my doctor and he said he can give me HCT to see if that would help the blood pressure so I took it for the past 4 days now and I haven't really seen any results. My friend stated that if I am still having issues to stop taking the Tren A and stay on the Test to see if it was the Tren that was causing me to feel dizzy. Last night I was supposed to take my pin of both but decided that I would only take the Test. I already feel a little better not as dizzy. Still a little but it is manageable. I was reading to find out was there any thing else I should have been taking? Also what it the correct way to come off of Tren and is just stopping one day dangerous? I have had no other side effects at all just the blood pressure. By the way when I went to the doctor he did a full blood panel and urine test and said all my levels were normal. So the only thing that could cause me to get dizzy would have been the blood pressure. Can someone guide me in the right direction?
Is the "enter" button broken on your keyboard?! Use it so that it is easier to read your wall of text.

TL,DR: Guy has no knowledge on cycling, running tren and test and got high BP. Wants advice.
Is the "enter" button broken on your keyboard?! Use it so that it is easier to read your wall of text.

TL,DR: Guy has no knowledge on cycling, running tren and test and got high BP. Wants advice.

Sorry, I knew that one of the side effects was High Blood Pressure but didn't know that I would get so dizzy that it was not bearable.
You left out your diet
So my diet consist of the following. I have brown rice in the morning usually with Plain Yogurt and Fresh Fruit that my wife makes for me.

About 10:00 am I will have a shake with bananas and some granola bars. For lunch I will usually have 2 or 3 turkey sandwiches.

Around 3 PM I will have another Shake and some fruit and then I will have either Fish and Rice or Chicken and Rice for dinner.

I will go to the gym for about 2 hours and 30 minutes of that is cardio then have a protein shake.

Later that night I will will have granola bars, fruit or some sort of snacks then go to bed.
Sorry, I knew that one of the side effects was High Blood Pressure but didn't know that I would get so dizzy that it was not bearable.
Your whole post is off the wall.
Do a standard PCT if you are going to cut the cycle short. It seems like you are extremely unprepared and uninformed.
You didn't state any background on weight, height, previous lab work or any motivation for starting to use steroids besides the couch potato that ate too much at Thanksgiving.
Your whole post is off the wall.
Do a standard PCT if you are going to cut the cycle short. It seems like you are extremely unprepared and uninformed.
You didn't state any background on weight, height, previous lab work or any motivation for starting to use steroids besides the couch potato that ate too much at Thanksgiving.
Not sure if you are insulting me or not. Anyways I am far from a couch potato. I am 6 foot and my weight was 168lbs prior to starting. I am now 181lbs since I have been on.

I never did any prior lab work because I was unprepared and didn't know that I should. I have never had a need to really dig that deep into my health because I have always had perfect health.

The reason I started was because I would like to be 210lbs of lean muscle mass. I am not a child and really don't need to be treated like one. I am just asking questions as I am sure you did at some point.

The way people learn is they ask question and they do research. I was only trying to see what is the best coarse of action.
Why didnt you just do a 500+ cycle of test for your first cyle like millions of guys on here, tell first timers?

I get so many different opinions. I was unsure what I should or shouldn't do. I had some tell me to do orals, some said do Test and Deca, some said do NPP. I figured that the census was Test and Tren would be a good first cycle and the dose was so low it would have bad side effects.
Not sure if you are insulting me or not. Anyways I am far from a couch potato. I am 6 foot and my weight was 168lbs prior to starting. I am now 181lbs since I have been on.
Yes, I am insulting you. Yes, I am sorry, you are the opposite of a couch potato! A twig! So that demonstrates that being 41 years of age you haven't mastered how to diet and train to push 170 and to top it off, you have places on your body that needs to be "tightened" up...
I never did any prior lab work because I was unprepared and didn't know that I should. I have never had a need to really dig that deep into my health because I have always had perfect health.
Unprepared? Really, I couldn't tell. Testing your natural testosterone is digging REALLY deep considering you are going to be fucking them up.

The reason I started was because I would like to be 210lbs of lean muscle mass. I am not a child and really don't need to be treated like one. I am just asking questions as I am sure you did at some point.

The way people learn is they ask question and they do research. I was only trying to see what is the best coarse of action.
You are acting worse than some of the 17 year olds that come on here and want to do steroids. You are asking some extremely basic questions that you should know. And if you want to research, hit the search button. You want to get spoon-fed info.

Best coarse of action. Stop doing steroids and read up first about AAS and dieting.
I get so many different opinions. I was unsure what I should or shouldn't do. I had some tell me to do orals, some said do Test and Deca, some said do NPP. I figured that the census was Test and Tren would be a good first cycle and the dose was so low it would have bad side effects.

Because you are reading 3-4 different things only? It's basic knowledge first time cycle:
500mg Test E/c for 10 weeksish
nolva and clomid PCT add hcg if you want do blood work first
Yes, I am insulting you. Yes, I am sorry, you are the opposite of a couch potato! A twig! So that demonstrates that being 41 years of age you haven't mastered how to diet and train to push 170 and to top it off, you have places on your body that needs to be "tightened" up...

Unprepared? Really, I couldn't tell. Testing your natural testosterone is digging REALLY deep considering you are going to be fucking them up.

You are acting worse than some of the 17 year olds that come on here and want to do steroids. You are asking some extremely basic questions that you should know. And if you want to research, hit the search button. You want to get spoon-fed info.

Best coarse of action. Stop doing steroids and read up first about AAS and dieting.

Because you are reading 3-4 different things only? It's basic knowledge first time cycle:
500mg Test E/c for 10 weeksish
nolva and clomid PCT add hcg if you want do blood work first

Ok so that leads me to my Title how am I supposed to cycle off of this? Do I just stop or do I have to take specific things before coming off?
Sounds like you need to do some research on PCT. Plenty of information out there. Use the search bar. If you are in fact 41 being so wildly unprepared isn't gonna help your cause around here. And getting a case of the ass about it while asking not to be lectured is a recipe to get flamed.
Ok so that leads me to my Title how am I supposed to cycle off of this? Do I just stop or do I have to take specific things before coming off?
Honestly, at your age, I would look into getting on TRT. Continue dieting and training and you will get the results you want within a year.

You need to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol if you do not want to go on testosterone indefinitely. I'm only 31, but I'm on Dr. prescribed TRT so the only time I ever plan on running a Pct is when I decide to have kids. You'll want to acquire some Nolvadex and Clomid. Id give you dosages, but it'd probably be best if you googled "PCT for test Cycle" there is a ton of info.

Alternatively, just cut the tren and continue on with test. That's what I'd do if your BP normalizes. Good luck.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Sounds like you need to do some research on PCT. Plenty of information out there. Use the search bar. If you are in fact 41 being so wildly unprepared isn't gonna help your cause around here. And getting a case of the ass about it while asking not to be lectured is a recipe to get flamed.
I actually even told him what two drugs to use for PCT...
Honestly, at your age, I would look into getting on TRT. Continue dieting and training and you will get the results you want within a year.

You need to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) protocol if you do not want to go on testosterone indefinitely. I'm only 31, but I'm on Dr. prescribed TRT so the only time I ever plan on running a Pct is when I decide to have kids. You'll want to acquire some Nolvadex and Clomid. Id give you dosages, but it'd probably be best if you googled "PCT for test Cycle" there is a ton of info.

Alternatively, just cut the tren and continue on with test. That's what I'd do if your BP normalizes. Good luck.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Thanks for the information I am also reading this article on here about PCT but a lot of it is kinda hard to understand.
Because you are reading 3-4 different things only? It's basic knowledge first time cycle:
500mg Test E/c for 10 weeksish
nolva and clomid pct add hcg if you want do blood work first

Sorry, I didn't see this. You would have a freak out if you were to hear what everyone that I have talked to that have been on gear for awhile. It seems like they really have no clue either.

I have been reading on the Nolva and Clomid PCT. If I go to my doctor to get blood work done this week what type of blood work should I ask for?

Also should I just stay on the Test and finish that off for the next 5 weeks?

I am looking up the proper diet right now.
Sorry, I didn't see this. You would have a freak out if you were to hear what everyone that I have talked to that have been on gear for awhile. It seems like they really have no clue either.

I have been reading on the Nolva and Clomid PCT. If I go to my doctor to get blood work done this week what type of blood work should I ask for?

Also should I just stay on the Test and finish that off for the next 5 weeks?

I am looking up the proper diet right now.
Bloodwork now isn't really gonna tell you much, you should have done it before the cycle.
Basic PCT is Nolva 40/20/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50. Personally I wouldn't stop a cycle because my BP got a little elevated. But then again I am not getting blindly herded like a sheep.
Fuck you think you can mess with the juice of god and not get some sides? Stopping tren will likely limit any further gains too, that's just from my exprience. My BP has gotten to 185 before.