Pct help please tren


New Member
hi guys. So I did a tren test and mast with winny cycle about 5 months in length.NO HCG
Got off everything cold turkey. Was dealing with anxiety for the tren and running it long. And had a death in the family so went out of state. Didn't get to pct. 2 months later off everything got my bloods done.
Tt- 496
Free test- 63.5
Liver kidneys and everything else are good. Only thing out of range was fsh.

I need help I want to get my test and free test up. Still haven't done pct is it to late? And what is reccomended was thinking 100mg of clomid to weeks and 50mg 2 weeks. Nolva 40mg Two weeks, and 20mg two weeks.

Decided not to play with gear anymore I have anxiety and it's not worth it for me. Not a good mix. So I want to get back naturally. If you guys can help with any suggestions I'd appreciate it. I've never ran hcg.
Might be normal for you. It's also not that low...

If you had gotten precycle bloods you'd know where you stand, but you have nothing to compare your bloodwork against.
Do you reccomended Togo ahead with a pct or just continue with life.
Might be normal for you. It's also not that low...

If you had gotten precycle bloods you'd know where you stand, but you have nothing to compare your bloodwork against.

So do you reccomend doing a pct still or just skipping it based on my bloods. It's been two months since off the ear. But still haven't done a pct
hi guys. So I did a tren test and mast with winny cycle about 5 months in length.NO HCG
Got off everything cold turkey. Was dealing with anxiety for the tren and running it long. And had a death in the family so went out of state. Didn't get to pct. 2 months later off everything got my bloods done.
Tt- 496
Free test- 63.5
Liver kidneys and everything else are good. Only thing out of range was fsh.

I need help I want to get my test and free test up. Still haven't done pct is it to late? And what is reccomended was thinking 100mg of clomid to weeks and 50mg 2 weeks. Nolva 40mg Two weeks, and 20mg two weeks.

Decided not to play with gear anymore I have anxiety and it's not worth it for me. Not a good mix. So I want to get back naturally. If you guys can help with any suggestions I'd appreciate it. I've never ran hcg.

You needn’t do anything else since a TT of 496 IS NORMAL and is probably your baseline.

PCT is unlikely to be of any benefit providing your LH (not shown) was within the lab norms
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hi guys. So I did a tren test and mast with winny cycle about 5 months in length.NO HCG
Got off everything cold turkey. Was dealing with anxiety for the tren and running it long. And had a death in the family so went out of state. Didn't get to pct. 2 months later off everything got my bloods done.
Tt- 496
Free test- 63.5
Liver kidneys and everything else are good. Only thing out of range was fsh.

I need help I want to get my test and free test up. Still haven't done pct is it to late? And what is reccomended was thinking 100mg of clomid to weeks and 50mg 2 weeks. Nolva 40mg Two weeks, and 20mg two weeks.

Decided not to play with gear anymore I have anxiety and it's not worth it for me. Not a good mix. So I want to get back naturally. If you guys can help with any suggestions I'd appreciate it. I've never ran hcg.

How much smaller are your testicles?

How much of your gains you lost?