PCT is over, so one wonders, what's next?


New Member
This has been lingering inside my mind lately. Let's say someone recently finished their cycle of Test + Primo or any other compound, they do their pct or hcg, what's next?
Is there a waiting period before you can do another cycle? Do people do it right after the pct?
All these questions really get me wondering, What do you guys do?
I hate being the guy who constantly asks questions but I can't shake the curiosity.
This has been lingering inside my mind lately. Let's say someone recently finished their cycle of Test + Primo or any other compound, they do their pct or hcg, what's next?
Is there a waiting period before you can do another cycle? Do people do it right after the pct?
All these questions really get me wondering, What do you guys do?
I hate being the guy who constantly asks questions but I can't shake the curiosity.
12 weeks cycle, 12 weeks off. Did you do blood work ?
Best is no PCT and do a cruise/TRT of low dose Testo
12 weeks cycle, 12 weeks off. Did you do blood work ?
Best is no PCT and do a cruise/TRT of low dose Testo
Completely ignorant advice. TRT means you're on for life. Not something to strive for. It's what you do when you're old, have low t, or both.

OP, the longer you stay off the better. It's a personal choice when you cycle again. But everytime you do a cycle you risk pct not bringing you back to original test levels. Eventually if you keep cycling, trt becomes more likely of an outcome.
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Completely ignorant advice. TRT means you're on for life. Not something to strive for. It's what you do when you're old, have low t, or both.

OP, the longer you stay off the better. It's a personal choice when you cycle again. But everytime you do a cycle you risk pct not bringing you back to original test levels. Eventually if you keep cycling, trt becomes more likely of an outcome.
If you start blasting you end up on trt, or lose gains.
blast/cruise no pct .
if you run trt dose like my nick, you can blast a few times a year. I’m 54 and use about 20 years now
If you start blasting you end up on trt, or lose gains.
blast/cruise no pct .
if you run trt dose like my nick, you can blast a few times a year. I’m 54 and use about 20 years now
So you're 54 and trt works for you. Doesn't mean every member on this board should start trt and blast.
When I was in my 20s I did multiple cycles with trt some without. I then took a 15 year break after and maintained 220lbs thoughout. Came back to gear in my 40s and started trt. Yes, I now maintain over 240lbs year round. Trt helps maintain gains.
Bottom line not everyone wants or needs a trt lifestyle. Maybe they want a break (15yr maybe) In their future with natural/normal t levels.
Nobody talks about giving yourself a break anymore.

Fuck, the anguish of the constant hunger and lethargy when dieting or joint/muscle pains plus too much shitting on growth phases would push me to the edge that sometimes I have to end my cycle earlier.

In addition, I get tired of pinning especially when short esters are involved. You also have to be mentally focused as well, social life and family responsibility needs to be juggled delicately so you don't neglect your personal life while not wasting the cycle.

So yeah, give yourself a break for mental, physical and psychological recovery; then the next push would be more fruitful.
Nobody talks about giving yourself a break anymore.

Fuck, the anguish of the constant hunger and lethargy when dieting or joint/muscle pains plus too much shitting on growth phases would push me to the edge that sometimes I have to end my cycle earlier.

In addition, I get tired of pinning especially when short esters are involved. You also have to be mentally focused as well, social life and family responsibility needs to be juggled delicately so you don't neglect your personal life while not wasting the cycle.

So yeah, give yourself a break for mental, physical and psychological recovery; then the next push would be more fruitful.
I appreciate you for sharing your personal experience, people don't realize this can be quite the journey to embark, god speed man.
So you're 54 and trt works for you. Doesn't mean every member on this board should start trt and blast.
When I was in my 20s I did multiple cycles with trt some without. I then took a 15 year break after and maintained 220lbs thoughout. Came back to gear in my 40s and started trt. Yes, I now maintain over 240lbs year round. Trt helps maintain gains.
Bottom line not everyone wants or needs a trt lifestyle. Maybe they want a break (15yr maybe) In their future with natural/normal t levels.
Seems you are totally focused on the word TRT. if you totally stop training in your younger years, you can recover and need no TRT, not all do.
i’m full on, no break. Conclusion is to blast/cruise to next blast and do no PCT. (Most here have the same test dose on trt as cruise)
Seems you are totally focused on the word TRT. if you totally stop training in your younger years, you can recover and need no TRT, not all do.
i’m full on, no break. Conclusion is to blast/cruise to next blast and do no PCT. (Most here have the same test dose on trt as cruise)
Of course because that's what you recommended genius