Hello Meso,
I am having an issue with my PCT, I suspect I may be in a state of induced low estrogen. I feel like dog shit, joint ache, headaches, no libido, low energy, lethargic, low appetite all of the sudden into PCT but in the first week or so I was feeling great with high libido and energy.
My cycle consisted of 8 weeks of Test C at 400 mgs per week and HCG 250 IU M/W/F from week 4 on. Two weeks after the last shot I started PCT with a front load of 300 mgs Clomid on the first day and from there on 50 mgs of Clomid ED for 4 weeks.
Now I know that the half lives did not clear fully at the start of the PCT, but I don't think this would be the reason I am feeling completely broken, haha. My testes are full and gained some volume (from Clomid?) so I am probably producing T, my hypothesis is that my E receptors are all blocked up by the Clomid and circulating estrogen cannot act so in essence it is an artificially induced low E state. Any suggestions are very appreciated, I'm feeling the pain now lol. Maybe lower the Clomid dose to 25 mgs or just end the PCT early to see if I feel better and go do bloods in a month?
Kind regards.
Other info (25 YO, second cycle after the first one at 21, used prohormones also long ago around 20)
I am having an issue with my PCT, I suspect I may be in a state of induced low estrogen. I feel like dog shit, joint ache, headaches, no libido, low energy, lethargic, low appetite all of the sudden into PCT but in the first week or so I was feeling great with high libido and energy.
My cycle consisted of 8 weeks of Test C at 400 mgs per week and HCG 250 IU M/W/F from week 4 on. Two weeks after the last shot I started PCT with a front load of 300 mgs Clomid on the first day and from there on 50 mgs of Clomid ED for 4 weeks.
Now I know that the half lives did not clear fully at the start of the PCT, but I don't think this would be the reason I am feeling completely broken, haha. My testes are full and gained some volume (from Clomid?) so I am probably producing T, my hypothesis is that my E receptors are all blocked up by the Clomid and circulating estrogen cannot act so in essence it is an artificially induced low E state. Any suggestions are very appreciated, I'm feeling the pain now lol. Maybe lower the Clomid dose to 25 mgs or just end the PCT early to see if I feel better and go do bloods in a month?
Kind regards.
Other info (25 YO, second cycle after the first one at 21, used prohormones also long ago around 20)
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