Pct question ?


Well-known Member
So there is this young naive kid in my gym (20-21) who jump on a test cycle , basically on the advice of some asshole gym bro trying to make a buck off him I'm sure ! Long story short the same guy ripped him of for his pct after the fact , what a cunt !! So i felt bad and ordered the kid some clomid ( after i reamed his ass out about doing his research and planning shit out properly )! I personally blast and cruise so I really have no advice on how to tell him to run his pct ! He ran 500 MG's ew for 12 weeks ... From the bit I've researched into it a 50/50/50/50 run should be sufficient pct for him ... But want to get a few opinions from people that cycle on and off before I advise this young dude on something that could be potentially wrong ? Thanks in advance !
Yeah test e... He's got a week left on cycle . I told him he would need to wait 2 weeks before he started pct , but that I was gonna double check that as well ?
PCT for test E is 3 weeks. If you calculate half life it's 21 days after last pin.

My PCT is clomid 100/100/50/50

Nova 40/40/20/20

However everyone has their own pct.
OK cool so pct 3 weeks after he finishes his test . Run clomid 100/100/50/50 , now I advised him to grab some nolva too , but I think he's pretty strapped for cash so he just wants the clomid . Will the clomind be enough on its own ? I swear people kill me with the way they jump into shit with zero knowledge about this , but I was young and dumb once some I'm trying to empathize as much as possible lol
OK cool so pct 3 weeks after he finishes his test . Run clomid 100/100/50/50 , now I advised him to grab some nolva too , but I think he's pretty strapped for cash so he just wants the clomid . Will the clomind be enough on its own ? I swear people kill me with the way they jump into shit with zero knowledge about this , but I was young and dumb once some I'm trying to empathize as much as possible lol
Some people use only clomid some use only nova.

I like to attack all angles and recover fully so I take both just to be safe.