PCT SHOP Test Prop Lab Max MMC

ThE SiCkNeSs

Well-known Member
10+ Year Member
I got a bottle of test prop from pct shop to finish my cycle and ran a labmax on it. What do you think? I honestly think the results on every labmax I've ever seen on oils looks the same. I need a trained eyes opinion:

This pic is 15 seconds after the prop was added:

This one is 5 minutes later:

And the uv pics

Its needs to be olive green which from the first pic looks like a pass to me, but then again I'm half blind lol. Hopefully well get some more opinions bro but I want to say its a pass.
Definitely I never at any point saw an olive green color, it tastes like the enanthate I was using, and it has hardly any pip like his enanthate, unlike prop. Now I'm bummed, I was really hoping to finish my cycle with prop, but who knows what this is. Hey merc, what does this look like to you?
Definitely I never at any point saw an olive green color, it tastes like the enanthate I was using, and it has hardly any pip like his enanthate, unlike prop. Now I'm bummed, I was really hoping to finish my cycle with prop, but who knows what this is. Hey merc, what does this look like to you?
you can't go by taste cause everything taste like benzyl benzoate. its the chemical used to suspend the raw. anyway you learn these things eventually exspecially I'd you brew. I don't see why any source would purposely give enanthate instead of prop unless just was our of the raw.prop is like 20 to 30% cheaper than long ester compounds real cheap has to be a raws messup or somehow deluted. maybe
hell I'm kinda poor and I wouldn't even want to waste my time, oil,or compound if it isn't good.
but I'm no source . I just don't see how anyone would skimp on prop unless mistake its cheap.
Definitely I never at any point saw an olive green color, it tastes like the enanthate I was using, and it has hardly any pip like his enanthate, unlike prop. Now I'm bummed, I was really hoping to finish my cycle with prop, but who knows what this is. Hey merc, what does this look like to you?

if it was test enan it would be orange in A and B and blue sky under UV or at least some blue residue, there is none

if you feel that it is test at all (strength up, etc), you have test cyp