Uhh yea, don't take new guys posts lightly on critiques on the product and source. Why? New guys, well let me say, I'm not a stupid little teeny bopper on this forum trying to cop some info and sources and be out and talk as if I know a shit ton about the aas world. Secondly, let's just stick to what I have contributed as facts here In this forum. All I contributed was, saying a source has good comms, until then that's all I can contribUte. When I receive product and start using product that's when I will contribute more. It's baby steps for me here.
Trust me or not idgaf but im sure as hell not trying to convince anybody. I post my experiences and my cycle log later down the line and that is up to whoever to take it or leave it. Doesn't affect me, I won't lose sleep over it.
No claims are being shoved down anybodys throat, maybe you can show me where I do that.
It's sad that new members can't be embraced here how they ought to be embraced and that's because there were/are new guys who ruined it for the other guys. When a new guy like myself comes along and really does try to honestly learn and contribute, were attacked like animas in the jungle and I sure as hell ain't gonna let new guy or vet stomp all over me. There's obviously a point where I would just ignore if it turns into a testerone filled argument. I'm here to learn and contribute fellas that's it.