Pct vs. Cruising


I know pct is the best solution after a cycle for multiple reasons but I have read plenty of people just "cruising" instead of doing pct.so for those who choose to cruise could you please explain why and what are the benefits vs. Pct.
I blast and cruise because I realize the side effects and negatives to come with it as well. The benefits to me are shorter "off time" - a constant PIN keeping muscles not virgin - less bouncing back and forth/quicker buildup of total levels. Want to see why I'm dumb for this? Risking infertility, low chances to recover, probably TRT for life, pin in the ass or wherever weekly no matter what, money, I didn't have low T anyways..hah probably do now.

Then when you've truly made the educated decision that you're okay with all at risk, you may blast. Until then, standard PCT protocol and be smart.
If your are planning on doing more than 2 12 week cycles a year then you won't have enough off time between to recover if you go by the standard time on+pct = time off. But you should make that decision based on your future.
What are your goals, family, job, healthcare (depends hugely on the country you are in), also consider genetics of your family (heart problems and so on), if you consider that all and I mean really consider it then make an informed decision.

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I'm not looking to cruise.I will be doing pct.just wanting to know the reasons for cruising and not doing pct since I've read many people who cruise and don't ever do pct.only trying to get an understanding of it is all.the more info my brain can take in the better!.tha is to all who give there input.
I blast and cruise because I realize the side effects and negatives to come with it as well. The benefits to me are shorter "off time" - a constant PIN keeping muscles not virgin - less bouncing back and forth/quicker buildup of total levels. Want to see why I'm dumb for this? Risking infertility, low chances to recover, probably TRT for life, pin in the ass or wherever weekly no matter what, money, I didn't have low T anyways..hah probably do now.

Then when you've truly made the educated decision that you're okay with all at risk, you may blast. Until then, standard PCT protocol and be smart.
Well put TNE. I couldnt have explained it any better. Hit the nail on the head with that one. I blast an cruise as well. Was it a smart choice? Well thats up to the user to decide. One things for certain an what made me do it in the first place was.....Im not getting any younger an I feel much better an more full of life with higher test levels. Know im not sayung for any of you youngsters put their to follow my footsteps cuz im quite foolish in my ways. Its something I have always wanted to do an theirs no turning back now. So for anyone who reads this an thinks it will be such a cool thing to do jus remember, youll have to pin for the rest of your life. No ifs an or buts about it. If your natty levels are well within range then PLEASE DONT BLAST-N-CRUISE!!!!!!!! Cycling is much safer bros. It may be all fun in games in the beginning but I bet ya within time you will regret Blasting an Cruising.....
I'm not looking to cruise.I will be doing pct.just wanting to know the reasons for cruising and not doing pct since I've read many people who cruise and don't ever do pct.only trying to get an understanding of it is all.the more info my brain can take in the better!.tha is to all who give there input.
Alot of guys that Blast an Cruise are either competing or are already on TRT for life. Those will be the answeres you will hear from 95% of the guys who B&C.......
I know pct is the best solution after a cycle for multiple reasons but I have read plenty of people just "cruising" instead of doing pct.so for those who choose to cruise could you please explain why and what are the benefits vs. Pct.
The advantage is you don't have to pct. I don't think anyone enjoys going off a cycle and running a pct, but when you go on trt and blast, it sucks to drop down to a trt dose.
I'm in two minds here. Just coming off a 20 week blast. Am doing 200 test e per week to allow the mast and tren to leave the body, and got a week or two delay on my pct... And I'm 43 right, got the kids I want and money is ok. Work out like a mofo regardless.

Dread coming off...am probably at 20% chance right now of cruising to March, then jumping on next blast.

Decisions brothers decisions !

Fuck it!keep pushing,especially after running a 20 week blast!lol

Yeah man, but ironwill says something smart every new moon, such as that that will have me pinning every week, four times every month, 52 times every year, 1820 times jabbing my ass until the day that I die ... !
Yeah man, but ironwill says something smart every new moon, such as that that will have me pinning every week, four times every month, 52 times every year, 1820 times jabbing my ass until the day that I die ... !
Technically you dont have to jus jab your ass lol. You've still got your Traps, Delts, Bi's, Tri's, Pec's, Lat's, Quad's, an Calves as well;):eek:Decisions decisions;):Dbahahaha:p:D:cool:
Since you put it that way...it changes everything!

I iz confused big time on this one. What if I PCT, don't get it back up - test level that is - and spend months being a bitch before having to cave in and TRT.... But then again, I did spend 200 buckaroonies on kosher PCT so might as well get on it. But then I have to bang this 18-year old stunner on the 16th of Autust, and can't afford being all limp and anti-sexual - she needs to get It Duracell stylee

And what if my - O M G - PRs start to drop.

Help ! Lol
Technically you dont have to jus jab your ass lol. You've still got your Traps, Delts, Bi's, Tri's, Pec's, Lat's, Quad's, an Calves as well;):eek:Decisions decisions;):Dbahahaha:p:D:cool:

Eye muscle brother. Just between the apple of the eye and the nose bone, there is a little muscle pulling on the eye. That's the place to jab, it's true hardcore, tingles like a mofo
I iz confused big time on this one. What if I PCT, don't get it back up - test level that is - and spend months being a bitch before having to cave in and TRT.... But then again, I did spend 200 buckaroonies on kosher PCT so might as well get on it. But then I have to bang this 18-year old stunner on the 16th of Autust, and can't afford being all limp and anti-sexual - she needs to get It Duracell stylee

And what if my - O M G - PRs start to drop.

Help ! Lol
Simple fix my man. Get ahold of some Cialis or Viagra an say good bye to any chance of a limp dick.....Booyah Get Some;):D:cool: