MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT.ZONE - USA/UK/INT Generic Pharma.

Can you offer for me those?
Antidepressant Vartioxetine
Antipsichotic aripiprazole

Our website address can be found in our profile picture. If you require any medication, please kindly make your request through the contact form on our website. Thank you.
halo how long do i have to wait until i can get a reship if my parcel is stuck at custom?

25 days held. this may extend recently due to customs issues atm (USA) one of my packs started moving after 27 days held

A member here had a pack land after 55 days. Sucks waiting that long but at least you're gonna get your stuff. That's the important part.

Many members (myself included) promote not waiting until the last minute to order essential medicines.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Have at least 3 months supply of essential meds on hand at all times. Some people say a year's worth and I don't disagree with that either.