Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium for injection


New Member
Hello, Does anyone know of a compounding pharmacy or source for PPS injection? Seems promising! Perhaps old news for some of you on this forum. I am trying to locate a reliable source; if you know of one I would appreciate the info! Thanks! Pentosan Polysulfate Affords Pleotropic Protection to Multiple Cells and Tissues - PubMed Treatment Effects of Subcutaneous Injections of Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium vs Placebo in Participants With Knee OA Pain - Full Text View -
You could also try searching for Cartrophen Vet, which is a veterinary grade PPS injectable. This may be easier to find.

Infact a quick google search for “buy cartrophen cet” turned up plenty of places online. Seems to require a prescription, but i think that might be easy to acquire if your resourceful.
You could also try searching for Cartrophen Vet, which is a veterinary grade PPS injectable. This may be easier to find.

Infact a quick google search for “buy cartrophen cet” turned up plenty of places online. Seems to require a prescription, but i think that might be easy to acquire if your resourceful.
Thanks! I have been looking. Found a couple of sites that I didn't feel comfortable with since I don't know anything about them. May just have to find a friend with a horse at this point.
If you decide to do it consider making a log on meso about your experience. Ive had an interest in this drug for years (more for curiosity than necessity), but have yet to see anyone log it.
If you decide to do it consider making a log on meso about your experience. Ive had an interest in this drug for years (more for curiosity than necessity), but have yet to see anyone log it.
Will do! Have gleaned lots from others regarding various products here. Thanks!
Would really like to find an India Mart source but it's been a hassle. Dash's is a good value, have a big vial waiting until I'm working with a higher rep range at a lower RPE to run it.
Maybe a stupid question, but pentorse etc are labelled as Vetinary grade, are these still safe for human use?
I’ve been using vet grade b12 injections for years with no issues, but who knows with the Pentosan. I had a link to buy from Stan Efferding for it back in the day, let me see if I can dig it up.
Finally received from compounding pharmacy and started the pentosan this week. Over paid but was never able to get from veterinary source. Contacted MZ and was advised he cannot test that compound. Tried to order from Dash but had an address mismatch sent to me for remittance so decided to go compounding route. Time will tell if effective in my case. Please let me know if you have a good source. Thanks!
Update on effectiveness so far on PPS. I have been taking the medication for two weeks beginning 7/29 (injecting twice a week) so have had 4 injections. I am just blown away by my results so far. I have required ibuprofen and tylenol at night for decades due to pain disrupting sleep. I have cartilage damage on both shins, knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and now arthritis pain in my ankles. It has now been a full two weeks since I started the PPS and I am not taking any pain relievers at all and am sleeping well. Full disclosure: I have been taking GHK-CU with BPC-157 20mg/500mcg daily and AOD 300mcg daily since July 11. I had not noted any pain improvements from those but they may confound attribution of results.
Finally received from compounding pharmacy and started the pentosan this week. Over paid but was never able to get from veterinary source. Contacted MZ and was advised he cannot test that compound. Tried to order from Dash but had an address mismatch sent to me for remittance so decided to go compounding route. Time will tell if effective in my case. Please let me know if you have a good source. Thanks!
Did you have to get a prescription in order to get it from the pharmacy? Any chance you could share what the process was and possibly the pharmacy name if you ordered directly?

I got some from a compounding pharmacy as well awhile back, but had to have a doc send it in, so had to pay for the consult and the script. And yes, it was expensive for the amount I received.

It did help though, and I was doing a smaller dose - 125 mg 1x week.
Did you have to get a prescription in order to get it from the pharmacy? Any chance you could share what the process was and possibly the pharmacy name if you ordered directly?

I got some from a compounding pharmacy as well awhile back, but had to have a doc send it in, so had to pay for the consult and the script. And yes, it was expensive for the amount I received.

It did help though, and I was doing a smaller dose - 125 mg 1x week.
Hello Captain, Yes, a prescription is required. Home out of Denver. Super responsive office and helpful staff. I believe it was $79 for the consult. Need the consult and prescription to order the med. Pentosan Polysulfate I opted for the 2 vials for $450.
  • Pentosan Polysulfate 40mg/0.1mL Nasal 12mL
  • Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium 250mg/ml 5ml Vial (2mg/kg twice a week x 6 weeks)
  • 2 – Vials of 250mg/ml 5ml
  • A virtual appointment is required before this product can be shipped. Please call if you have questions
Best wishes!
Update on effectiveness so far on PPS. I have been taking the medication for two weeks beginning 7/29 (injecting twice a week) so have had 4 injections. I am just blown away by my results so far. I have required ibuprofen and tylenol at night for decades due to pain disrupting sleep. I have cartilage damage on both shins, knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and now arthritis pain in my ankles. It has now been a full two weeks since I started the PPS and I am not taking any pain relievers at all and am sleeping well. Full disclosure: I have been taking GHK-CU with BPC-157 20mg/500mcg daily and AOD 300mcg daily since July 11. I had not noted any pain improvements from those but they may confound attribution of results.
Are you injecting anywhere near an injured/bothersome site? Or just basic IM injection?
Hello, Does anyone know of a compounding pharmacy or source for PPS injection? Seems promising! Perhaps old news for some of you on this forum. I am trying to locate a reliable source; if you know of one I would appreciate the info! Thanks! Pentosan Polysulfate Affords Pleotropic Protection to Multiple Cells and Tissues - PubMed Treatment Effects of Subcutaneous Injections of Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium vs Placebo in Participants With Knee OA Pain - Full Text View -
there is study where PP have serious visual side efects
there is study where PP have serious visual side efects
That's true, but those people had consumed a couple thousand grams over several years. What we're talking about here are much shorter duration and only once a year, possibly twice.

This was from a 2018 study: "The unique pigmentary maculopathy presents on average after a cumulative exposure of 2263 g over 186 months. This would require 11k injections of 200 mg or 15.5 years of exposure[62]"

Not to say the evidence is wrong, but the applications are different. At least they were in my case. I did 125mg a week for a couple of months. And my knee reacted very well to the treatment.
From what I understand the maculopathy was related to prolonged oral intake. The recommendation here is for a 6 week course of SQ administration.