Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium for injection

Also using PPS at 2mg/kg bodyweight for 2 weeks so far. I initially injected into the joint space in my knee with a 20 gauge SLIN. There's clinical evidence that PPS has a high affinity for cartilage and while initially painful due to the Benzyl Alcohol, it quickly passes. Within a week, I had no knee joint pain, now switched to IM in the quads. Will run it IM at 2mg/kg for 4 more weeks and see how long until restart.
Also using PPS at 2mg/kg bodyweight for 2 weeks so far. I initially injected into the joint space in my knee with a 20 gauge SLIN. There's clinical evidence that PPS has a high affinity for cartilage and while initially painful due to the Benzyl Alcohol, it quickly passes. Within a week, I had no knee joint pain, now switched to IM in the quads. Will run it IM at 2mg/kg for 4 more weeks and see how long until restart.
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That's great! Can you please share where you were able to source the Pentorse? Or if you know of a legit source? Thanks
Also using PPS at 2mg/kg bodyweight for 2 weeks so far. I initially injected into the joint space in my knee with a 20 gauge SLIN. There's clinical evidence that PPS has a high affinity for cartilage and while initially painful due to the Benzyl Alcohol, it quickly passes. Within a week, I had no knee joint pain, now switched to IM in the quads. Will run it IM at 2mg/kg for 4 more weeks and see how long until restart.
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I’m curious like @SandyBeach as to where you were able to source it. The last time I got it was from a doc based in Chicago. It would be nice not to have to go that route again.
If anyone is wiling to share info on where to get this, I would appreciate it. I have a lot of trouble with my elbows after years of armwrestling and heavy lifting. I'd like to give this a try. No way I'm injecting into the joint like @C-Dale did though, I'm way too big a pussy for that. Sub-Q for me.

Email is if anyone is willing to share.
I didn't get an email from you? I don't know how to check PMs on this board if that's what you mean?
If you scroll to the top of this page and look next to your user name there is a letter or mail icon. Try clicking on it and see if it gives a message alert to open.