
Damn !! I go out of town for a few weeks and now theres so-called Pep problems ..... Getting ready to start another blast and got a shit load of Pep test prop (which I found zero floaters I might add) so here we go . Gonna add some Mast halfway thru so hopefully alls right with Pep . :D

Go Seahawks !!
Damn !! I go out of town for a few weeks and now theres so-called Pep problems ..... Getting ready to start another blast and got a shit load of Pep test prop (which I found zero floaters I might add) so here we go . Gonna add some Mast halfway thru so hopefully alls right with Pep . :D

Go Seahawks !!

I'm hoping things get cleared up so I can order from Pep for the first time..

Go Broncos :D
i know there are some issues with floaters and such but gotta add my experience too. emailed pep 2 DAYS ago because i will nervous about shipping and needed my gear ASAP. I got the fucker in the mail TODAY! I was hoping Monday at the earliest but apparently the mesorep took my concerns upstairs and they were acted upon immediately. I ordered test prop x 7, anavar, clomid, and letro. test and letro are red tops. Damnit i can't figue out how to paste this image but i'll keep working on it. All the test and letro are crystal clear, no floaters. One issue i had was i didn't get my 3 promo vials of prop but i'll hit up the rep and i'm sure we will get it worked out. Waiting for my pins... first shot is on Monday, will keep you posted. But in all fairness have to say that the customer service far exceed my expectations. Thank you mesorep for fast tracking me!

Click here

Post #8 explains posting pics.
Its really pointless for me to even post.... Just know I'll continue to bust my ass doing everything I can and have been doing. Those of you who want to hop on the pep bashing ban wagon, enjoy! I'll be here next week and next month and next year. I didn't get where I am now by acting like a little bitch and running away or shutting down every time an issue popped up. To those of you that continue to support me, thank you! To those of you that think im worthless, that's why there's free will! Go with whatever source your comfortable with. I pride myself in standing behind my customers and always trying to go above and beyond to make sure you know you're appreciated and that no matter what you'll be taken care of when dealing with me. That's one thing you can't change by posting either positively or negatively, because that's just how it is with me.

I'll be sure to post pics of the toilet and bath tub of the closest $25 a night motel bathroom to confirm that that's where I run my lab. Seriously?!?!?!?! I've seen so many posts from people over the months complaining about my gear, actually NO I havent! Maybe 1 in 30 or 40 new people post something negative and 9 times out of 10 they would wind up happy in the end. Maybe because I didn't just decide to start doing this a couple weeks ago???? Maybe because I've been doing this for years!!!!

So, am I done here, no! Sorry to dissapoint some of you. Will I respond to every little thing that's being posted, no! Like I said in the beginning its pointless because it would get buried so quick.

Im still open and im still here. You need so ething hit me up. If you hate me, then get it out of your system. Because im not going anywhere.
Its really pointless for me to even post.... Just know I'll continue to bust my ass doing everything I can and have been doing. Those of you who want to hop on the pep bashing ban wagon, enjoy! I'll be here next week and next month and next year. I didn't get where I am now by acting like a little bitch and running away or shutting down every time an issue popped up. To those of you that continue to support me, thank you! To those of you that think im worthless, that's why there's free will! Go with whatever source your comfortable with. I pride myself in standing behind my customers and always trying to go above and beyond to make sure you know you're appreciated and that no matter what you'll be taken care of when dealing with me. That's one thing you can't change by posting either positively or negatively, because that's just how it is with me.

I'll be sure to post pics of the toilet and bath tub of the closest $25 a night motel bathroom to confirm that that's where I run my lab. Seriously?!?!?!?! I've seen so many posts from people over the months complaining about my gear, actually NO I havent! Maybe 1 in 30 or 40 new people post something negative and 9 times out of 10 they would wind up happy in the end. Maybe because I didn't just decide to start doing this a couple weeks ago???? Maybe because I've been doing this for years!!!!

So, am I done here, no! Sorry to dissapoint some of you. Will I respond to every little thing that's being posted, no! Like I said in the beginning its pointless because it would get buried so quick.

Im still open and im still here. You need so ething hit me up. If you hate me, then get it out of your system. Because im not going anywhere.

If it is so pointless for you to post then why waste our time reading your bullshit.

So you sending out dirty fucking gear to your customers here is just a issue!!! You have been brewing for years??? It looks like you forgot how to brew. Why would you send that nasty shit out to your customers???? A eye exam is now required for you.

And yes you do act like a little bitch hiding behind your peprep and Kane and your cheerleaders. You never had to stand on your own here and answer the hard questions. You always have had someone holding your hand.

The fear and bashing doesn't come now pep. It comes later.

I URGE Meso members to stay away from this bathtub Brewer for their saftey.
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There it is again. Another previous praiser URGES you to avoid PEP. Really smooth move

I don't know how to take this post, tns? "Smooth move" on who's part?
Peprep, do you not see the cloudy gear and floaters
as a problem that should concern customers? I'm sure u do as logic would deem it so. You, in turn, should be concerned. This has been an issue before and it's returned. You guys handled it in a way that must have been satisfactory to customers because business returned to being brisk. So let's handle it now and get back to the good times.
Weathering the storm makes the good times that much sweeter, agreed?

i know right, shit hit the fan!
I don't know how to take this post, tns? "Smooth move" on who's part?
Peprep, do you not see the cloudy gear and floaters
as a problem that should concern customers? I'm sure u do as logic would deem it so. You, in turn, should be concerned. This has been an issue before and it's returned. You guys handled it in a way that must have been satisfactory to customers because business returned to being brisk. So let's handle it now and get back to the good times.
Weathering the storm makes the good times that much sweeter, agreed?

I agree with this. Yes this is bullshit but should he be trashed like this? No, give him a chance to make it right. It's underground gear. Shit happens. If he doesn't take it right then it's an issue.
And just an FYI. I never ordered from pep. Yes I was one of the ppl that won free gear. Will I be using it. No. Will I ask for new stuff? No also and not cuz of this issue just it was free so I didn't lose anything.
If he doesn't go down, he will certainly suffer on sales. His silence and lack of willingness to comply with a few questions is the most damaging. A source could recover from a bad batch however, lack of explanation and such will only work against them.

I have never ordered from PEP and now I never will. Sounds like my more expensive private source is the way to go for now.

i wouldn't mind paying more for something you know is of high quality. It seems like 1 ugl pops up after another. They will run good for a while then they fall off
i wouldn't mind paying more for something you know is of high quality. It seems like 1 ugl pops up after another. They will run good for a while then they fall off

Thats how the cookie crumbles. I've only been here a short time and I've witnessed many ugls pop up and fall (herc,Bio, STP) and trust me this won't be the end of this. It's a monotonous cycle that will continue forever. I'd pay big money for legit gear that I didn't have to second guess myself about. I'm sure those ugl's are out there, just have to find em!
Ok hopefully the picture posted. You can see there are no floaters in any of my test. I only got test prop so i don't know how much it assuages fears on the board, but my gear looks all good appearance wise, not poking until Monday, really looking forward to the Anavar since some bros on here said it was REAL for once (got burnt several times in the past). Not trying to shamelessly promote PEP, but I gotta say that it was literally the fastest turn around time I have ever experienced. When it was all said and done from the moment i sent WU to the moment it was on my door was less than 48 hours. That shit was impressive. I'll know the quality in a week or so and will post my opinion, but high honors for the customer service and t/a time


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Its really pointless for me to even post.... Just know I'll continue to bust my ass doing everything I can and have been doing. Those of you who want to hop on the pep bashing ban wagon, enjoy! I'll be here next week and next month and next year. I didn't get where I am now by acting like a little bitch and running away or shutting down every time an issue popped up. To those of you that continue to support me, thank you! To those of you that think im worthless, that's why there's free will! Go with whatever source your comfortable with. I pride myself in standing behind my customers and always trying to go above and beyond to make sure you know you're appreciated and that no matter what you'll be taken care of when dealing with me. That's one thing you can't change by posting either positively or negatively, because that's just how it is with me.

I'll be sure to post pics of the toilet and bath tub of the closest $25 a night motel bathroom to confirm that that's where I run my lab. Seriously?!?!?!?! I've seen so many posts from people over the months complaining about my gear, actually NO I havent! Maybe 1 in 30 or 40 new people post something negative and 9 times out of 10 they would wind up happy in the end. Maybe because I didn't just decide to start doing this a couple weeks ago???? Maybe because I've been doing this for years!!!!

So, am I done here, no! Sorry to dissapoint some of you. Will I respond to every little thing that's being posted, no! Like I said in the beginning its pointless because it would get buried so quick.

Im still open and im still here. You need so ething hit me up. If you hate me, then get it out of your system. Because im not going anywhere.

one post you could make that wouldn't be "a waste of time" would bre some pics of your brewing technique.
others have complied why not you :confused:
...and with your last few comments you've lost all sympathy or credibility I was trying to give you. I hope if you're for real that you get taken care of, but I really wish awful things on you; you ignorant racist fool.

I got my sympathy back now? Is Tao switch hittin dicks now that PEP is being revealed
I got my sympathy back now? Is Tao switch hittin dicks now that PEP is being revealed

Listen BB75/007/ whatever other handle you have. The only thing I switch hit was your mom's ass, puss, and mouth. You have no sympathy from me. People are mad at Pep and some accusations are legit, some are just anger. You though are just a racist piece of shit. You talk all this noise behind your keyboard but don't bring any proof. Did these other guys post pics? Yep, they did. Did you? Nope. Even if you do, you have fucked yourself. Now run along son, I need to get back to your mom

