
Stomps your a straight shooting real dude. Thanks for your honest opinion. I have to be honest I feel like a big asshole piece of shit. After I gave props to pep last night. Damn!!!!

I pinned a shit ton of peps test e and it hurt like a bitch. But never was infected like SF pic. Sorry SF, hope you get better man. Thank you for the picture!!

When is Kane coming on this thread? At some point we need to stop making up excuses for pep because we all like the dude. Tao I will never debate you or flame or any of that crap. I have too much respect for you. Number 4!!!

Apple Ijuice2 phone
This isn't itchy as of yet, just red, swollen, hurts like a bitch. Near the top of the shoulder where i actually injected is a hard lump.

Here is each arm for comparison..excuse my whiteness
photo 2b.jpg
photo 2.jpg
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Stomps your a straight shooting real dude. Thanks for your honest opinion. I have to be honest I feel like a big asshole piece of shit. After I gave props to pep last night. Damn!!!!

I pinned a shit ton of peps test e and it hurt like a bitch. But never was infected like SF pic. Sorry SF, hope you get better man. Thank you for the picture!!

When is Kane coming on this thread? At some point we need to stop making up excuses for pep because we all like the dude. Tao I will never debate you or flame or any of that crap. I have too much respect for you. Number 4!!!

Apple Ijuice2 phone

Thanks duck I appreciate that more then you know.
Also know it goes both ways and I in no way think your a piece of shit asshole.
Thanks SF.

Duck, I don't mind going back and forth about this. No one is going to turn into gearusing or dbolman so I know that it may get a little intense but for everyone's best interest. You shouldn't feel like an asshole for giving your opinion. That's what this place is about, giving opinions to better ourselves and help other
I am staying out of the rest of this Conversation. I am really pissed off!!!! Thanks stomps and Tao. Get better SF..

Apple Ijuice2 phone
1)Wash hands thoroughly
2) Lay out syringe, loading needle, pinning needle, gear, alc swabs
3)Sterilize top of vial
4)Put the loading needle on the syringe, draw out 1cc, cap it
5) Switch over to Pinning Needle
6)Sterilize injection site
7)Inject, about 1 minute in duration.

kind of a rudimentary rundown.
I havent read this whole thing...but I guess I oughta continue my review of his Tren A.
I pinned another 75 PIP from the first one..and none from this one.
Again--I sweat like a pig in the gym today. More so than the other two sources I got here.
Not that thats a sign of quality gear's gotta say something.
So far that's 3 floaters and one possible infection :eek:
I have kept my opinions to myself cause I wanted to see how things unfolded with pep but no more!
I believe his quality and sterility have gone to shit yet he still gets praised :confused:
We and when I say we I mean meso have ran out labs for the same exact reason yet pep gets a pass why.

pep I believe you should close shop till you can get these issues under control.
And don't worry I'm know some of the members are not going to like my post but its my opinion and I feel I wouldn't be a member worth a shit if I didn't say something as I consider some of these guys my friends. And I do not wanna see any meso member get hurt because no one wanted to say anything.

I never intended to join meso to rustle feathers, but I also came to contribute, so come what may.

You want this guy to shut down because of a few pieces of rubber and one guy who went to the er a day after his shot ? Before you get your pitchforks and mob ready, why don't you slow down and let things unfold.

For starters, I've read a couple of people mention this rubber floater "issue" already, and I'm starting to get annoyed by the bombastic reactions. If you've stabbed a bottle with a rubber stopper on it enough times, especially with an 18g needle to draw, you're going to end up with some rubber sooner or later. You can't really expect that shit to stay intact, can you? Stick around and do some cycles, you'll get some rubber. You know how you deal with it? You shoot it out, and fuck around with the vial until you get all the gear out you can with no rubber. You don't throw half the gd bottle away.

As far as this guy with the infection, assuming he actually had cellulitis; you can get cellulitis by breaking your skin period. Cellulitis is caused by your own skin's bacteria invading an open wound and causing inflammation. I don't want to make any negative assumptions or disparaging remarks about this guy's injection prep, but it's also not wise to jump the gun and immediately assume it's dirty gear.

Now, it could be dirty gear. I don't make it and I haven't tested it, so how do I know? What I do know, is that PIP is a relatively normal thing to occur when injecting any medication, be it anabolics or otherwise. Some ugl's are better than others as far as how much pip you get, some of these guys use different ratio's of ba/bb which affect that. IMO, as long as that muscle isn't too sore to work out the day of or day after, then you're gtg. If you have consistent pip that is unbearable, and lasts for days, then that could be a problem and you should probably discontinue. I had a batch from one ugl (not from meso) where I consistently had pip for 5-7 days, that for me was too much ( it also might have been an ethyl oleate allergy, mind you).

You need to all know and remember that getting an abscess is part of the risk, that shit can happen with the purest of medication. You are penetrating the organ of your body that protects you from infection. That's why it's important to practice aseptic techniques (sterile is not realistic in your house, know the difference) and recognize when pip goes beyond normal and into potential infection/abscess.

Again, I have no bias. This guy could have a legitimate claim, but recognize that it's pretty foolish to immediately jump to the conclusion that his gear was dirty and the lab must shutdown.
I've had extremely seasoned vets pin and have a similar reaction and continue never experiencing the same symptoms again. I used to brew my test e 1,000ml at a time, but now do 2,000ml per batch. So knowing there's 185+ other bottles from the same batch out there (im not stupid, I fill my bottles 10.5ml's that's why there's not 200....) should be some conciliation. Im extremely confident in my practices and know without a doubt my gear is sterile and of the highest quality.
1)Wash hands thoroughly
2) Lay out syringe, loading needle, pinning needle, gear, alc swabs
3)Sterilize top of vial
4)Put the loading needle on the syringe, draw out 1cc, cap it
5) Switch over to Pinning Needle
6)Sterilize injection site
7)Inject, about 1 minute in duration.

kind of a rudimentary rundown.

I think the personal protocol you use for injections is fine.

I also want to say it's good to see that you don't blast the injectable into the muscle. A lot of rookies don't know it, but if they stress out and inject to fast they can form a knot in there that will become an abscess later.

Good to see you don't go too slow and not too fast.

Good luck on your recovery soldier.
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SF, I'd like to know what you are going to do with it. I personally think it is from the ba/bb. I honestly think that if you give it a couple days that it will be fine but please don't let me dissuade you from doing what is best for you
Still unsure as to what I wanna do Tao. I think I will most likely try to pin again either tomorrow or friday in a different location, make sure technique is flawless, and go from there. If I have another flare up like this and it's what to expect each time, then there's no way I can continue on w/ this cycle, if all goes well..then i'll ride it out.
I never intended to join meso to rustle feathers, but I also came to contribute, so come what may.

You want this guy to shut down because of a few pieces of rubber and one guy who went to the er a day after his shot ? Before you get your pitchforks and mob ready, why don't you slow down and let things unfold.

For starters, I've read a couple of people mention this rubber floater "issue" already, and I'm starting to get annoyed by the bombastic reactions. If you've stabbed a bottle with a rubber stopper on it enough times, especially with an 18g needle to draw, you're going to end up with some rubber sooner or later. You can't really expect that shit to stay intact, can you? Stick around and do some cycles, you'll get some rubber. You know how you deal with it? You shoot it out, and fuck around with the vial until you get all the gear out you can with no rubber. You don't throw half the gd bottle away.

As far as this guy with the infection, assuming he actually had cellulitis; you can get cellulitis by breaking your skin period. Cellulitis is caused by your own skin's bacteria invading an open wound and causing inflammation. I don't want to make any negative assumptions or disparaging remarks about this guy's injection prep, but it's also not wise to jump the gun and immediately assume it's dirty gear.

Now, it could be dirty gear. I don't make it and I haven't tested it, so how do I know? What I do know, is that PIP is a relatively normal thing to occur when injecting any medication, be it anabolics or otherwise. Some ugl's are better than others as far as how much pip you get, some of these guys use different ratio's of ba/bb which affect that. IMO, as long as that muscle isn't too sore to work out the day of or day after, then you're gtg. If you have consistent pip that is unbearable, and lasts for days, then that could be a problem and you should probably discontinue. I had a batch from one ugl (not from meso) where I consistently had pip for 5-7 days, that for me was too much ( it also might have been an ethyl oleate allergy, mind you).

You need to all know and remember that getting an abscess is part of the risk, that shit can happen with the purest of medication. You are penetrating the organ of your body that protects you from infection. That's why it's important to practice aseptic techniques (sterile is not realistic in your house, know the difference) and recognize when pip goes beyond normal and into potential infection/abscess.

Again, I have no bias. This guy could have a legitimate claim, but recognize that it's pretty foolish to immediately jump to the conclusion that his gear was dirty and the lab must shutdown.

Are you kidding me.
I will address your comments that I bolded
1st thing I did wait and let things unfold I put that in my first post about all this.

2nd two of the people with floaters the vials were unopened and unused. Also duck pulled his out and I don't believe his was a stopper. I also don't believe the other guys was a stopper either I linked his thread in a couple post before this one.

3rd who the fuck are you yo tell me to stick around and cycle I have been here for years and know what the fuck I'm doing.

As far as the infection I have said my piece on that.

I said my piece about pep and that's all I can do people can do what they wish with it.
Sf, no worries bro I had something similar happened to me but on my bum. It went away in about 2-3 days. Maybe too close to a vein or nerve?

P.s to be clear it wasn't with peps gear.
reply to SF
My very first pin of PEP's gear was his test enth 500 1ml in my glute.. Same thing happened with me weirdest bright red for two days and the pip sucked... but it all went away no infection. So I cut back to .5ml pep test 500 and cut with some decca and warmed that shit up no problems since.. I have pinned his sust, prop, 300 enth and 500 enth in delts and glutes with no problem I hate pinning delts though and always get a little sore in my left delt.. i have a hard time reaching and squirm too much (tren ace one time in delt no pip but killed my cardio for the day at .5ml legit stuff 8]) if your symptoms clear up like mine did within 4-5 days give er another whack heh try cutting with something, warming up oil, etc.. seems to work for me and many others. ill gladly take any unused product you feel the need to discard hehe


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