PHARMA ONLY - Pharmasource

I think you shouldnt post this amount of parcel tracking on an open forum.
Of course you deface a lot of the sceenshots but i think its not a good idea.
If anyone has issues he should contact you in privat. Of course everyone should post his expiriance but everyone should know thats not amazon
Ah, that explains it then, my gear was sent to some random French guy by mistake

mate, consensus seems to be you’re an honest sort, so no need for defensive posts showing selectively chosen tracking histories - I’m sure theres no issues with many/most deliveries, but it might be worth at least looking into why there seems to be a problem with some of them, rather than just stating “No issues”
I also like and trust this guy but 32 days and it hasn’t even landed in the states yet .., how is that happening ? I could walked and gotten it already.
Lol show us the other geno Pen you received.
I don’t send each geno in separate box(if not asked to do that) due packages get unnecesery big.
The guy is mad because he ordered nebido which i told him is stupid to pay so much for testosterone. On the next Day wanted to replace nebido with more geno which i did not do for him. He Also send 15$ less payment which i let it slide, though the guy need these products for real medical reasons and maybe short on cash.
After that he was notified by courier to pick his package, but in the meantime he was sending me mails to reship his order because he did not received it. Last attempt to scam was he told me there is no nebido in his package. Now nebido is there but geno is fake.
I don’t see anything wrong? The dial starts at 0.3 and its etched on, not a sticker. The box also says Almanya which all of the pens from Turkish pharmacies have. Mine look identical.
hes talking about the PAA number but i assume he got more than one pen as @PHARMAonly said and switched them out to make it look like its fake.
Poor guy.
Lol show us the other geno Pen you received.
I don’t send each geno in separate box(if not asked to do that) due packages get unnecesery big.
The guy is mad because he ordered nebido which i told him is stupid to pay so much for testosterone. On the next Day wanted to replace nebido with more geno which i did not do for him. He Also send 15$ less payment which i let it slide, though the guy need these products for real medical reasons and maybe short on cash.
After that he was notified by courier to pick his package, but in the meantime he was sending me mails to reship his order because he did not received it. Last attempt to scam was he told me there is no nebido in his package. Now nebido is there but geno is fake.
I only ordered 1 pen from you. The box and pen numbers don't match. The only reason why I said I wanted 2 Geno pens was because you said to me that you don't have nebido in stock and I couldn't wait any longer.
Why don’t you clarify that the box of geno was not sealed and the nebido vial was inside? Its not like you opened sealed box and the code on it not matching the Pen.
Why don’t you clarify that the box of geno was not sealed and the nebido vial was inside? Its not like you opened sealed box and the code on it not matching the Pen.
I clarify that the nebido was inside the geno box after I checked, but that doesn'tn
explain the fake Geno pen?