Pharmaceutical Process for Testosterone Enanthate

I will begin brewing pretty much everything around 130F. Only thing I will be brewing in the future is Test D, Tren E and Deca.
I can't remember I'll have to check my book but I think I brew @165f for everything but Tren.

When I find that melting point list I'll send it to you. I'm at work right now but it's a valuable resource that is worth having.
So I pinned the painful Test E that I reheated at 270F for 30 minutes.
0.5ml into right delt last night.
Pip is about 75% down, and swelling is minimized.
Mixing 1ml of the 270F Test E with 1.2ml Deca in same syringe and pinning left glute tonight.
It should be minimum pip, minimum swelling, very tolerable.
Then in 3 or 4 weeks I will schedule some bloodwork to make sure it still has potency, and that 270F didn't degrade the hormone.

If I end up with Deca Dick before then, we'll that means the Test has for sure lost potency.
If this cooked Test E is tolerable I am running
900 Test E, 720 Deca.
12.5mg Aromasin E7D,
20mg Nolva E4D
0.1mg Prami E4D
10mg Cialis ED

Gonna be about 2 or 3 weeks before I even order Test D.

Will post pic of Painful Test E not cooked(clear), one that was 230F for 30m(yellowish tint), and final one that was 270F for 30m(more yellow, almost Tren E yellow).
Left: 230F for 30min. Same horrible PIP no change. Same as Middle vial.

Middle: Uncooked painful Test E, pip and swelling with follow up redness.

Right: 270F for 30min. 75% less pip(slightly more pip than painless, not really any swelling)
Update: so with Test E cooked at 270F 30 minutes, I pinned 0.5ml into the right delt 3 days ago, then next day not much pip or swelling.
So I pin 1.1ml Test E and 1.2ml Deca mixed in. (Deca is painless) into left glute.
Then later in the day I begin to get redness all around the delt, that has now extended around to my bicep. Not painful. I believe it may be a thing called "BB Travel" as I have seen it called in the past. I got it on my Quad once. Where swelling and redness ended up above my kneecap, far from pin site.

However, the glute injection mixed with deca, no pip, no swelling, no redness.

So possibly a bad delt pin.
Have you ever pinned Tren Ace in your delt, and as your pushing in the stopper to expel the tren ace into your delt, you literally have a flame shoot through your entire arm that you abort mission, and the pain takes like 30 seconds to subside, and your eyes are watery....??? Your left drained of energy,, and lost as to what the hell just happened? Well it happened twice to me. Same thing with the redness.
However when I pinned the Test E, my arm didn't catch fire this time. Just left with the redness.
So maybe a fluke, because my ass is fine, no problems there, or maybe it's because it was cut/mixed with the deca in the same syringe.

Either way, so it's fine with the Deca mixed in, which is how I'm pinning it anyway.

Now just to see if I destroyed or degraded the hormone in about 4 weeks when I get extended scale blood work. Since I still can't find degradation/decomposition temperature anywhere. No where in patents filed by companies that provide it through prescription either. Like is that something learned on the job?
My guess is that it's in a textbook somewhere.
Update: so with Test E cooked at 270F 30 minutes, I pinned 0.5ml into the right delt 3 days ago, then next day not much pip or swelling.
So I pin 1.1ml Test E and 1.2ml Deca mixed in. (Deca is painless) into left glute.
Then later in the day I begin to get redness all around the delt, that has now extended around to my bicep. Not painful. I believe it may be a thing called "BB Travel" as I have seen it called in the past. I got it on my Quad once. Where swelling and redness ended up above my kneecap, far from pin site.

However, the glute injection mixed with deca, no pip, no swelling, no redness.

So possibly a bad delt pin.
Have you ever pinned Tren Ace in your delt, and as your pushing in the stopper to expel the tren ace into your delt, you literally have a flame shoot through your entire arm that you abort mission, and the pain takes like 30 seconds to subside, and your eyes are watery....??? Your left drained of energy,, and lost as to what the hell just happened? Well it happened twice to me. Same thing with the redness.
However when I pinned the Test E, my arm didn't catch fire this time. Just left with the redness.
So maybe a fluke, because my ass is fine, no problems there, or maybe it's because it was cut/mixed with the deca in the same syringe.

Either way, so it's fine with the Deca mixed in, which is how I'm pinning it anyway.

Now just to see if I destroyed or degraded the hormone in about 4 weeks when I get extended scale blood work. Since I still can't find degradation/decomposition temperature anywhere. No where in patents filed by companies that provide it through prescription either. Like is that something learned on the job?
My guess is that it's in a textbook somewhere.
I've had sharp pain from time to time on delt or glite bit it's def from hitting like a nerve..
There's so much going on woth.your gear and then pin reactions this is hard to understand or diagnose for me honestly. I've only had some teste last year that was pippy. 2 vials of test e 300.. would be sore the next day for a few days on.. not too bad..
Me personally I would either send out a same for testing and /or Chuck it and either try a new source or re order a batch.. maybe abandon test e completely.. I like test e ..idky it was my first injection years ago and I've always enjoyed it..
Sucks man.. wish we knew exactly what was wrong woth the raws you have..
Right Quad: Pinned 270F cooked TE 0.3mL(90mg) and Deca 0.2mL(60mg)
Let's see what happens with that ratio.
25G on 3ml barrel. I ran out of 1ml barrels/syringe and have 100 on the way.

My quads get slight soreness even with painless gear. I'm looking for swelling and redness really. Some pip would be expected.

1.1TE with 1.2D was painless no swelling or redness in glute. So 1:1 ratio would be painless.
I believe the TE alone would be pip with swelling.
If this Quad pin has no swelling and redness, will attempt 0.5ml TE only Left Quad.
I feel the right delt pin that had redness, mild swelling with 0.5ml TE may have been a bad pin overall. Used 1in 27G, but with 3mL barrel, some shaking because large barrel size small needle size harder to expel.

The End state is just me attempting to mix this painful uncooked Test E with Test D at a certain ratio to smooth it out. Which this Test E mix will be further mixed with Deca or Tren E in same syringe.
However won't have Test D for 6 weeks.

So for now sine Painful TE alone, attempting 270F for 30min. Then bloodwork in 4 weeks to see if hormone survived the apocalyptical temp at all. At time of bloodwork, I will be pinning 900mg TE and 720 Deca.

I know it's painless mixed with Deca at around 1:1. New Cooked TE only experiment tomorrow in Left Quad as long as right Quad turns out fine.

This may be confusing for some. But there is a method to my madness. I am trying to prevent Test Flu symptoms so I don't want a bunch of painful swelling pins that my body is dealing with... because I will get Flu symptoms for a couple hours. Fever, then cold sweats, gone after sleeping it off.
I take 500mg Acetaminophen and an antiviral because my defenses will be down and I may end up with fever blister on lip. Been doing this for awhile, so I know possible reactions.
I have an antiviral that I take at onset of sensitive tingle in lips, which is usually if I get sick with bad cold during the year. Fever Blister, or Herpes Simplex can come to surface when body is fighting stuff, and immune system. compromised.

I also have ADHD which I why I ramble even in text lol
So Quad got swollen and red. Some issue walking around. My quads are bitches anyway. Though they have been a pin cushion before when I was running 100mg ED Tren A.

Anyway, so pinned right glute with 1.3ml (390mg) Cooked Test E, and only 1ml (300mg Deca). Swollen and painful to touch.

So it seems. The cook 270F Test E is only painless, with no swelling, as long as it's cut with other gear at a little over 1:1 ratio.

So I will load 1.2ml(360mg) Test, 1ml Deca(300mg) 0.5ml(100mg)Tren E.
The Tren E is merely So I pin more Test than Deca.

Once I get my Test Decanoate, I will mix 8ml Test D, with 3ml of painful Test E. This should smooth it out as I mentioned.

I beleive the fact of the matter is that painful Test E, if it had been brewed at 200mg/ml, it would be more tolerable. But who wants to do that?

My Test D will still be 300mg/ml, but I will have a batch of 400mg/ml, for running 800mg/week

I'm all about putting D in my butt now, Test D. Lol
So Quad got swollen and red. Some issue walking around. My quads are bitches anyway. Though they have been a pin cushion before when I was running 100mg ED Tren A.

Anyway, so pinned right glute with 1.3ml (390mg) Cooked Test E, and only 1ml (300mg Deca). Swollen and painful to touch.

So it seems. The cook 270F Test E is only painless, with no swelling, as long as it's cut with other gear at a little over 1:1 ratio.

So I will load 1.2ml(360mg) Test, 1ml Deca(300mg) 0.5ml(100mg)Tren E.
The Tren E is merely So I pin more Test than Deca.

Once I get my Test Decanoate, I will mix 8ml Test D, with 3ml of painful Test E. This should smooth it out as I mentioned.

I beleive the fact of the matter is that painful Test E, if it had been brewed at 200mg/ml, it would be more tolerable. But who wants to do that?

My Test D will still be 300mg/ml, but I will have a batch of 400mg/ml, for running 800mg/week

I'm all about putting D in my butt now, Test D. Lol
I had a feeling D jokes were coming lol.

You have more patience than I do.

I hope you're find the answers you're looking for. I've kinda given up on a Test E even tho I have some extra I could try running experiments on myself but my hotplate died and I don't have $250 to pony up for a good one and I'm not about to brew in water on my stove and risk moisture.

Can't find an accurate and inexpensive temperature regulated coffee cup warmer on Amazon or I would try that. I know I can pick one up for like 30 bucks or 60 bucks for a new hot plate but I don't want to keep dumping money into junk. There's some really decent ones I just don't have the extra $200 to blow. I'll try and swing an extra few hours and cave in before the end of the month.
Now just to see if I destroyed or degraded the hormone in about 4 weeks when I get extended scale blood work. Since I still can't find degradation/decomposition temperature anywhere. No where in patents filed by companies that provide it through prescription either. Like is that something learned on the job?
My guess is that it's in a textbook somewhere.

I had the same problem as yours. Did you do the blood test?


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